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Published byRandolph Pierce Modified over 9 years ago
1 st 6 Weeks 8 th Grade United States History CRM 1: Environment Unit 1: United States Geography Arc 1: Physical and Political Geography of the United States Unit 2: European Settlement of the United States Arc 1: Historical Eras Overview Arc 2: European Exploration Arc 3: Early Settlements- Jamestown and Plymouth Arc 4: The Development of Colonial Regions and the 13 English Colonies CRM 2: Celebrate Freedom Week/Constitution Day Austin Independent School District
School Calendar/Yearly Itinerary (YI) Curriculum Road Map (CRM) TEKS/ELPS/CCRS STAAR Released Sample Items Adopted Textbook A resource for quality texts A resource for higher order question stems Lesson plan template Planning for Rigor Document …and most especially, EACH OTHER!
Yearly Itinerary information should be used along with school event calendar information to get an accurate picture of available instructional time. YI Gr ad in g Pe rio d As se ss m en t Pacing GuidePacing Guide 1 st 6 we ek s 29 da ys (1 4. 5 Bl oc k da ys) As se ss m en t: SC A 1 Da tes : Se pt e m be r 28 - Oc to be r 4, 20 12 TE KS eli gi bl e for tes tin g: 8. 1B, 8. 1C, 8. 2A, 8. 3B, 8. 3C, 8. 10 C, 8. 11 A, 8. 21 B, 8. 23 A Environment Unit 1: United States Geography and Identity Estimated time frame: 5 days TEKS: 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C, 8.11A, 8.11B, 8.19FEnvironment Unit 1: United States Geography and Identity Estimated time frame: 5 days TEKS: 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C, 8.11A, 8.11B, 8.19F Environment Unit 2: European Settlement of the United States Estimated time frame: 20 days TEKS:8.1A, 8.1B, 8.1C, 8.2A, 8.2B, 8.3B, 8.3C, 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C, 8.11A, 8.12A, 8.1Environment Unit 2: European Settlement of the United States Estimated time frame: 20 days TEKS:8.1A, 8.1B, 8.1C, 8.2A, 8.2B, 8.3B, 8.3C, 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C, 8.11A, 8.12A, 8.1
CRM Name and discuss each part.
Look at the TEKs being taught in the lesson, What students will need to know and be expected to do…. What TEKS are going to be addressed during this lesson? What academic vocabulary do students need to understand and use? What words, phrases in the TEKS may not be understood by the students? What guiding questions(s) will facilitate understanding and mastery?
Do students understand what they need to master? Do they understand what the TEKS expect them to learn? Do the students understand the vocabulary related to the TEKS? After reading and discussing each TEKS, the student needs to be able to articulate what he/she needs to learn/do to accomplish mastery of the TEKS. (Then you as the teacher know that the student understands the TEKS and is knowledgeable of the task.)
Think about what the student may now be wondering? Yes, you are competing with all these thoughts, but you must bring them back to your classroom. Direct them back to the TEKS being studies, and what you are preparing to teach, and they need to learn.
1.Rewrite the TEKS we are working on in your own words. 2.List the assignments that we did for the TEKS. Courtesy of Sean Piper 3. Write the verbs from the TEKS you want to perform. Gorzycki MS 4.Using the assignments, discuss where we performed the verbs in a sentence or two. Explain what you learned based on the TEKS.
Why do they need to acquire this knowledge? Why is it important? Students need to connect to/and believe the information is important to them. Let them come up with some answers. You will need to have some ideas to support or supplement their answers in order to make the learning relevant to them. The answer will depend on the TEKS being studied. (Take a couple of minutes and talk to a partner about some possible reasons why students need to know about our National Identity.) Answers can be simple: Understanding our national identity and our national history helps students internalize the importance of their heritage and civic responsibility.
Discuss as a group and share with each other Read the Students Will Know… and the Students Will be Able to … Do these sections reflect what is in the TEKS? How will your teaching reflect these sections? Oral language strategies Written response strategies Multiple strategies
What formative and summative assessments will you use in your teaching to check for understanding? o Knowledge level questions o Comprehension level questions o Application level questions o Analysis level questions o Synthesis level questions o Evaluation level Discuss in partners or in a group the formative and summative assessments listed. Are there questions any you might want to add? What questions will you ask that addresses the rigor of the TEKS/SE that extend the learning?
