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Writing GREAT headlines Beginning Journalism. Headlines are important… They tell the reader what the story is about. They tell the reader what the story.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing GREAT headlines Beginning Journalism. Headlines are important… They tell the reader what the story is about. They tell the reader what the story."— Presentation transcript:

1 writing GREAT headlines Beginning Journalism

2 Headlines are important… They tell the reader what the story is about. They tell the reader what the story is about. A good headline lures the reader into the story and serves as a graphic element. A good headline lures the reader into the story and serves as a graphic element. A bad headline can ruin a good story if it fails to attract the reader. A bad headline can ruin a good story if it fails to attract the reader.



5 What’s in a standard headline? A headline usually consists of two parts…a primary headline and a secondary headline (or subhead). A headline usually consists of two parts…a primary headline and a secondary headline (or subhead). primary headline grabs the reader’s attention with carefully selected words that summarize the story. It is usually large and is the most prominent text on the page. primary headline grabs the reader’s attention with carefully selected words that summarize the story. It is usually large and is the most prominent text on the page. secondary headline: adds information related to the story, leaves the reader wanting to know more. It is usually half the size of the primary headline. secondary headline: adds information related to the story, leaves the reader wanting to know more. It is usually half the size of the primary headline.

6 follow the rules Headlines must attract the reader honestly. You can’t promise something that isn’t in the story. Headlines must attract the reader honestly. You can’t promise something that isn’t in the story. Headlines should cram as much information as possible into a small space, since readers tend to scan for interest. Headlines should cram as much information as possible into a small space, since readers tend to scan for interest.


8 …and these rules too All extra words should be trimmed..leave out articles “a, an and the” All extra words should be trimmed..leave out articles “a, an and the” Headlines are written in present tense to give the reader a sense of immediacy Headlines are written in present tense to give the reader a sense of immediacy Avoid exclamation points and question marks: colons, semicolons, single quotes, commas are OK Avoid exclamation points and question marks: colons, semicolons, single quotes, commas are OK Avoid “to be” verbs (is, are, was, were) Avoid “to be” verbs (is, are, was, were)

9 …and these rules too Use a down style…all but proper nouns and the first letter of the first word are lowercase Use a down style…all but proper nouns and the first letter of the first word are lowercase Do not use the name of the school and the mascot Do not use the name of the school and the mascot Avoid label headlines (“band” for the band story) or stating the obvious (“soccer team to play a game”) Avoid label headlines (“band” for the band story) or stating the obvious (“soccer team to play a game”)

10 more rules Use names in headlines only if they are major newsmakers or very famous (OK: Britney Spears, Miley, Tiger, Bush, Obama, Clinton, etc.) Use names in headlines only if they are major newsmakers or very famous (OK: Britney Spears, Miley, Tiger, Bush, Obama, Clinton, etc.) Cultivate a sense of humor…play on words and puns if they match the tone of the story Cultivate a sense of humor…play on words and puns if they match the tone of the story

11 more rules Avoid all caps…it is difficult to read (the Star does it, though, so it must be OK?) Avoid all caps…it is difficult to read (the Star does it, though, so it must be OK?) Avoid splitting words or infinitives (to run) in headlines: no hyphens Avoid splitting words or infinitives (to run) in headlines: no hyphens Fill each line within two units of the letter “x” in lower case. Fill each line within two units of the letter “x” in lower case.

12 example of the “x” rule This headline is too short for the spacexxx This headline is too short for the spacexxx Headline is just right to fill this here spacex Headline is just right to fill this here spacex Yes, you may have to re-write more than once to get this headline thing correctxxxx Yes, you may have to re-write more than once to get this headline thing correctxxxx

13 Clever examples My word! Local teen allowed to compete in national spelling bee after all My word! Local teen allowed to compete in national spelling bee after all No kidding, goat meat in short supply No kidding, goat meat in short supply Sentence not a cakewalk for diva of the catwalk Sentence not a cakewalk for diva of the catwalk Landscape budget gets trimmed Landscape budget gets trimmed Halloween scares up snow across Kansas Halloween scares up snow across Kansas Pianist keeps city’s singers in good tune Pianist keeps city’s singers in good tune

14 Bad examples Miners Refuse to Work after Death Miners Refuse to Work after Death 'Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash', Expert Says 'Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash', Expert Says Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

15 Bad examples Include Your Children When Baking Cookies Include Your Children When Baking Cookies Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case Drunk Gets Nine Months in Violin Case Iraqi Head Seeks Arms Iraqi Head Seeks Arms Killer Sentenced To Die For Second Time in Ten Years Killer Sentenced To Die For Second Time in Ten Years Arson Suspect Is Held In Fire Arson Suspect Is Held In Fire Juvenile Court To Try Shooting Victim Juvenile Court To Try Shooting Victim

16 Typography The personality for your publication The personality for your publication









25 Types of Type Serif - with extensions (feet) usually what text is set in usually what text is set in

26 Types of Type Sans serif - no extensions cleaner, more European look cleaner, more European look

27 Types of Type Cursive- looks like handwritten script

28 Types of Type Novelty - adds personality works well in small doses

29 Alignment Flush Left – left margin is even This is set flush left. The left margin is even and the right one is ragged. It’s also called ragged right. The Heritage uses this for body copy.

30 Alignment Flush Right – right margin is even This is set flush right. The right margin is even and the left one is ragged. It’s also called ragged left.

31 Alignment Justified – both margins are even This is set justified. The left margin is even and the right one is even. The Patriot uses this for body copy.

32 Selecting Fonts Body copy and cutlines are one font. Headlines are generally a different font..

33 Selecting Fonts Use the KISS principal. Keep it Simple Stupid. Don’t mix a bunch of fonts..

34 Font Size Standard body copy is nine or 10 points. Nine points 10 points Captions are usually one point smaller. Caption caption Headlines can be lots of different sizes. More important stories use a bigger font. 72-18 pts.

35 Cool Uses of Type


37 Logos

38 Pulled Quote

39 Cool Uses of Type Reverse- white type on black or colored background white type on black or colored background

40 Cool Uses of Type SidebarsAdditional content that complements Main story – Usually in graphic format


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