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The Rise of Environmentalism Rachael Carson Marine Biologist Wrote the book Silent Spring about use of pesticides Warned of “silent spring” with no birds.

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2 The Rise of Environmentalism Rachael Carson Marine Biologist Wrote the book Silent Spring about use of pesticides Warned of “silent spring” with no birds due to deaths caused by DDT and other chemicals Yannacones: Long Island, NY Learned officials were using DDT to control mosquitoes Concern for local lakes and streams Scientists confirmed their concerns

3 The Repercussions Yannacones sue local government to stop use of pesticides— they win the court case Scientists realize that courts are the best strategy Environmental Defense Fund is formed Challenged DDT spraying across the country Ultimately led to banning of all DDT spraying in 1972

4 DDT was not always a concern for Americans. In fact, the US Department of Agriculture advertised for the usage of DDT during the 1940’s and 1950’s!

5 American Views Carson’s Silent Spring sent warnings Rivers no longer safe for swimming and fishing Smog hanging over major cities Timber companies destroying forest Oil Spill (California 1969) killed birds and fish while destroying beaches

6 American views (continued) Dam project in Florida killed millions of birds and fish Lake Erie fishing population decimated by pollution and garbage Citizens convinced these were signs to take action

7 Environmentalism Begins April 1970 First Earth Day celebration Millions of Americans participated Formation of local groups Examples of Groups: Audubon Society, Sierra Club, Wilderness Society had huge increases in membership and influence Goals: Protect the environment and promote conservation of national resources 1970: Activists start Natural Resources Defense Council with scientists and lawyers

8 New Goals Cities attempt to reduce urban sprawl Expansion of green spaces Energy efficiency in building projects Reforestation

9 Environmental Protection Agency Started in 1970 when Nixon signed the National Environmental Policy Act Set and enforced pollution standards, promoted research, and directed anti-pollution activities with governments

10 New Legislation Clean Air Act (1970) Emissions standards for factories and automobiles Clean Water Act (1972) Restrictions on discharge of pollutants in lakes and rivers Endangered Species Act (1973) Spaces for threatened plant and animal species Effects Reduced Smog Decline in stream and lake pollution

11 Love Canal Community Activists near Niagara Falls High amounts of health issues Nerve damage, blood diseases, cancer, birth defects, and high amounts of miscarriages Residents find out about Love Canal’s history Toxic-waste dump Hazardous materials spreading

12 Love Canal (continued) Residents demanded for government intervention 1978: National attention State finally relocates families (200 total) Public pressure key 1980: Declared a federal disaster area by President Carter 600 more families moved 1983: Love Canal residents sue the company owning the dump and settled for $20 million

13 Nuclear Energy Debates of usage Pro: Cleaner energy, less expensive alternative to fossil fuels Con: risks of radiation release and waste, environment effects? Debate gains attention on March 28, 1979 Why?


15 Three Mile Island Nuclear facility outside Harrisburg, PA Cooling system failed causing the system of overheat Officials scrambled to fix problem Low levels of radiation released Evacuations, then protests Reactor closed down, leak fixed Nuclear Regulatory Commission declares plant safe

16 Post-Three Mile Island Although no one was hurt at Three Mile Island, changes still occurred as public opinion soured on nuclear energy Since 1973 60 plants have been shut down or abandoned No new facilities have been built

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