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INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN SOCIOBIOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY Wayne M. Lawton Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore 2.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN SOCIOBIOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY Wayne M. Lawton Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION IN SOCIOBIOLOGY AND EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY Wayne M. Lawton Department of Mathematics National University of Singapore 2 Science Drive 2 Singapore 117543 Email Tel (65) 874-2749

2 COSMIC QUESTIONS Human nature ? If natural selection governs evolution, why do people behave so crazy ? How did life start ? Did metabolism or replicating molecules come first ? Why so much diversity ? What came first ? ‘The chicken is only an egg’s way of making another egg’ - Samuel Butler. Tutorial Question 1. Give 12 examples of crazy ?

3 EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY and The merger of these two sciences has ‘transformed psychology from a vague set of unclear ideas into a true science’ – [4, page 4] COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY Tutorial Question 2. Define the two bold words.

4 PSYCHOLOGY Folk Psychology – beliefs and desires explain human behaviors Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) TUTORIAL PROBLEM 3. What’s bigger 7/13 or 8/15 ? How is thinking = computing ? How has modern neural science closed the gap between mind and brain ? Behaviorism – external stimuli cause response behavior J. B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) Computer Science – software for information processing Alan Turing (1912-1954) Cognitive Psychology – mind = software that runs on brain hardware

5 BIOLOGY Folk Biology – creation myths, life exhibits ordered complexity that requires design – clearly the work of higher conciousness TUTORIAL PROBLEM 5. How much evolution happened in the last 100 thousand years ? What supports the ‘out of Africa’ theory ? Evolution – all life descended from a common ancestor [2], [3] that lived 4 billion years agofirst cells 3.5 years ago multicellular organisms 600 million ya land-dwelling organisms 500 million ya primates 55 million ya humans split from chimpanzees 6 million ya humans migrate out of Africa 100 thousand ya

6 EVOLUTION PRINCIPLES Heredity and Mutation – both explained genes and provides TUTORIAL PROBLEM 7. What is the computer method called ‘genetic algorithms’ and how is it being applied ? Adaptation and Natural Selection – that appears like design but which operates ‘simply by accumulating a series of random arguments’ – [4, p 30] Example: evolution of the human eye [4, p 27-29] Example: early evolution and the origin of life [3]

7 MENTAL MODULES Noam Chomsky’s work on language acquisition and David Marr’s work in vision showed complex mental structures or modules that required evolutionary development Adaptation is required to respond to the social as well as the physical environment since reproductive success requires avoiding predators eating the right food forming alliances and friends providing help to children and other relatives reading other peoples minds selecting mates communicating with other peoples

8 DETECTING PREDATORS An organism can not spread its genes if it is eaten TUTORIAL PROBLEM 8. Accurate detection requires a large quantity of information to be communicated between the senses, within the brain (where it is processed) and to the muscles. Biological channels have small bandwidth and large noise. Use Hartley’s formula to explain why fast detection gives many false alarms. There is a trade off between false alarm and slow detection The American neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux showed that the emotion of fear has two neural mechanisms – one quick and not very accurate and the other accurate and slower [4, p 55]

9 LYING AND TACTICAL DECEPTION ‘Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of sense to know how to lie’ – Samuel Butler TUTORIAL PROBLEM 9. How do children < 4.5 years answer ? Why are children < 4.5 years incapable of lying ? The Sally Ann Test [4, page 93] A child is shown a short scene featuring two dolls – Sally and Ann Sally puts sweets under a cushion and leaves the room Ann takes the sweets and puts them in her pocket Sally comes back into the room The psychologist asks the child ‘where does Sally look for the sweets’

10 REFERENCES [6] Edward Wilson, “Sociobiology, The New Synthesis”, Harvard University Press, 1975. [4] Dylan Evans and Oscar Zarate, “Introducing Evolutionary Psychology”, ICON Books, UK, 1999. [2] Charles Darwin, “The Origin of Species”, Penguin, UK, 1968 [3] Freeman Dyson, “Origins of Life,” 2 nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999. [5] Angus Gellatlyand Oscar Zarate, “Introducing Mind & Brain”, ICON Books, UK, 1999. [1] Luca Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi,, and Alberta Piazza, “The History and Geography of Human Genes”, Princeton University Press, 1994.

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