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PURPOSE FOR WRITING.  Content Area: English  Grade Level: Third  Lesson Summary: The purpose of this Instructional PowerPoint is for students to understand.

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Presentation on theme: "PURPOSE FOR WRITING.  Content Area: English  Grade Level: Third  Lesson Summary: The purpose of this Instructional PowerPoint is for students to understand."— Presentation transcript:


2  Content Area: English  Grade Level: Third  Lesson Summary: The purpose of this Instructional PowerPoint is for students to understand the different purposes for writing. In this lesson the students will distinguish between sentences that are meant to inform, persuade, or entertain.  Learning Objective: Given the topic of water, the students will determine which sentences are made to entertain, inform, or persuade the reader with 100% accuracy.  Grade Level Expectation: 0301.3.1 Write on a predetermined topic to a specified audience (e.g., self, peers, adults).  Performance Indicator: SPI 0301.3.1 Identify the purpose for writing (i.e., to entertain, to inform, to respond to a picture, story, or art).

3 LESSON  Did you know that there are many purposes for writing?  Sometimes we write to persuade someone to do something or persuade them to agree with an idea that we have. Other times we may want to entertain someone by writing a funny joke. But we usually write to inform our reader about a certain topic or idea.  For today’s lesson, we will determine which sentences are meant to persuade, inform, or to entertain our reader.

4 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SENTENCE? I think water is the best beverage compared to Coke or Pepsi. 1.InformInform 2.PersuadePersuade

5 WAY TO GO!  The correct answer is Persuade.

6 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SENTENCE?  The chemical formula for water is H 2 O. 1.PersuadePersuade 2.InformInform

7 YOU ROCK!  The correct answer is Inform.

8 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SENTENCE?  Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. 1.InformInform 2.PersuadePersuade

9 SUPER!  The correct answer is Inform.

10 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THIS SENTENCE?  The letter of the alphabet that has the most water is the C. 1.PersuadePersuade 2.InformInform 3.EntertainEntertain

11 YOU’VE GOT IT!  The correct answer is Entertain.

12 SUMMARY  In conclusion, today’s lesson taught us that there are different purposes for writing. They are: inform persuade entertain Throughout the remainder of the year, we will further use or knowledge of these different purposes to expand our writing skills.

13 SORRY, THAT’S INCORRECT  No worries, just try again.

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