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Climatograms That Define a Biome By: Lori Chen Marie Patrick.

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2 Climatograms That Define a Biome By: Lori Chen Marie Patrick

3 Key Terms Biome n biotic community n dominant plants and animals n unique climate Biomes of the World

4 BIOMES n Tundra n Coniferous Forest n Deciduous Forest n Desert n Grassland n Rainforest

5 Key Terms Climatogram n graph n shows a biomes monthly temperature n and precipitation data n in a single year

6 Key Term Abiotic Factors Physical or NONLIVING component of an ecosystem Rocks, Sand, Cliffs Snow, Rain, Hail Wind Sun, Heat, Cold

7 n Permafrost (permanent layer of frost) n Little rain or snowfall n Least diverse biome n Flat terrain n Constant low temperature Tundra

8 Coniferous Forest (TAIGA) n Spruce and Fir Trees (Cone Plants) n Mosses, lichens, small shrubs n Winter snowfall n Short, warm summer days n Snow completely thaws

9 Deciduous Forest n Distinct 4 seasons n Trees lose leaves in the Fall n Richest Soil n Oaks, Maple, Hickory, Chestnut n Abundant snow and rainfall n Squirrels, Deer, Birds, Fox, Skunk

10 Desert n Extreme temperatures n Little precipitation n Poor, dry conditions n Thorny plants, cacti n Rodents, insects, reptiles, camels

11 Grassland n Tall, Mixed or Short grass n Deep, porous soil n Low-medium precipitation n Wolves, grasshoppers, jackrabbits, badgers, rattlesnakes, birds, n Low winter temperatures

12 Rainforest n Most Diverse n Minimal season variation n Rainfall, Humidity, Precipitation High n Vegetation is dense n Broad leafed plants n Insects, fungi, monkeys, birds, frogs

13 Purpose of Lab n Graph data of temperature and precipitation n Compare biomes n Analyze San Diego biome data n Analyze a set of unknown data

14 Climatogram Chaparral cm cm C°

15 Steps to do the Lab ¬Graph the San Diego data on graphing paper ­Use Microsoft Excell to do steps a~d (on page 601) Graph your assigned Unknown from page 601 ( a-l ) ¯Study your graph and label the appropriate biome it belongs too

16 How to use Excell ¬ Turn on the power of the computer ­ Move the mouse to Start and click one time, holding the button down ® Drag the mouse to Programs, then over to Microsoft Excel and release ¯ You are in Microsoft Excel

17 Making a Data Table 1. Type the initials of the months in the first column 2. Type in the monthly precipitation in the second column 3. Type in the monthly temperature in the third column Example of Data Table

18 Graphing Your Data (1) 1. Select all of the data and hit the chart wizard icon 2. Click on the Custom Types tag 3. Select the Line-column on Two Axes 4. Click next twice 5. Select no legend and type in the necessary info. 6.Click finish

19 Graphing Your Data (2) 1. Double click on the left Y axis bar and under Scale put in the following values: Minimum: 0 Major unit: 2 Maximum: 36Minor unit: 1 2. Double click on the right Y axis bar and under Scale put in the following values: Minimum: -36Major unit: 4 Maximum: 36Minor unit: 1

20 REFERENCES n Islas Semester II - Biology Instruction Packet (IP) n Biological Science - An Ecological Approach - SEVENTH EDITION (textbook) n Microsoft Encarta 98 Encyclopedia n Microsoft Excel

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