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CIMNE International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering Public RTD Cecilia Soriano - RTD Manager SC7 TOPIC - DRS-7-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "CIMNE International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering Public RTD Cecilia Soriano - RTD Manager SC7 TOPIC - DRS-7-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIMNE International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering Public RTD Cecilia Soriano - RTD Manager Email: SC7 TOPIC - DRS-7-2014 (DRS9??) Crisis and disaster resilience - operationalizing resilience concepts

2 Cecilia Soriano - RTD Manager Email: Assessment, risk prediction or mitigation plans for different physical phenomena are sometimes similar and other are specific. Purpose: Promote good practices (guide) Share best action for effective implementation Avoid potential contradictions of regulations Identify axes for new development Methodology: Analyze European recent hazard events (flooding, severe weather, earthquakes, slides, accidents…) Quantify resilience from different points of view (damages, loss, economic cost..) Consider resilience in risk scenario Apply risk and resilience methodology to specific case studies Project Idea: Development of Adaptation/Prevention Plans for multi-hazard risk-prone areas (cities) geographical areas: coastal, mountain… economic strategic activity: civil infrastr., cities, industrial areas

3 Several EU RTDs leaders in risk/resilience assessment Relevant stakeholders Telecommunications… Vulnerability and risk studies (holistic risk approach) Development and use of indicators &indices, Probabilistic modeling of hazards Development of urban risk scenarios Economic evaluations for risk transfer and financial protection Management of uncertainties by means of Monte Carlo tests Decision Support Systems (DSS) Integration of data from wireless sensors networks/ multi-origin The Consortium Expertise & contribution We would like to add… Cecilia Soriano - RTD Manager Email: Experts in climate change scenarios Community/society resilience Other RTD members with commitment from relevant end-users in new pilot sites …. Involved in FP7 EC Projects SERGISAI, VAB, RISK-UE, RAMFLOOD, LESSLOSS, DESURBS and MOVE CIMNE participates in important projects in the field of disaster risk evaluation and management funded by the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction of United Nations (UN-ISDR).

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