Take a couple of minutes to discuss as a small group/ partners and share with each other. Examples of Models or Examples of Support The TEKS studied need to be written out for students to see and connect to what is being studied. Anchors of support: textbook, other books, resources, websites, newspapers, magazines, posters, word walls, and academic vocabulary and supportive vocabulary, student work, Discovery Education Streaming, Interactive Student Notebook, foldables, etc. of Models or Ex What will your instruction include? Interactive Student Notebook, foldables, graphic organizers, collaboration: small group and partner work, shared and independent, reading, or research TASK The student task is aligned to the TEKS/SE The task is aligned to students’ differentiations (SpEd, ELL) Students are complaint with tasks Students are on task and able to articulate learning Students are engaged and learning is student directed.
An exemplar lesson will be linked for teachers to use. The lesson is in a portfolio. Open the portfolio using AcrobatPro 9.
Students can explain the meaning of… and give examples of … using academic vocabulary. Students can use the tools(maps…) to document their knowledge. Students have high expectations for themselves to document their learning. Students can explain and justify their mastery of the TEKS to the teacher and their peers verbally/writing/product. Essential Questions can be used throughout the unit to measure student understanding. When students know what they are suppose to comprehend, they will be able to articulate when they have achieved mastery. Let them list the TEKS in their Interactive Student Notebooks (ISN) and write what they have learned that demonstrates this mastery. Students will have a documented list of their accomplishments to review.
ELPS These standards are required by law and are not only designed to make content comprehensible and develop academic language for ELL’s but support quality instruction for all learners in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. CCRS These standards were approved in 2008 to ensure that Texas students are graduating from high school with all the skills necessary to be successful in college. These focus not only on content but the intellectual skills and underlying understandings of the structure of knowledge necessary to be highly equipped for post-secondary education. Framework for 21 st Century Learning Framework for 21 st Century Learning This framework is designed to outline the skills, knowledge, and expertise students need to be successful in life, work, and globally. They focus on aptitudes such as, creativity, technology, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, and communication.
Continue the same steps for the next arc…
Academic Vocabulary … 8 th Grade Use words in reading and speaking context. Students draw pictures/use graphic organizers to support word meaning. Students speak in complete sentences with meaning and understanding. What guiding questions and/or stems are being used to promote the use of academic vocabulary? Teacher provides questions to promote academic vocabulary Teacher provided sentence stems
The word region is an area or part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries. This word makes me think of : Of our team winning the regionals in basketball last year. Next month the World Series will be held between the two regional winners. Use in a sentence: Each map drawn in this class will include a compass rose. Synonyms: District Locale Neighborhood Antonyms: None
Example: precinct domain district area Region neighborhood locale
Students will be able to answer these questions after this concept is taught.
8.1 History. The student understands traditional points of reference in U.S. history through 1877. – Review the TEKS, pick out words or phrases students many not understand. – Review the Students Will Know and the Students will be able to … to plan your lesson.
8 th Grade What guiding questions and/or stems are being used to promote the use of academic vocabulary? o Teacher provides questions to promote academic vocabulary o Teacher provided sentence stems o Teacher did not provide opportunities to use academic vocabulary Use words in reading and speaking context. Students draw pictures/use graphic organizers to support word meaning. Students speak in complete sentences with meaning and understanding.
The teacher uses a system to help the students to make connections between the new vocabulary and their prior knowledge. KIM K Key Idea I Information M Memory Clue Religious persecutionPunishment or bad treatment for religious beliefs charterA written contract Representative government Standing in for someone or acting for another in a government body Congress The Puritans escaped from England because of religious persecution. The charter issued by the joint trading was not valid after the colonists landed in the wrong location. The voters in the U.S. will be voting for their representative government on November 6, 2012 Sentences
Students will be able to answer these questions after this concept is taught. The Big Idea
The Social Studies grade level textbook is a great place to start. The CRM has resources listed under the Unit and the Arc. Check out the Social Studies Website for more resources in your grade level and Constitution Day (week of Sept. 17) activities The Library Services Media Center has IBISTRO: The Encyclopedia Britanica and the World Book are online. Many other District licensed internet resources are also there, along with user names and passwords, including Discovery Education Streaming. ( Go to the AISD website, type in IBISTRO, click on Portal Knowledge.) The school library and if your school has one, the Literacy Library.
