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RESTMAC Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap 20 % by 2020 Christine Lins Secretary General European Renewable Energy Council Sustainable Energy Goes Mainstream.

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Presentation on theme: "RESTMAC Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap 20 % by 2020 Christine Lins Secretary General European Renewable Energy Council Sustainable Energy Goes Mainstream."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESTMAC Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap 20 % by 2020 Christine Lins Secretary General European Renewable Energy Council Sustainable Energy Goes Mainstream Brussels, 10 th February 2009

2 EREC – European Renewable Energy Council Umbrella organisation representing all RES sectors: AEBIOM AEBIOMEuropean Biomass Association EBBEuropean Biodiesel Board EBBEuropean Biodiesel Board EBIO EBIOEuropean Bioethanol Industry Association EGEC EGECEuropean Geothermal Energy Council EPIA EPIAEuropean Photovoltaic Industry Association ESHA ESHAEuropean Small Hydropower Association ESTIF ESTIFEuropean Solar Thermal Industry Federation EUBIA EUBIAEuropean Biomass Industry Association EWEA EWEAEuropean Wind Energy Association EUREC Agency EUREC AgencyEuropean Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency EU-OEA EU-OEAEuropean Ocean Energy Association EREF EREFEuropean Renewable Energy Federation ESTELA ESTELAEuropean Solar Thermal Electricity Association Representation of European RES industry, trade & research

3 Europe is global leader in RES development Europe is global leader in RES development 450.000 jobs in Europe already now 450.000 jobs in Europe already now Annual turnover of 40 billion € already now Annual turnover of 40 billion € already now New paradigm: Markets for the environment EU Renewable Energy industry

4 Renewable Energy House Headquarters for the European renewable energy sector in Europe‘s capital Brussels Renewable energy and energy efficiency showcase in a 120 year old monument protected building in the heart of Brussels 2800 m 2 of modern office building hosting currently 100 staff from 25 countries More than 15.000 visitors sofar

5 The 20-20-20 EU policy by 2020 Greenhouse gas levels Energy consumption Renewables in energy mix -20% 100% +20% 8,5%

6 RESTMACRESTMAC Duration of the project: 30 months (1 st June 2006 – 30 th Nov. 2008) Partners of the project: EREC, ESHA, AEBIOM, EUBIA, EWEA, ESTIF, EGEC, EPIA, EC Bratislava, NTUA, GAIA, ADEME

7 Renewable Energy Technology Roadmap 20 % by 2020 incl. sectorial objectives for RES- electricity, RES-heating & cooling as well as biofuels for transport



10 Industry projection 2020 – Electricity Consumption from renewables Source: EREC

11 Heating: a sleeping giant 20 % Electricity (incl. cooling) 31 % Transport 49 % Heat (without cooling) Source: Eurostat figures elaborated by EREC Final Energy Consumption by Sector EU-25

12 Industry projection 2020 – Renewable heat consumption Source: EREC

13 Industry projection 2020 – Biofuels consumption Source: EREC


15 Further information: EREC European Reneawble Energy Council Renewable Energy House Rue d‘Arlon 63-67 B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

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