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EMC Smarts Managing IT From A Business Perspective

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1 EMC Smarts Managing IT From A Business Perspective
Hello, I’m Jennifer O’Neill with EMC Smarts Sales Education. This module will walk you through the corporate positioning of the Smarts product line within EMC, in addition to it’s overall differentiating value relative to other IT management vendors in the market space.

2 EMC Smarts Overview Executing on Vision Executing on Growth
Automate management of dynamic distributed systems Build intelligence into software that adapts automatically Integrate IT with business Automate, abstract, and analyze Executing on Growth Recently acquired by EMC Thousands of customers worldwide 100 LEADER 80 EMC SMARTS 60 Entuity Micromuse IBM Tivoli CA Performance Magnum Technologies HP Concord BMC Software 40 Aprisma CHALLENGER 20 Smarts was founded in the early 1990s with a clear vision to automate management of dynamic distributed systems. As networks were becoming increasingly complex, Smarts founders recognized that centralized management was no longer a workable alternative. In response, they created a technology that would enable intelligence to be distributed throughout the infrastructure, including the three core technology capabilities — abstraction, analysis, and automation — that remain at the foundation of Smarts solutions today. Smarts growth path has been remarkable. While Smarts was recently acquired by EMC in February 2005, we had attracted the attention of such technology giants as Cisco early on. Our partnership with Cisco started with the release of CiscoWorks Device Fault Manager based on Smarts technology. Today, Cisco OEMs the entire Smarts product line. We continue to have a close and successful partnership with Cisco that will only grow as we leverage the EMC-Cisco partner that exists today. Through these combined channels EMC Smarts has thousands of customers worldwide. Ultimately, our solutions have won praise from customers, as well as the analyst community, as you can see from the graphic illustrating our superior performance capabilities. FOLLOWER 20 40 60 80 100 Presence

3 Broad Customer Base, Strategic Partners
Global Enterprise Financial Health Care Service Providers Government & Education Partners With respect to customers, we take pride in the breadth of Smarts adopters. Our customers include more than 100 of the top global 1,000 corporations and over 3,000 total organizations. These include 11 of the 12 largest telecommunications companies in North America and the UK and some of the world’s best know enterprise organizations. Typically, Smarts has been most successful in highly complex environments, with revenue evenly split between service provider and enterprise organizations. On the enterprise side, customers fall prominently in the finance, healthcare, and government verticals. Our service provider customers include wireline, wireless, broadband, and cable providers.

4 Applications & Services
EMC Smarts Today The Business A thriving business in real-time fault management Focused on Managing the infrastructure Managing the applications That support the business Adds new independent growth vector to EMC Provides key components to delivering the ILM vision Applications & Services Information Today Smarts is a thriving business with a leadership position in its marketplace. While Smarts has traditionally focused on fault and performance management in the network space, over the past few years our business has evolved to address other layers of IT, specifically application service and business service management. With the EMC acquisition will come a new focus for our software – namely storage management. Smarts gives EMC a new growth vector to take the business into more strategic infrastructure management that is closely linked to the storage market. Infrastructure

5 EMC Heritage: Information Management
But in IT, everything’s connected: Information Applications Infrastructure The Business EMC’s heritage is in information lifecycle management, which is a key factor for every organization. But in IT everything is connected – information, applications, and infrastructure, all working together to support the business. End-to-end management of all information and IT resources requires linkage across all these domains. \ Applications & Services Information Infrastructure

6 Today’s Business Challenges and Initiatives....
The Business Data Center Consolidation Bridge the gap between the data center and the NOC Application Rollout Quickly deploy applications and manage their performance And if we look at the critical challenges that many IT organizations are facing today, we see a number of initiatives: Data center consolidation – Companies are trying to consolidate data centers and the tools they use to manage these centers to improve efficiency and cut costs. ITIL – While initially adopted in Europe by large service provider organizations, ITIL has taken root throughout the world as a best practice methodology for managing large-scale IT infrastructures. Smarts root cause analysis and availability management is an important component of implementing ITIL. Network upgrade – Large enterprise and service provider organizations are continuing to upgrade their networks to support the needs of their businesses. New technologies – VoIP, MPLS, Optical, wireless, and more – all need to be managed not as silos, but in correlation across technology domains and with a clear understanding of how technology health impacts the business. Application rollout – As mission-critical applications become increasingly important to the business, IT organizations need a clear view into the health and reliability of applications in the context of the network infrastructure. Compliance – A host of compliancy mandates, most notably HIPAA and Sarbanes-Oxley, are requiring organizations to update processes and provide new visibility into business practices. These efforts are critically important, since lack of compliancy can have devastating impact on the business. ITIL Implement IT management best practices Applications & Services Information Infrastructure Compliance issues >20,000 regulations worldwide: HIPAA, SARBOX, Basel I of II... Network upgrade Take advantage of the latest technologies – VoIP, MPLS, WI-FI

