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Grade One News December 2008 - January 2009 Reading In grade one, the students are using some of these tools to help them “build words, sentences and stories.”

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Presentation on theme: "Grade One News December 2008 - January 2009 Reading In grade one, the students are using some of these tools to help them “build words, sentences and stories.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade One News December 2008 - January 2009 Reading In grade one, the students are using some of these tools to help them “build words, sentences and stories.” These are the tools we use in reading: use the sounds, use picture clues, guess and go on, skip the word and keep going, put another word in its place, think of a word that makes sense, use the words around it, go back and reread, or ask a friend. Writing In writing we continue to write personal stories. We have been focusing on writing about “small moments.” For example, a child may write about a small moment such as getting ice cream with her dad, rather than write about the entire weekend. The children are encouraged to include many details about their small moments and stretch them out over several pages.

2 Math This month first grade students will review their use of thermometers and clocks and will be measuring classroom objects and themselves with units such as digits and hand spans as well as inches and feet. First graders will also begin to work on automatic recall of basic addition facts. Please check the Everyday Math family letter your child’s teacher has sent to you for more information.

3 Solids and Liquids Grade one students have just begun a scientific study of solids and liquids. During the unit we will: observe the properties of many solids and liquids compare how different solids and liquids are alike and how they are different organize the results of our inquiries communicate both orally and in writing. These processes (observing, communicating, comparing, and organizing) are the basic thinking processes students need at this age to develop a scientific understanding of the world around them. Your child may ask you for help finding solids and liquids at home. You’ll want to discuss and compare the different characteristics of those you find. (For example: How are salt and sugar the same? How are they different?) You may find yourself observing what happens when solids and liquids are put together. Making lemonade or salad dressing can provide interesting observations when solids and liquids are mixed. Watching an ice cube melt is a way to observe a solid change to a liquid. We’re looking forward to lots of fun and lots of learning as we explore a world full of solids and liquids!

4 Miscellaneous We look forward to seeing you all at our Winter Party on Tuesday, December 16! We’ve asked everyone to bring a potluck dish of your choosing. Please remember, we will decorate cookies in the morning, so although they would be very tasty, desserts are not needed. Please bring your dish by 10:30am and set it on the tables set up outside the classrooms. Be sure to bring serving spoons for your dish and label your bowl/plate to be sure that it doesn’t get lost. If you are unable to attend, you can send a dish with your child in the morning. Please supply a drink for your child. Coffee and tea will be provided for parents. Napkins, plates, and cutlery will be provided. Thank you in advance and we look forward to having a great lunch together. Important Dates in December and January December 161 st grade potluck (10:40-11:40) December 8-12PTA Holiday Book Fair December 13PTA Winter Wonderland (9:30 am -1:30pm) December 18Half day, dismissal @ 11:00 Dec 19-Jan 4Winter Break January 5Classes Resume

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