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Bio 3411 Principles of the Nervous System Review for Final Exam Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders (25/100 pts) T. Woolsey December 7, 2009Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Bio 3411 Principles of the Nervous System Review for Final Exam Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders (25/100 pts) T. Woolsey December 7, 2009Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio 3411 Principles of the Nervous System Review for Final Exam Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders (25/100 pts) T. Woolsey December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

2 December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

3 Topics Covered Overview of Nervous System Development – including embryology, genetics and environment Principal systems for sensation, movement and processing in between Some aspects of CNS disease and modification December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

4 Facts - genes, size, energy Features - brain, spinal cord, periphery Cells - neurons, glia, synapses Health and Disease – impacts, prevalence, impacts II. The Nervous System and Its Cells December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

5 Ovulation/Fertilization - dorsal-ventral axis: maternal determinants & cortical rotation Egg to Blastula – synchronous/asynchronous cell division Germ Bands - ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm: animal/vegetal axis. Gastulation - blastopore Spemann organizer - anterior-posterior axis August 31, 20095Lecture III. Nervous System Embryology III. Nervous System Embryology

6 Neural Fate and Induction – signaling between mesoderm and neuroectoderm BMP - 4 – is a Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-b) signaling molecule family member BMP- 4 from Neuroectoderm - inhibits neuralization/promotes epidermal fate in neighbors Mesoderm - Chordin, Noggin, Follistatin block BMP-4 BMP- 4 - mediates later development and adult plasticity Mechanism – conserved (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) September 2, 20096Lecture IV. Mechanisms of Neural Development IV. Mechanisms of Neural Development

7 Necrosis – environmental cell death; e.g. stroke Apoptosis - physiologically programmed cell death; prevails in NS development Trophic Factors - molecules that promote growth and survival NGF – inhibits apoptosis (and other neruotrophins) Interactions - trophic factors connected to apotposis Generalization – roles in other processes (cancer) and other animals (nematodes) September 9. 2009Lecture V. Cell Birth and Death7 V. Cell Birth and Death

8 Grouping neurons and processes Partner selection Some genetic foundations/correlates Systematic organization of connections Roles of contact and diffusion September 14, 2009Lecture VI. Making Connections8 VI. Making Connections

9 September 16, 2009Lecture VII. CNS Patterning9 The Initiation of the Central Nervous System CNS Growth and Pattern Development Invertebrate Brains Several Mechanisms for Directing the Show (scripts conserved) How did vertebrate and invertebrate patterns arise? VII. CNS Patterning

10 September 21, 2009Lecture VIII. The Spinal Cord, Relexes and Brain Pathways 10 Spinal Cord - Segmental organization Peripheral Nerves - Compound action potential Spinal Nerves - Dermatomes, motor neuron pools (nuclei) and motor units Spinal reflexes - stretch (knee jerk); withdrawal/ crossed extensor Introduction to Pathways - 1 sensory (DC-ML); 1 motor (CST) VIII. Spinal Cord, Reflexes and Pathways

11 September 23, 2009Lecture IX. Brain Pathways: Sensation 11 IX. Sensation Sensory Transduction Receptive Fields Adaptation Feature Detection Maps Sensory Integration

12 September 28, 2009Lecture X. Brain Pathways: Movement 12 Corticospinal Tract: Activation & Somatotopy Activity of Motor Cortex Neurons Directs Movement: Force & Direction Four Other Motor Pathways to Spinal Cord Role(s) of Descending Pathways in Movement Control Effects of Corticospinal Tract Lesions Why is left right, and right left? X. Movement

13 September 30, 2009Lecture XI. Higher Functions13 XI. Integrating Functions Methods for study of human brain function/structure Auditory pathways Language Hemispheric specialization Special Talents and Genius

14 XII. Experience and Critical Periods. (aka, Plastics) Neuromorphological plasticity – sensitive periods Functional plasticity – critical periods Adult plasticity – half-life Mechanism(s) – different, common, evolution December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

15 XIII. Brain Diseases I Motor Systems a Reprise Pyramidal vs Extrapyramidal (Basal ganglia) Parkinsonism a Movement Disorder Mechanisms and Treatment Strategies December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

16 October 9, 2009Lecture XIV. Brain Diseases - II16 XIV. Brain Diseases II Widespread Systems Mood Disorders –Depression –Manic/Depressive Illness Schizophrenia Drugs

17 Human Genetics MRDD (mental retardation and developmental disabilities) Humans Mice What’s with the Brain? October 12, 200917Lecture XV. Genetics and Human Brains XV. Genetics and Human Brains: Clues from Abnormalities

18 Sample a. The bright area to which the arrow is pointing (on the left side of the brain) in this MRI is: 1) the frontal lobe 2) cerebrospinal fluid 3) a stroke b. Functions of cortex not in this bright area are: 1) hearing 2) vision 3) touch c. Symptoms that got this person to the ER include: 1) difficulty walking 2) difficulty eating 3) difficulty smiling d. I (you) think this is most interesting because: 1) relevance to disability 2) localization of brain functions 3) is like a painting Total of 20. Circle the best answer under each heading. (0.25 pt/ea) December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

19 December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

20 The Meaning and Purpose (1cm 3 ) Eat Sleep Procreate Defend December 7, 2009Review - Development, Structure, Systems & Disorders

21 September 23, 2009Lecture IX. Brain Pathways: Sensation 21 Buena Suerte Bon Chance Good Luck (And …get a good night’s sleep)

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