7 What’s Missing – All Other Products
Display ? No built-in analysis — ongoing rules-writing required What does EMC Smarts do differently from other management solutions? Simply put, most management solutions today rely on rules to provide intelligence. Rules writing means that for every possible scenario or combination of scenarios that might occur in a complex distributed network, you need to create a rule that accounts for that condition. The problems with this approach are obvious – there’s no built-in analysis, the solution can’t scale with the constant change so characteristic of today’s networks, and it’s very expensive, because the rules-writing never ends. Data & Event Collection Routers Storage Applications Servers IDS Firewalls Databases Switches Telephony Video Optical

8 Managing Services In Real Time
With patented, industry-leading technologies Automated Actionable Intelligence Display Analytics Codebook Correlation Technology ™ No built-in analysis — ongoing rules-writing required Abstraction Smarts takes a different approach. Our “secret sauce” relies on two key technologies: the EMC Smarts Common Information Model and our patented Codebook Correlation Technology. Our common information model is based on the DMTF standard, which Smarts has extended to include many classes and relationships. When we model you environment, we know not only what devices exist, but how they are connected, how they behave when they have a problem, and how the problem can impact other devices within and across technology domains to the business level. We layer Codebook over the model to monitors the environment, look for combinations of symptoms that indicate service-affecting problems, and deliver the actionable intelligence you need to prioritize corrective action on the problems that matter most to your business To give you an idea of how these technologies work together, picture someone who is sick with bad cough and high fever. At the emergency room, doctors are knowledgeable about the human body – in this case, the “common information model.” But given the set of symptoms, they don’t look at the patient’s elbow or ankle – instead they take the person’s temperature, listen to his heart and lungs, do blood work, take a chest x-ray. Once they confirm a diagnosis of pneumonia, they can prescribe the appropriate treatment. This is exactly how the Smarts model and Codebook work together. The model stores information about the devices and the problems that can affect them. The Codebook takes that information and looks for specific patterns of symptoms that indicate a serious problem. When we see this set of symptoms then and only then does Smarts generate a root cause event, which we refer to as an authentic problem. Interestingly, using the example of the patient with pneumonia, imagine if the doctor could determine how that person became ill in the first place – the first sneeze sending the first germs across a room, and how those germs spread from person to person until our patient became sick. That’s what our model and our Codebook can do – trace a problem to it’s root cause. And because our common information model can map the IT environment end-to-end, we can correlate the impacts of these root cause problems not only within a single technology silo, but across domains to the business level. EMC Smarts Common Information Model ™ Data & Event Collection Routers Storage Applications Servers IDS Firewalls Databases Switches Telephony Video Optical

