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Hosted by Mrs. Weiss 100 200 400 300 400 Road to Revolution Who am I? Crossroads of Revolution Potpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Mrs. Weiss

3 100 200 400 300 400 Road to Revolution Who am I? Crossroads of Revolution Potpourri 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 This was a result of a history of fighting between France and England, wanting more land, and claiming the same land. What is the French and Indian War?

5 1,2 I was colonial Royal Governor in New Jersey, a loyalist, And “Ben’s” son. Who was William Franklin?

6 1,3 These battles took place after Washington led his army across the Delaware River into New Jersey on Christmas Day, 1776. What are the battles of Trenton and Princeton?

7 1,4 This plan for our government wanted one house, where each state had equal representation. What is The New Jersey Plan?

8 2,1 This was passed in 1765 to pay back war debt from the French and Indian War. It taxed items like newspaper. What is the Stamp Act?

9 2,2 I am known for my work with soldiers during the Battle of Monmouth. My nickname refers to my bringing water to the soldiers. Who was Mary “Molly Pitcher” Hayes?

10 2,3 This battle was fought in 100 degree heat, causing many soldiers on both sides to suffer from the heat. What is the Battle of Monmouth?

11 2,4 This is part of our Constitution and is the first ten amendments. What is the Bill of Rights?

12 3,1 This was cried out by angry colonists to explain why they felt the taxes were unfair. What is “No taxation without representation!”

13 3,2 I led the Continental Army during the American Revolution. Who was George Washington?

14 3,3 Washington and his army spent a long and difficult winter in this New Jersey town. What is Morristown?

15 3,4 This started the American Revolution. What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?

16 4,1 Because of this act Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty dressed like Native Americans and dumped tea Into Boston Harbor. What is The Tea Act?

17 4,2 I presented the New Jersey plan at the Constitutional Convention. Who was William Patterson?

18 4,3 The last major battle in New Jersey took place here. Where is Elizabethtown?

19 4,4 This plan called for two houses in Congress, where representation would be based on population. What is the Virginia Plan?

20 5,1 During this meeting a letter was sent to King George asking him to end taxes & Washington was chosen as leader of Continental Army. What is The Second Continental Congress?

21 5,2 I was New Jersey’s first state governor. Who was William Livingston?

22 5,3 Patriots from this town fired their guns to let the people of New Jersey know that the British were fighting in Elizabethtown. Where is Short Hills?

23 5,4 This was one way New Jersey helped during the French and Indian War. What is provide soldiers?

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