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Lesson 10-5 Warm-Up.

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1 Lesson 10-5 Warm-Up

2 “Graphing Square Root Functions” (10-5)
What is a “square root function”? How do you find all of the solutions to a square root function? Square Root Function: function, f(x), in which the independent variable, x, is inside a radicand Example: y = x (the simplest square root function) y = x + 3 y = 2x - 8 Since a radicand can’t be negative (you can’t square a negative value), the domain (x values) is limited to those values of x that make the radicand greater than or equal to zero. Therefore, you can create a function table to graph the solutions with x being values that make the expression inside the radicand greater than or equal to zero. To find the minimum value of the range, plug in the minimum value of x that will make the expression in the radical equal zero. Examples: Subtract 3 or add 8 to both sides Make a function table.

3 Find the domain of each function.
Graphing Square Root Functions LESSON 10-5 Additional Examples Find the domain of each function. a. y = x + 5 x Make the radicand 0. > x –5 > The domain is the set of all numbers greater than or equal to –5. b. y = x – 12   4x – Make the radicand 0. > 4x 12 > x 3 > The domain is the set of all numbers greater than or equal to 3.

4 “Graphing Square Root Functions” (10-5)
How do you graph a square root function? To graph a square root function: Make a function table with at least four x values. Make one of the x values the minimum value of x that makes the expression inside the radicand equal zero. Plot the x and y value on the coordinate grid. Connect the points to form a curve (should look like half of a parabola) Examples: Step 1. Function Table Step 2. Plot the points. Step 3. Connect the points to form a half parabola shape

5 Graphing Square Root Functions
LESSON 10-5 Additional Examples The size of a television screen is the length of the screen’s diagonal d in inches. The equation d = 2A estimates the length of a diagonal of a television with screen area A. Graph the function. Domain 2A 0 A 0 > 50 100 200 300 400 10 14.1 20 24.5 28.3 Screen Area (sq. in.) Length of Diagonal (in.)

6 Graph y = x + 4 by translating the graph of y = x .
Graphing Square Root Functions LESSON 10-5 Additional Examples Graph y = x + 4 by translating the graph of y = x . For the graph y = x + 4, the graph of y = x is shifted 4 units up.

7 Graph ƒ(x) = x + 3 by translating the graph of y = x .
Graphing Square Root Functions LESSON 10-5 Additional Examples Graph ƒ(x) = x + 3 by translating the graph of y = x . For the graph ƒ(x) = x + 3, the graph of y = x is shifted to the left 3 units.

8 1. Find the domain of the function ƒ(x) = 2x – 4. 2. Graph y = 3 x.
Graphing Square Root Functions LESSON 10-5 Lesson Quiz 1. Find the domain of the function ƒ(x) = 2x – 4. 2. Graph y = 3 x. 3. Graph y = x – 3. 4. Describe how to translate the graph of y = x to obtain the graph of the function y = x – 15. x > 2 Shift the graph to the right 15 units.

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