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Festival 2012 Denver. Performance Venues Festival Village Housing and Registration Timing Schedule Performance Options.

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Presentation on theme: "Festival 2012 Denver. Performance Venues Festival Village Housing and Registration Timing Schedule Performance Options."— Presentation transcript:

1 Festival 2012 Denver

2 Performance Venues Festival Village Housing and Registration Timing Schedule Performance Options

3 Denver Performing Arts ComplexDenver Performing Arts Complex

4 Boettcher Concert Hall – 2,700 Seats

5 Buell Theater – 2,884 seats

6 Ellie Caulkins Opera House – 2,225 seats

7 Festival Village Layout

8 Housing and Registration Planning Chorus/ensemble registration will open ~ March 2011 Early delegate registration will open ~ June 2011 All delegate registration will be online; no paper registrations All scholarship decisions will be made by the choruses Housing will open ~ January 2012 Housing will be through Denver CVB PassKey

9 Goals for Artistic Programming Festival 2012 Energize programming by creating opportunities for performances beyond the traditional 30-min performances Encourage creativity, community building and collaboration between choruses Infuse more flexibility into Festival schedule Create a dazzling Opening and Closing Ceremony


11 What’s New for Festival 2012? Opening Carnival Ensemble Festival in Ellie Opera House and Cabaret spaces. Two staggered welcome concerts in performance halls Quiet space or piano bar for delegates that want to relax Food, drinks and outdoor stages in Gallery and green space Youth delegate party at a nearby hotel

12 What’s New for Festival 2012? Closing Festival Party Food and drink all evening at Red Rocks or Gallery space Festival highlights video Show Stoppers Wizard of Oz sing-along (with costumes, of course)

13 What Stays the Same? Fabulous performance halls Morning workshops and clinics Ensemble performances on the first day of Festival and in late night Cabarets All choruses welcome to the stage

14 Special Evening Concerts Big Gay Sing (Broadway and GLBT Sing-along) Classical Masterwork Sing-along with orchestra Women’s Chorus Sing-Off - Mixed Chorus Sing-Off GLBT History and Commission Concert Collaboration Specials: multiple choirs may request to collaborate on a special project or theme

15 Flexible Concert Blocks Smaller, newer or any chorus may select a shorter 15-min set Opportunities to collaborate with another chorus or multiple choruses Morning Concert Specials: 30-60 minute concerts in performance halls for choruses needing more time or more complicated set-up

16 Performance Opportunities in addition to your concert block Big Gay Sing: Open with choruses performances Chorus sing-offs in the round Concert celebrating historical commissions from GALA choruses Special concert block of sacred music or global music Show Stoppers at the Closing Festival Party Concerts in the green space and Gallery Ensemble late-night Cabaret spots


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