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Presentation on theme: "THE BEGINNING OF VIOLENCE: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 DESCRIBE THE TOWNSHEND ACT OF 1767  Were all external taxes on things that were imported to the colony (glass, lead, paints, paper and tea)  Income was used for defense of the colonies and in “support of the civil government”  Trial without jury was used to enforce this act

3 ASSESS THE BACKLASH TO THE TOWNSHEND ACT  Samuel Adam (Massachusetts) circulated a letter to the other colonies telling of their opposition, and calling for renewal of non -importation agreements.  English Custom officials in Boston were attacked after they seized a ship belonging to John Hancock, a merchant suspected of not paying taxes.  Colonies united in their opposition against the acts  House of Burgesses dissolved by Royal governor  Finally in 1770 Parliament repealed Townshend taxes except for tea

4 EVALUATE THE VIOLENCE IN NEW ENGLAND  Boston Massacre: British troops fired on colonists during protest & 5 were killed. British troops put on trial all found innocent but 2, they were branded on the hand and released.  Gaspee Incident: armed men boarded the ship, wounded the captain, and after removing the crew, burned the boat.  Threat of trial without a jury of peers, and the loss of “power of the purse” that gave colonial legislatures some power of Royal Governors disappeared

5 EXPLAIN THE BOSTON TEA PARTY  East India Company close to bankruptcy in India, to save the company decided to: Drop tax paid on tea in England, but kept import tax on colonies Allowed company to directly sell to agents & set a price rather than public auction  Meetings by colonists condemned the Tea Act  In 1733 when Governor of Massachusetts refused to send back British ships, men dressed as Native Americans boarded the ship & dumped 342 chests of tea in the harbor

6 SUMMARIZE THE RESULTS OF THE BOSTON TEA PARTY  British came back with the Intolerable Acts of 1774 Closed the Boston port Massachusetts came under Kings direct control Set up highly centralized government for Canada, which allowed Parliament to tax Quebec and border of Canada was extended south to the Ohio River  Colonists believed Quebec Act threatened both their claim to, “no taxation without representation”, and their claims on Northwest Territory. These issues would farther unite the colonies.

7 DESCRIBE THE ROLE OF THE 1 ST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS  Took place in Philadelphia in September 1774  56 leaders from 12 colonies gathered (Georgia not represented)  Deliberations were kept secret, and each colony allowed only 1 vote.  Patriots introduced a series of resolutions (to take up arms and colonies collect their own taxes. Conservatives countered with a plan of union between England and Colonies.  Acts ultimately declared unconstitutional, colonists started economic boycott, British Parliament eventually declared Massachusetts in rebellion

8 ASSESS THE FIGHTING: LEXINGTON AND CONCORD  The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the Revolutionary war.  The fighting broke out at Lexington when the Americans refused to lower their muskets when the British Commander said to. Then someone fired ( no one knows who) and next thing you know, 8 militiamen were DEAD. After that, the British marched to a bridge and retreated.

9 INDEPENDENCE & ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION  “Common Sense”, written by Thomas Paine calling for independence  Continental Congress voted for independence 12-0, with New York abstaining  July 4 Declaration of Independence by Continental Congress, was written by Thomas Jefferson, united colonists now had a goal for war.  Articles adopted by individual colonies now states, Americans now had an official government.  War began, and France signed the Treaty of Alliance in 1778


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