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Exercise 5 Taxying. Aim To safely control the aircraft while manoeuvring on the ground, in different wind conditions and on different surfaces.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise 5 Taxying. Aim To safely control the aircraft while manoeuvring on the ground, in different wind conditions and on different surfaces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise 5 Taxying

2 Aim To safely control the aircraft while manoeuvring on the ground, in different wind conditions and on different surfaces

3 Starting and Stopping Power is used to commence taxing A fast walking speed is a safe Taxying speed To slow down power should be reduced Beware of ground surfaces Look before starting to Taxy behind side to side and in front

4 Parking aircraft Parking aircraft It is important to ensure that there is nothing in front if the aircraft ie- hangers, cars, other aircraft. Or any other obstruction. It is important to ensure that there is nothing in front if the aircraft ie- hangers, cars, other aircraft. Or any other obstruction.

5 Prop wash Parking of aircraft Parking of aircraft 1. Space in front clear obstructions 2. Away from hanger doors 3. Other aircraft 4. Cars 5. People 6. Loose airframe. Pilot equipment,headsets, map cases 7. Debris,bags 8. Loose stones which could be blown back 9. Pebbles under prop vortex pick up (plus possible damage to prop}

6 Steering A flexwing microlight has a high centre of gravity. sharp steering inputs can lead to the aircraft falling over! Steering is if we use the analogy- like turning a bicycle handle bars or old fashioned trolley (from my child hood days) push left to go right push right to go left Additionally Sharpe changes of direction can apply large torsion loads to the wing attachment point. Always turn gently and brace the control to minimise the wind up between trike and wing.

7 Wind Microlight are easily blown over in a wind. Correct use of the controls to minimise this possibility. Microlight are easily blown over in a wind. Correct use of the controls to minimise this possibility. Always keep the wing into wind down into wind. Always keep the wing into wind down into wind. Headwind : bar back Headwind : bar back Tail wind : bar forward Tail wind : bar forward Crosswind : lower into wind slightly Crosswind : lower into wind slightly Parking Always leave wing down into wind and secured on front strut or tie down. Wind

8 Be aware of steering with wing wind Nose down Bar back Nose up bar forward Wing down into wind

9 Instrument Checks When Taxying 1. Check compass swing. 2. Engine temps. 3. Oil and water temperatures 4. Fuel. Aircraft 1. Brakes 2. Throttles

10 Emergencies Brake failure Brake failure Collision Danger. Collision Danger. Close throttle steer away from obstructions,if possible steer on to high friction surface –Grass Close throttle steer away from obstructions,if possible steer on to high friction surface –Grass Turn mags off if necessary Turn mags off if necessary Close throttle mags of master off,fuel off Close throttle mags of master off,fuel off

11 Airmanship Maintain A good lookout Maintain A good lookout Be aware of your own prop wash in relation other people aircraft and debris Be aware of your own prop wash in relation other people aircraft and debris Operate throttle smoothly and brake Operate throttle smoothly and brake Obey right of way rules and marshalling instructions Obey right of way rules and marshalling instructions Taxy at appropriate speeds fast Taxying is foolish and can lead to accidents Taxy at appropriate speeds fast Taxying is foolish and can lead to accidents

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