9 How EMC SMARTS Works Slide 16: How EMC SMARTS Solutions work In this slide, we explain what makes it possible for EMC SMARTS to build the additional levels of intelligence in the framework: integration, correlation, root cause and impact analysis into off the shelf solutions, when no other vendor comes close. Patented Codebook Correlation Technology, and our EMC SMARTS Management Information Repository work hand in hand to provide the “magic” enabling our software’s unique intelligence, adaptability, and automation. 1. We organize the knowledge about IT objects and their authentic problems in libraries of generic objects. In the diagram on the left, we depict some of these library objects: router, switch, application, service. A generic object description includes attributes of the object, the relationships it can participate in with other objects, its authentic problems, the characteristic symptoms each problem causes, and how they propagate along relationships to related objects. These generic objects represent an unprecedented wealth of knowledge about that type of object and its behavior that is leveraged in EMC SMARTS solutions. Moreover, by associating business objects, such as services and customers, to applications at the edge of the network, our software can automatically correlate IT problems to business impacts. (If the prospect asks – how do you get these relationships, the answer is that this data needs to be imported from an external source, but it is only data, not rules that need to be provided). 2. EMC SMARTS’s discovery engine automatically discovers the logical (e.g., applications, databases, VLANs) and physical (e.g., routers, servers, cards, cables) objects and the relationships between them (connected_to, layered_over, served_by, etc.), in the managed environment. It then automatically builds a comprehensive Management Information Repository for this environment by instantiating the corresponding objects. For example, when EMC SMARTS discovers a switch, it instantiates the switch object, retrieves a wealth of information from the switch (what type of switch it is, what vendor, what cards it contains, what other devices its connected to, etc.) and stores it in the repository. The Repository is depicted in the middle of this graphic. Note that it leverages the industry-standard Common Information Model (CIM) defined by the Distributed Management Task Force, and is the first commercial implementation of this important standard. The Repository is a key enabler of the Integration and Correlation uniquely supported by EMC SMARTS solutions. It integrates objects from different IT domains (switches, routers, servers, and applications) and maintains the relationships between them, providing a context for interpreting the significance of events, and a context for importin g 3rd party topology, events, data, and even results of analysis. 3. EMC SMARTS then automatically traverses the repository to automatically calculate signatures for all authentic problem instances in this environment. It selects an object, selects one of its authentic problems, and traces all the symptoms this problem instance will cause – the signature. It organizes these signatures in the Codebook on the right. The Codebook maps problems to signatures, just like medical textbooks map serious illnesses to their symptoms. Codebook is the key enabler for the Root Cause and Impact analsyis unique to EMC SMARTS. 4. EMC SMARTS software then automatically focuses its monitoring on symptoms of authentic problems. It matches these symptoms to the signatures in the codebook to pinpoint root problems. 5. When an authentic problem is diagnosed, EMC SMARTS traverses the repository to automatically calculate a problem’s impact on related IT objects and business objects. 6. EMC SMARTS automatically adapts signatures as the environment changes. Supporting Points The spreadsheet on the right is the Codebook. That’s the magic of what our system does. We have found a method for calculating the signatures essential for identifying the root cause problems that are associated with them. If you’re going to identify root cause problems, you have to know what your environment is. Agreed? So you need software that discovers that. But that is not enough to diagnose what the real problem is. Let’s say I have a huge gymnasium and I covered the floor with a huge piece of paper. Pick the person in the audience who is a know-it-all, give that person a pencil and a pencil sharpener and say, “ I want you draw out your network on this piece of paper. Could you do it?” “Well yeah, I could.” “Good for you, start drawing.” He draws the whole thing out and you say to him, “Now I want you to walk anywhere on the piece of paper and put your finger on an object. Let’s pretend that that object has failed. Would you be able to identify all the other devices that were affected by that failure?” “Yes.” “If you do it for one device, could you do it for all of them?” “Yes.” So you can identify the signatures for all of these failures. How could that person identify what other devices were affected? Relationships. I know that if this fails, because of the relationships the other devices have with this one, these are the symptoms they’ll have. I would go to each one and write it all down. The first thing that you would find out if you did that to all of them, is that when you went through and looked at what all those failures were, that every problem has a unique set of symptoms. So every one would be different. If I you had all of these signatures organized in a table, you would be able to identify the root cause, wouldn’t you? Well that’s the principal behind codebook correlation. That’s how it’s done. Except our software automates all of it. Our software automatically gets the topology and then it runs through models that we built, and we will talk about those models in a minute, and we automatically build a representation of the whole environment, and a signature for every authentic problem. It’s really, really simple. So after you go through that whole thing and draw the great big map and your really of proud of it, someone comes along and changes the configuration. What happens? The signatures change. What do you have to do? You have to do it all over again. That’s no good. But our software automatically adapts to the environment, and adapts again whenever it changes. This makes it really, really simple for you. [That’s an example that I have used with some success to get people to understand how the system works. Just try to get them to agree to simple stuff, then get them to agree with a little bit more and then a little bit more and then the next thing you know you’ve got them and you’re in. ] The key point is that the software automatically does all of this. Our competitors try to say, “You take forever to write this codebook and then you have change it.” Well, you don’t write the codebook, the software automatically discovers what’s in your environment and generates these signatures automatically. And you know what, when your environment changes it will compute new signatures. There’s automation from the beginning to the end of all of the authentic problems that we’ve covered in the solution. Additional explanation of Codebook: Codebook Correlation is a breakthrough in automating what were previously complex, manual, lengthy, and error-prone processes. It provides a solid, mathematical foundation for automatically recognizing authentic problems in any environment, in real-time. 1. We have a fundamentally different approach from all other vendors: instead of starting from the events that can occur, we start from the problems that must be detected and corrected in real time in order to assure availability and performance. We call these authentic problems. 2. We leverage the unique set of symptoms caused by a problem – the problem’s unique signature – to identify a problem. So our software is constantly monitoring for the symptoms of authentic problems. When it finds a match between events that occur, and a signature of an authentic problem, EMC SMARTS recognizes that the problem occurred, and invokes an associated action, e.g., display an alarm, or page an operator, or run a script. 3. The challenge is that each authentic problem instance has a unique signature, depending on the object where it occurs in, and other objects related to it, because symptoms spread from the source of the problem to related entities. For example, if a server fails, all the applications running on it terminate, whereas applications on other servers continue to run. 4. The “magic” lies in Codebook’s ability to automatically generate signatures for all possible instances of authentic problems in the managed environment. This is the essence of our patented codebook correlation technology. Generic Models describe collective knowledge of objects and their problems Automatic discovery of objects and relationships, creation of management information repository Automatic calculation of signatures for all problems, continuous update of signatures Automatic monitoring and comparison of symptoms with signatures => Problem diagnosis Automatic calculation of impact on business processes and other IT objects

