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Second Grade ELA Domain Specific Words G thru R Adapted from: Vocabulary for the Common Core (Marzano, 2013)

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Presentation on theme: "Second Grade ELA Domain Specific Words G thru R Adapted from: Vocabulary for the Common Core (Marzano, 2013)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Grade ELA Domain Specific Words G thru R Adapted from: Vocabulary for the Common Core (Marzano, 2013) Vocabulary Team: Jenny Felts, Susan Hensley, Andrea Hixon, Susan Huntington, Karla Magarin, Karen Maloney, Renee Simpson

2 geographic name L.2.2a The names of continents and landforms on the surface of the earth 2

3 glossary RI.1.5 RI.2.5, L.2.4e L.3.4d A list of hard or unusual words found in a book 1-3

4 greeting L.2.2b 2 A word or phrase that is used to begin a letter Words or actions used to greet others

5 holiday L.2.2a A day on which most people do not work in honor or celebration of some person or event 2

6 how L.K.1d RL.2.1, RI.2.1 A question word that you use when you ask about the way in which something happens or is done K and 2

7 icon RI.2.5 A picture or symbol 2

8 illustration K-2 A picture, photograph or drawing in a book RL.K.7, RI.K.7, RI.K.9 RL.1.7,RI.1.7, RI.1.9 RL.2.7

9 index RI.2.5 An alphabetical list that is printed at the back of a book and tells you which pages important topics are written on 2

10 information 1 st : Unit 2 RL.2.7 Knowledge or facts about someone or something learned from instruction, study, or life experiences How fast can a cheetah run? 1-2

11 Informational text RI.1.10 RI.2.10 Non-fiction writing meant to inform the reader about a specific topic 1-2

12 Irregularly spelled RF.2.3f RF.3.3d Not following the usual spelling rules 2-3

13 language L.2.3 The system of spoken or written words that people use to communicate thoughts and ideas 2

14 lesson RL.1.2 RL.2.2 RL.2.3 Something you learn or study 1-3

15 listen SL.K.1a SL.1.1a SL.2.1a, L.2.3 K-2 Keep alert and be ready to hear something

16 literature RI.2.10 Stories 2 Plays Poems

17 long vowel RF.K.3b RF.1.2a RF.2.3a, RF.2.3c A vowel that is pronounced the same as the name of the letter K-2

18 main idea/ topic RI.K.2 RI.1.2 RI.2.2 The most important point of piece of text K-2

19 meaning The thing or idea that words represent 2-4 cat RL.2.4 RL.3.4 RL.4.4

20 media SL.K.2 SL.1.2 SL.2.2 Television, radio, newspapers, and magazines K-2

21 noun K-2 A word used to name a person, place or thing L.K.1b L.1.1b L.2.1b

22 opinion K-2 What you think or believe about something W.K.1, W.K.7 W.1.1 W.2.1

23 paragraph RI.2.2 RI.3.8 W.4.2a A collection of sentences about one main topic 2-4

24 participate W.2.7 SL.2.1 To take part in an activity 2

25 past tense L.2.1d A form of a verb showing that something happened in the past 2

26 peer W.2.6, SL.2.1 A classmate, or someone who is the same age as you 2 Second grade peershigh school peers

27 plural L.1.1c L.2.1b A word used that means more than one 1-2

28 RL.K.5 RL.1.4 RL.2.4, SL.2.5 A piece of writing in which words are chosen for their beauty and sound and are carefully arranged, often in short lines which rhyme K-2 poem

29 poetry RI.2.10 Poems 2

30 prefix RF.2.3d, L.2.4b RF.3.3a A word part that is added to the beginning of a base word to change the meaning of that word 2-3 I am going to rewrite my paper. Please unplug the lamp. I disagree with that statement.

31 print K-2 Letter and numbers on the pages of a text RF.K.1c, L.K.1a L.1.1a RL.2.7, L.2.4e

32 product name L.2.2a The name of something you buy 2

33 punctuation L.2.2 Question marks, commas, periods, and other marks in writing to help make the meaning clear 2

34 purpose RF.1.4a RI.2.6, RF.2.4a RF.3.4a, W.3.4 The reason for doing something; The goal someone is working for 1-3

35 reason RI.2.8, W.2.1 RI.4.8, W.4.1, W.4.1c, SL.4.3 A fact that explains why something happens or what causes it to happen 2-4

36 report W.2.7 Written information to present to others 2

37 revise W.2.5 W.3.5 W.4.5 Make changes to improve your writing 2-4

38 rhythm K Unit 1 RL.2.4 A repetition of sounds K We clapped our hands to the rhythm of the drums.

39 rhyme RF.K.1a RL.2.4 K and 2 A word that ends with the same sound as another word

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