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ESL 100 Place-Based Project Cary Torres Nicole Otero Yoneko Kanaoka.

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Presentation on theme: "ESL 100 Place-Based Project Cary Torres Nicole Otero Yoneko Kanaoka."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESL 100 Place-Based Project Cary Torres Nicole Otero Yoneko Kanaoka

2  Students = non-native speakers of English -international students -immigrants / Generation 1.5 students ESL 100 focuses on critical reading and expository college-level writing within a framework designed for non-native speakers of English. ESL 100 Composition 1 for Non-Native Speakers

3  Course theme = Education  Guiding Research Question = What are the best innovations for educational reform in the U.S.?  Modular approach ESL 100 Composition 1 for Non-Native Speakers

4  Course theme = Education  Guiding Research Question = What are the best innovations for educational reform in the U.S.?  Modular approach ESL 100 Composition 1 for Non-Native Speakers

5  Course theme = Education  Guiding Research Question = What does success mean for you and how do you plan to achieve it?  Modular approach - 4 modules ESL 100 Composition 1 for Non-Native Speakers

6 Course Introduction Setting “the course” for the journey  Star compass  Share our own story/journey with our students ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

7 Module 1 Self and Place – How does where you are from and what you value shape where you are going?  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts  In-class writing: Reflection on how your culture and place has influenced your educational experience  Data Collection: interview a family member  Module materials: 1.Article- Hawaiian Legend 2.Movie – The Ride; The Haumana  Module Paper: How does where your from and what you have done in your life connect you to your place in Hawai’i? ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

8 Module 2 Growth Mindset – How can you use your culture and cultural resources to develop yourself?  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts  In-class writing: Reflection on your own mindset, willpower, and persistence  Data Collection: Student Panel and/or Survey  Module materials: 1.Articles – “You Can Grow Your Brain”; “Willpower – it’s all in your head” 2.2) Movie – Soul Surfer  Module Paper: Under Construction (ideas?) ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

9 Module 3 Student, Teacher, and Community Engagement  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts  In-class writing: Describe how you participate in your school and community  Data Collection: Students survey each other; field trip to Malama Hawai’i garden  Module materials: 1.Articles – “Carving a Future”; “Student Engagement” 2.Movie – Princess Ka’iulani (?) Module Paper: What can you do now to increase your engagement in school and the community? ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

10 Module 4 Career Success  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts  In-class writing Describe your dream career  Data Collection: Students interview an expert in their career/major; Guest speaker from an industry  Module materials: 1.Research Experience – annotated bibliography of 3-5 articles related to their dream career 2.News clip or documentary about Barack Obama  Module Paper: What does success mean for you and how do you plan to achieve it? ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

11 Final Poster  What are the requirements for the job you hope to have in the future?  How will you meet those requirements of that job?  How will you use your position in that job to give back to the community? ESL 100 Place-Based Curriculum

12  Students = non-native speakers of English -international students -immigrants / Generation 1.5 students -Kaimuki High School ESL students ESOL 94 focuses on critical reading and expository college-level writing within a framework designed for non-native speakers of English. ESOL 94 (S?)

13  Course theme = The Environment  Textbook – Making Connections  5 Academic articles related to the environment ESOL 94 (S?)

14  Course theme = The Environment  Textbook – Making Connections  5 Academic articles related to the environment ESOL 94 (S?)

15  Course theme = The Environment  Textbook – Making Connections  5 Academic articles related to the environment  Guiding Research Question = What is your responsibility to the environment and what can you and the rest of the community do to reduce your ecological footprints?  Modular approach  Water & Land ESOL 94 (S?)

16 Water - What is the water crisis and what can be done to work towards more sustainable water resources. Module 1 Fresh Water  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts?  Article: The Water Crisis  What are some of the causes of the water crisis and how is it impacting the environment?  Movie: Tapped  What is the impact of the bottled water industry on fresh water and what can individuals do to contribute to a solution?  Data Collection: Recycling activity/ experience  Module Paper Describe a plan to improve recycling in Hawi‘i and persuade the reader that your plan is the best plan and should be followed. ESOL 94 (S?)

17 Water - What is the water crisis and what can be done to work towards more sustainable water resources. Module 2 Ocean  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts?  Article: Eco-Tourism – a model of responsibility (ideas?)  What are some of the causes for and impacts of irresponsible tourism?  Movie: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch  What is the impact of the great pacific garbage patch on the ocean and what can individuals do in their daily lives to keep the situation from getting worse?  Data Collection: Beach Clean UP  Module Paper: Brochure to Inform the community about beach clean up ESOL 94 (S?)

18  Land- What are some of the environmental problems occurring on land and what can be done to work towards more sustainable use of the land – malama ‘aina? Module 3 Farming Practices  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts?  Article: The Aral Sea (ideas?)  Movie: Ingredients Hawai‘i; Food Inc.  What are some problems of unsustainable farming practices and how are people in Hawaii working to solve those problems through supporting local food production and use?  Data Collection: KCC Culinary School Visit?  Module Paper: Why is it important to support local farmers and eat locally grown and produced foods ( and use locally produced products). ESOL 94 (S?)

19  Land- What are some of the environmental problems occurring on land and what can be done to work towards more sustainable use of the land – malama ‘aina? Module 4 Local Plants  Webquest: Guided online research to preview the concepts?  Article: History of plants native to and brought to Hawai‘i (ideas?)  Movie: Ideas?  Why did the Hawaiians choose those plants and how did they influence their lives in the past and today?  Data Collection: KCC Campus tour; KCC Hawaiian Garden  Module Paper: How do you impact the environment positively and negatively and how does the environment in Hawaii impact you? ESOL 94 (S?)

20 Final Reflection Paper  What is your responsibility to the environment and what can you and the rest of the community do to reduce your ecological footprints? ESOL 94 (S?)

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