10 Codebook Problems Symptoms
We’ve come to the point where we can discuss in more detail the term “codebook”. Pictured above is the codebook automatically computed from the router and server Models we saw previously, plus current Topology maintained by the repository. What is a codebook? It is a collection of problem signatures. The codebook represents, for each problem, which symptoms (alarms) will occur when the problem occurred (denoted by “1”). (In reality, codebooks can contain probabilities). Why do we compute signatures? Codebook uses signatures to identify problems by matching real-time events to these problem signatures. When events stream in, the correlation engine finds the closet match, i.e., the problem whose signature is the closest match to the events that were received. Because it looks for the closest match, not an identical match, codebook can correlate accurately even if it does not receive all the symptoms in a problem’s signature. EMC SMARTS patented codebook technology provides the fastest and most accurate problem resolution available today. Why? Because it compares monitored events to signatures. Relationships have already been factored into the codebook, and whenever relationships change, the codebook is automatically updated. This is highly efficient, because the frequency of event arrival is much higher than the frequency of topology changes.

11 Automating Service Management - Start To Finish
Analysis Context This slide provides a graphic representation of how our technology works. Very simply put: <CLICK>At number 1, you see our model library. All EMC Smarts products ship with a library of generic models for the specific managed technology – IP, MPLS, network protocols, for example. These models describe the generic attributes of the physical or virtual managed objects, as well as their relationships within the environment and the problems associated with those managed objects. <CLICK>In step 2, we auto-discover your environment, <CLICK>At step 3, based on auto-discovery, the EMC Smarts system maps how the generic models in the library exist in your real-world environment, and how these devices are related. <CLICK>In stage 4, based on the devices, relationships, and events established in the model, Codebook automatically calculates the sets of symptoms, or “signatures,” that indicate service-affecting authentic problems for your specific topology. <CLICK>In step 5, the EMC Smarts system monitors your environment looking for signatures of authentic problems. When Codebook identifies a set of symptoms that indicates an authentic problems, <CLICK> the root cause and its business impact are delivered to your console or dashboard in real time, as represented in step 6. Collection

12 EMC smarts Top Down Approach
Note to Speaker: This slide has animation with each mouse click. The steps here will guide you through each definition. First: In looking a presentation of the value “top-down” brings to the table, we are showing how InCharge is capable of managing not jus the network topology but also the application and service topologies and how they relate to each other. This is critical to understand: What happened? root cause Where it happened? topology Why that matters? dependent distributed applications & Lines of Business Step #1: A cable connecting switcch3 to switch 1a has failed. The host, servers and application supported by this switch is not impacted due to the redundancy built into the environment. Step # 2, The redundant path for accessing this network is impacted by a failure at Switch6. Step #3: Something happens Hosts F1 – F3 unresponsive, Switch 1a & switch 1b are unresponsive as well as the access of the servers residing in the network that support the finance application Step #4. Finance Cluster has critical event Applications F1 – F3 are unresponsive Step #5.This puts the order modification transactions into a critical state Step #6 This places the service Order Management into a degraded state as the Order status and Capture transaction can still be performed. Step #7 Acme and Regis, the two customers of this services are shown as degraded, denoting Service Level compliance is at risk due to degraded service.