Planning instruction: Read your CRM as a whole document to get the gist of what students need to learn and you need to teach. Read each separate part for your background knowledge. Review the TEKS: Your lesson must be tied to the TEKS. How will your students demonstrate (assessment) that they have mastered the learning? Who will you know they have learned the Essential Understandings? Are they able to answer the Essential Questions? What strategies, best practices will you use to get the outcome of mastery from each of your students? What differentiation accommodations will you need to add to your lesson so that all students meet the standards?
The first part of differentiating instruction involves: finding out where your students are starting in their knowledge base and anticipating areas where clarification may be necessary. There are formal and informal ways to acquire this information. What background knowledge, prior learning, and habits do students need in order to be successful with the new concept? What misconceptions need to be clarified before new learning takes place? How will instruction be differentiated to address the needs of all learners? At what level of proficiency (in English/prerequisite skills) are my students? What supports/scaffolds would support the student understanding? Who can I ask for help? The school SPED teacher, the District SPED office, ESL teachers at the school, the District Bilingual Dept. and of course the Social Studies Dept.
Because Teaching and Assessing have a reciprocal relationship Plan your lessons with these questions… Best Practices: How will the teacher model/explain clear expectations for the students’ learning? (Such as developing a criteria chart with the students) What anchors of support can be created to help students in their thinking? Which 21 st Century Skills can be targeted? How will students be held accountable for their new learning, as well as make their thinking and learning public? How will accountable discussions and collaboration be encouraged in an atmosphere of mutual respect? How will students be grouped for challenging thinking (problem solving)? What role might technology play in making the learning more accessible and at the same time, more challenging?
Assessment Formative-How will I know all students are understanding the new concept as it is being taught? Scaffolding- What adjustments/reteaching needs to happen as a result of misunderstanding? Summative-How will I know all students have mastered the new concept? (Performance tasks) How can the academic testing language be embedded into daily instruction? How will the lesson build skills necessary for success on Performance Tasks?
Knowledge and Skill Statement and Student Expectations posted and referenced in the classroom. What models or anchors of support will we use? How will students be held accountable for their learning and make their thinking public? How will discussion and collaboration be encouraged and expected? How will students be grouped for rigorous thinking and problem solving?
I Do: Teacher begins with a question, problem to solve, or hook. Engagement -Read Aloud/Think Aloud/Questioning/Text Evidence -Teacher models performance task We Do: Shared construction of task/task/facilitates class and small group discussion Develop criteria/rubric for task You Do: Students read / complete task independently Judge task based on criteria or rubric
Small groups (Students brainstorm a list of reasons for leaving their mother/home country. Then they share their reasons with the rest of the class.) ISN reflection (Write a letter to your cousins telling them why you have left the homeland.) Reading/Research (Students read a packet of primary source material on the topic of immigration. They create a T-chart using the headings of PUSH/PULL to categorize their packet’s reasons for migration.)
Students might: Write reflections ( Students write reflection on the items they would bring to a new home and why those items were chosen.) Postcard: Students are given a postcard template and one side they describe their new home: plants, animals, geography, and people. On the reverse side the students draw a picture of their new home.
The teacher ensures that the new vocabulary comes up many, many, many, many times. Partner Practice/Quizzes Games Class and small group discussions
Praise Rewards Use in speaking and writing Word Walls/Word Banks Cloze Method with key vocabulary words left out. Correct the Teacher “Give” the word to the student Use vocabulary in writing tasks The teacher finds ways to encourage the students to actively use the new vocabulary.
Expository: Factual writing, cause and effect, summaries, lists, outlines, note-taking for research… Personal : Reflections on what was learned. Connections made to learning Encourage your students to write in complete sentences unless sentences are inappropriate for the task such as creating a list.
Continue the same steps for the next arc…
This concludes your planning for Social Studies Weeks 1 & 2.
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