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Algebra 2 Chapter 4.

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1 Algebra 2 Chapter 4

2 4.1 Warm UP: (Vending Machines)

3 4.1 Investigation: Graph a Story (pg.186)
If time allows: (pg. 182, 183)

4 4.2 Day 1 Notes: Input, Output, Independent, Depedent
Notes: Function Notation

5 4.2 Day 2 Review Function Notation with BIG warm up: pg. 194 #4

6 4.2 Day 2 Notes Function :every input has exactly one output
Independent Variable : x Dependent Variable : y Domain : the input values (x values) Range : the output values (y values) Vertical Line Test :

7 4.2 Day 3 Warm up: pg. 192

8 4.2 Day 3 Review Vocab Pre-assessment for rest of chapter (30 minutes, what do you know?)

9 4.4 day 1: Parabolas and Translations
Warm up: If f(x)= 3x+45, find f(100) Alg 1: graph y = x 2 1. y = x 2 +3 2. y = (x-3) 2 Investigation pg. 207: Make my graph Step 2: Step 3: Now go back to the pre-assessment, do #1

10 4.4 Investigation

11 4.4 Day 2: More translations
Warm UP Write an equation for each graph (#6 pg. 210) Recap of Notes 4.4 Inside: input, affects the x values Outside: output, affects the y values In class work pg. 210 #5, 8, 10 Review each lesson for quiz , 4.4

12 Quiz 4.1 to 4.4 Recap Period 1 4.1 4.2 4.4 Absolute Values
Input and Output with Function Notation Increase or Decrease Graph Rapid/Slowly Labeling x and y axis 4.2 Domain and Range with proper notation Independent vs Dependent Variables Vertical Line Test for Functions Definition of Function 4.4 Identify translations of the vertex Parabola graph Solve equations with Parabolas Translate ANY graph

13 Quiz 4.1 to 4.4 Recap Period 2 4.1 Tell if a graph is a function Draw a Graph from description or vice versa LABEL LABEL LABEL!! Units, etc. 4.2 Function notation for input and output Function notation on graphs DOMAIN and RANGE 4.4 Inside changes x for translations (and outside changes y’s) Solving parabolic with algebra

14 Quiz 4.1 to 4.4 Recap Period 4 4.1 Writing stories about graphs Writing a graph description: increasing, increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a decrease rate, decreasing at a decreasing rate, etc. Include arrows, labels on both axes 4.2 Input and Output Determining if a graph is a function, use the vertical line test Domain and Range 4.4 Parabola Translation of Parabolas Arrows on Parabolas Solving with Squares

15 4.5 Day 1: Reflections and Square Root Functions
Notes: Graphing the PARENT square root function Exercise on translations with square roots and parabola’s (Next slide) Investigation: Take a Moment to Reflect (pg. 213/214) Step 3 only Parent is the square root function (f1(x)) a) predict y= -f(x) and y = f(-x) b)predict y = -f(-x)

16 4.5 Exercise: translations with square roots and parabola’s

17 4.5: Day 2, More reflections Warm UP: what do you know so far?
What parent functions should we know? What types of transformations should we know? And how does each look in a parent function? Practice WS Assignment. Due by end of period. Check answer key when done Homework: Pg. 216 #4,5,6,8,11-13,16

18 4.5: Piecewise Functions Warm up: Transformation Practice
Notes: Piecewise Functions Practice (pg. 218, #12) Example (pg. 215)

19 4.5 practice

20 4.7: Circles and Ellipses Circle Notes Define a unit circle
Solve for y and graph How would we dilate a circle? How would we horizontally translate a circle? vertically? both? Example A pg. 229 Define an ellipse Example B pg. 230

21 4.7 Examples Problems Example A pg. 229 Example B pg. 230

22 4.8 Day 1: Composition Functions
Warm up: a. Find f(g(1)) b. Find f(g(-4)) c. Find f(g(x)) Practice #1 d. g(f(-1))

23 4.7, 4.8: Recap for Quiz 4.7 4.8 Unit Circle
Parent function y= sqrt(1-x^2) Ellipses Equation Translations and Dilations of the y= parent function 4.8 Composition of functions (f(g(#)) or f(g(x)) equation) Product of functions

24 4.7, 4.8 Recap 4.7 4.8 Ellipses Circles Dilations = radius
Translations = center Unit circle x2+y2 =1 4.8 Compositions of functions f(g(x)) equation or for a number as x.

25 4.7, 4.8 Recap 4.7 4.8 Unit circle x2 +y2 = 1 or y= sqrt(1-x2)
General Equation / Ellipse 4.8 Compositions

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