13 What Does It Look Like?

14 This is an example Operations Console layout.
The console layout can be changed to add or delete views and filter alarms on a range of criteria This pane is showing Critical Problems. These are the root causes of failure in the IT infrastructure which are Service Impacting This pane is showing Customer Impacts. This pane is showing the events received from the network, system and application elements before they are correlated to provide the Root Cause and Impact. This pane is showing Service Impacts.

15 Double clicking on a Notification displays the details of the Notification.

16 The Impact Tab displays the Impact of this fault.
In this case, Services and Customers are also impacted along with other network and application components

17 The Impact can also be viewed in detail.
In this case the customer Impact is shown as a notification.

18 The CausedBy tab links the Impact back to the fault causing the Customer to be Impacted.
In this case there are multiple Critical Problems causing the Impact. These “Root Causes” are in unrelated parts of the IT Infrastructure, in this case a network fault and an application fault.

19 EMC Smarts Product Suite
Automated Actionable Intelligence Global Console Business Dashboard Inbound Adapters Outbound Adapters Service Assurance Manager Business Impact Reporting ASM ACM Server PM Discovery Storage ATM/FR Protocols Multicast ... ... MPLS Optical VoIP ... IP EMC Smarts has broad product line covering network, application services, and business service management. One very important point illustrated by this graphic is that all our products are built on same robust and unchanging platform, which allows us to correlate events across multiple domains. In addition to the products for managing individual technology domains, our top-layer Service Assurance Manager, a smart “manager of managers,” gives us the ability to consolidate topology, events and analysis from multiple sources. Service Insight Application Insight Network Insight Abstraction Common Information Model Analytics Codebook Correlation Technology Inbound/ Outbound Adapters Inbound/ Outbound Adapters

20 Adding EMC Smarts to Your Environment
Automated Actionable Intelligence Executive Views Operations Views ICIM Discovery Modeling Adaptation Abstraction Analysis Codebook Correlation Business Applications Infrastructure Cross-Domain Operations Infrastructure Any IT Domain Network Systems Applications Application Environments Security Business Processes Trouble ticket Inventory Configuration Reporting Provisioning Topology Events Analysis Most of the organizations we visit have already invested money time and resources in event management and related systems, and they want to protect that investment. This graphic shows how EMC Smarts fits into your existing management environment, working with the systems in tools you have in place today. You can use EMC Smarts in a number of ways. You can leverage our analysis and correlation engine to import in events and topology from systems you already have, and view the root cause of those events through your existing MoM or GUI. Or, many customer choose EMC Smarts as their central management system. Smarts integrates easily with your existing systems and tools. We offer a family of EMC Smarts Adapters that can import and export information to and from event management and OSS systems. Element Management Network Management System Management Fault Management Configuration Management CiscoWorks Nortel Optivity HP OpenView Mercury SiteScope BMC Patrol Micromuse Netcool™ Tivoli TEC Event Management

21 Simplification through Management
What is in it for You Simplification through Management Today’s Network TCO Reduce complexity by embedding intelligence Operations (OSS & Staff) I N T E L L I G E N C E I N T E L L I G E N C E Operations (OSS & Staff) 45% Intelligence pushed into the network instrumentation, infrastructure Smarter applications leverage network intelligence Automate where appropriate Guide human intervention Intelligence trapped in people and applications Heavy applications duplicate effort and investment Can’t hire and train enough people Equipment Network 55% Equipment Network At EMC Smarts, our goal is to help our customer simplify IT management through automation so they can: <CLICK> Drive down the total cost of ownership of the network Quickly introduce and manage new services delivered over that network. Make network management simpler – and therefore cheaper – by embedding intelligence in the management solution, where previously the intelligence was trapped in highly skilled, scarce IP engineers and network administrators. To provide a real-world example, we were meeting with the manager of the Emory University/Health Care System network when he needed to take a break to address a root cause the EMC Smarts system had just delivered. The link between Emory’s Atlanta and Florida facilities had gone down, which was preventing online x-ray transfers critical to medical care. The manager told us that in the past, the only way his team would have known about this outage is if the Florida doctors would have called to say they couldn’t access the x-rays. Then, someone who had worked for Emory for 10 years and had in-depth knowledge of the network would have spent hours to manually correlate all the symptoms and pinpoint the problem. EMC Smarts automates this process. <CLICK> What smarts does is embeds the intelligence in the software automating the mgmt of complex systems and reducing time and cost and increasing service levels. Source: The Yankee Group

22 Thank you and good selling.

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