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Parallel Passages 1.The Bible is Unified 2.God is the Author 3.The best commentary is (i) by the human author or (ii) by God who is the author of the whole.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallel Passages 1.The Bible is Unified 2.God is the Author 3.The best commentary is (i) by the human author or (ii) by God who is the author of the whole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallel Passages 1.The Bible is Unified 2.God is the Author 3.The best commentary is (i) by the human author or (ii) by God who is the author of the whole BECAUSE the author will not contradict himself. Assumptions:

2 Parallel Passages 1.Verbal – the words are similar. 2.Ideological – the topics are the same. Parallelism is not like a mathematical equation but comes in degrees of likeness and dissimilarity. Two Types:

3 Parallel Passages Synoptic Parallels 1.Matthew, Mark, Luke 2.Samuel & Kings with Chronicles Look for: 3. Specific passages: 1 Chron 1:17-27 & Gen 11:10-26 Psa 18 with 2 Sam 22 Isa 36-39 & 2 Kings 18-20 Jer 52 & 2 Kings 24-25

4 Parallel Passages OT Quotes 1.About 295 (with 224 introductions). Imprecision, brevity, allusions, strings and translations make them difficult to count. Look for: 2.Mt., Acts, Romans and Hebrews have the most. Only Philemon and 1-3 John have none (perhaps Rev).

5 Parallel Passages OT Quotes 3.278 O.T. verses are cited 94 Penteteuch; 99 Prophets; 85 Writings Psa 110:1 is the most frequently cited verse Look for: 4.Allusions are estimated between 442 and 4,105. Revelation has the most. 5.10% of the N.T. is quotation or allusion.

6 Parallel Passages Chronological Parallels 1.Pauline Epistles with Acts 2.Psalms with historical foundations Look for: 3.Prophets with Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles.

7 Parallel Passages Theological Parallels Examples: Predestination, eternal security, millennialism, women’s roles. Look for: 1.Find recurring words: “Christian” Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16. 2.Find similar thoughts even where the words are different: Mt 10:37 & Lk 14:26; or Lk 16:25 & Rev 6:11

8 Parallel Passages Miscellaneous 1.Symbols of prophecy and prophetic vocabulary. Look for: 2.Quotations from extra-biblical sources.

9 Parallel Passages Using your Bible: 1.Read your Bible extensively. How to Find Parallels 2.Use marginal references. Using Reference Books: 3.Computer concordances for phrases. 4. Topical Bibles and theological dictionaries. 5.Scholarly commentaries.

10 1.Using the obscure to define the clear (cf. Lk 16:16 with Jn 6:15 & Mt 11:12). Abuses of Parallels 2.Building a systematic Theology through proof-texting. 3.Combining lists into one comprehensive check-list. 4.Not allowing each passage its own voice. Parallel Passages

11 1.If the authors are credible, every effort should be made to harmonize them. Rules for Harmonizing Parallels 2.If a reasonable explanation (even with conjecture) exists the author should not be charged with error. 3.He who asserts must also prove. 4.Accounts must be mutually exclusive to constitute a contradiction. Parallel Passages

12 1.Study all the relevant passages Rules for Interpreting Parallels 2.Look at theologians whose views appear to contradict the text. (e.g. Amill on Rev 20; premill on 2 Peter 3) 3.Allow for paradox. 4.Be fair with the context of each text. Parallel Passages

13 5.Develop a personal file of topics. Rules for Interpreting Parallels 6.The clear takes precedence over the obscure. 7. Repeated passages carry greater weight. 8.Literal texts are give preference over figurative, parabolic or poetic texts. 9.Later revelation is preferred over earlier.

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