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Good work design for young workers 28 May 2015. Melanie Stojanovic Industry Manager WorkCover Queensland Meet your moderator.

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Presentation on theme: "Good work design for young workers 28 May 2015. Melanie Stojanovic Industry Manager WorkCover Queensland Meet your moderator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good work design for young workers 28 May 2015

2 Melanie Stojanovic Industry Manager WorkCover Queensland Meet your moderator

3 How to interact today Select audio on the control panel to change between computer audio and telephone. Click on the red button to hide and unhide the panel. Type your comments and questions here. Your comments and questions will appear here throughout the webinar.

4 After the webinar Webinar recording and presentation will be on in the coming days If we don’t get to all of your questions, we will collect them and publish answers on our website afterwards So we can continually improve our level of service, we would appreciate you completing a short survey at the end of the webinar

5 Elliot Parkinson Principal Advisor, Leadership and Culture Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Meet your presenters Joe Meissner Work Health, Safety & Wellbeing Manager Seqwater

6 Industry snapshot

7 Good work design for young workers Elliot Parkinson Principal Advisor, Leadership and Culture Workplace Health and Safety Queensland





12 What is the issue?


14 Who should be involved?




18 Organisational values Leadership Consultation and communication Induction and training Supervision and feedback Social support and mentoring Risk profile Peer influence Risk-taking Risk management capability Education and training programs Work experience Our approach

19 Mind and body WHSQ’s role is to raise awareness Risk profile o Inexperience o Development (physical, social, intellectual) o Generational Peer influence Risk-taking Mind and body

20 Education and learning Risk management capability Education and training programs Work experience WHSQ’s role is to promote WHS training Education and learning

21 Work design Induction and training Supervision and feedback Support and mentoring WHSQ’s role is to ensure effective risk management

22 Workplace culture Organisational values Leadership Consultation and communication WHSQ’s role is to influence industry culture

23 Call to action Take-away messages: 1.Start a conversation with supervisors and managers 2.Design good work, starting with: induction and training supervision and feedback support and mentoring 3.Create a supportive workplace culture 4.Share your insights and experiences, and learn from others

24 Resources FILM - The right start: Building safe work for young workers TOOLKIT – Supporting young workers to stay safe at work (COMING SOON) ENGAGEMENT – Express your interest in working with us on a pilot program If you have a good example to share, or if you would like to express interest in working with us on a pilot program, please email



27 Resources FILM - The right start: Building safe work for young workers TOOLKIT – Supporting young workers to stay safe at work (COMING SOON) ENGAGEMENT – Express your interest in working with us on a pilot program If you have a good example to share, or if you would like to express interest in working with us on a pilot program, please email

28 Join Safety Leadership at Work This webinar was brought to you as part of the Safety Leadership at Work Program: – events – safety leader profiles – tools and resources – digital resources (webinars, films, online benchmarking) To join Safety Leadership at Work, please email

29 Empowering Our Future Joseph Meissner, Manager Work Health and Safety

30 Our Incident

31 Solenoid Coil & Plug.

32 Our ‘Noisy Fix’ #4040 PRISM Brain Mapping

33 Young Workers – Realisation of the Risks 2012 - “There's no such thing as ‘an apprentice’ when it comes to safety” 2014 - “Empowering Our Future”

34 Youth Worker Day – Empowering Our Future




38 Single Performance Metric In 2013 LTIFR = 11.1

39 New Performance Metrics

40 Culture and Behaviour Program




44 Due Diligence PRISM Brain Mapping

45 Management Commitment

46 On a personal note….. “Receiving the electric shock has changed my life….” “… the changes that have been made within Seqwater as a result of the incident have been pleasing to observe, and of which I am proud to have been a part of.” Yours sincerely, Sam

47 Q&A Submit your questions

48 More information The webinar recording and presentation slides will be available at in the coming weeks. Young worker ‘mind and body’ webinar on Thursday, 9 July from 12-1pm. Registrations will be available through the Events section on our website –

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