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PKI Development Forum Jim Lowe, Campus Information Security Officer Brian Rust, Communications April 17, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "PKI Development Forum Jim Lowe, Campus Information Security Officer Brian Rust, Communications April 17, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 PKI Development Forum Jim Lowe, Campus Information Security Officer Brian Rust, Communications April 17, 2008

2 Background PKI introduced to campus Part of a broader strategy –Password policy –Levels of Assurance (LOA) How sure are we that you are who you say you are?

3 LOA Recommendations for Access to Personal Information (PI) LOA-1: Doesn’t require access to PI LOA-2: Access to your own PI LOA-3: Access other’s PI

4 PKI Use Cases: the early days Email - digital signatures To encrypt emails Digitally signing mass emails

5 Information is as an Asset: What is restricted information? 895.507 Notice of unauthorized acquisition of personal information. […] (b) “Personal information” means an individual’s last name and the individual’s first name or first initial, in combination with and linked to any of the following elements, if the element is not publicly available information and is not encrypted, redacted, or altered in a manner that renders the element unreadable: 1. The individual’s social security number. 2. The individual’s driver’s license number or state identification number. 3. The number of the individual’s financial account number, including a credit or debit card account number, or any security code, access code, or password that wou ld permit access to the individual’s financial account. 4. The individual’s deoxyribonucleic acid profile, as defined in s. 939.74 (2d) (a). 5. The individual’s unique biometric data, including fingerprint, voice print, retina or iris image, or any other unique physical representation. […] (2) NOTICE REQUIRED. (a) […] an entity that maintains or licenses personal information in this state knows that personal information in the entity’s possession has been acquired by a person whom the entity has not authorized to acquire the personal information, the entity shall make reasonable efforts to notify each subject of the personal information. Restricted data is PII & PHI

6 Recent use cases Registrar’s Privacy and Security Group –To reduce, and where possible eliminate, risk in the receiving, storing, dissemination, and disposal of sensitive data –To cultivate awareness of privacy and security in our individual units, our departments, the division, the campus, and anyone with whom we have contact Emails with restricted info

7 PKI Use Cases: the crystal ball Link with new campus ID card Secure VPN access Desktop/laptop encryption

8 Getting started Me first Why should they care? –Have to –Want to Free samples Work from the top and the middle

9 Marketing strategies Web:, search: pki Email Presentations and demos Newsletter article … Postcard …



12 Lessons learned Involve management Customer service Process and procedures Plan marketing before rollout

13 Usability Slow to adopt Requires training and awareness Certs expire requiring technical support Integrate with existing ID mgt. Integration with applications –PeopleSoft –Card Space –Higgins –Other…

14 Our questions How have you made PKI more usable in your environment (any tricks of the trade)? Have you established training and docs that you would be willing to share with others? What has been the driving factor in your PKI implementations? What applications do you use with PKI?

15 Questions?

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