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1 Interoperability Among EOS Data Gateway, ECHO and CEOS’ INFEO Systems CEOS WGISS Subgroup Meeting May 9, 2002 Frascati Italy Chao-Hsi Chang NASA/EDG.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Interoperability Among EOS Data Gateway, ECHO and CEOS’ INFEO Systems CEOS WGISS Subgroup Meeting May 9, 2002 Frascati Italy Chao-Hsi Chang NASA/EDG."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Interoperability Among EOS Data Gateway, ECHO and CEOS’ INFEO Systems CEOS WGISS Subgroup Meeting May 9, 2002 Frascati Italy Chao-Hsi Chang NASA/EDG

2 2 Overview EOSDIS/EDG Review ECHO Operation Overview Interoperability Issues Conclusions

3 3 EOSDIS Manages Data from EOS missions Landsat-7, QuikSCAT, Terra ACRIMSAT and Aqua Pre-EOS missions (UARS, SeaWIFS, TOMS-EPm, TOPEX/Poseidon and TRMM) All of the Earth Science Enterprise legacy data (e.g., Pathfinder and field experiments data sets)

4 4 EOS Data Gateway (EDG) Provides easy/centralized access to EOSDIS Products Started as EOSDIS V0 IMS (1994) 7 Core, plus Extended Attributes


6 6 EDG Access Currently: 9 U.S. DAACs 4 ECS Data Centers 7 International Data Centers Future: Link to INFEO? Other Data Providers through ECHO

7 7 US DAACs ASF – sea ice, polar processes EDC (LP) – land processes GHRC – hydrologic cycle, lighting GSFC –atmospheric dynamics, global biosphere JPL – ocean circulation, air-sea interaction LaRC – radiation, clouds, aerosols NSIDC – snow, ice, cryosphere and climate ORNL – biogeochemical dynamics SEDAC – human interaction with environment

8 8 International Data Centers BOM - Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) CCRS - Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing DLR_DFD - Deutsche Forschungsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt (Germany) DSRS - Dundee Satellite Receiving Station (Scotland) HEOC - Hatoyama Earth Observation Center (Japan) IRE_CPSSI - IRE RAS Center of Processing and Storing the Space Information (Russia) ISA_MEIDA - Israel Space Agency Middle East Interactive Data Archive

9 9 EOSDIS Core System (ECS) Four ECS Data Centers EDC-ECS – Landsat 7, ASTER, MODIS (land) GSFC-ECS – MODIS (atmospheric) LaRC-ECS – ACRIM, CERES, MISR, MOPITT NSIDC-ECS – MODIS (ice/snow)

10 10 EOSDIS Data Volume Terra spacecraft produces 194 gigabytes raw data per day. It exceeds 850 GB When processed to higher levels In Aug. 1999 EOSDIS’ data totaled 284 terabytes. Within less than a year, Terra data have double EOSDIS total holdings In addition, Landsat 7 is producing 150 MG of data per day

11 11 ECS Data Model Comprehensive and complex 127 Classes (tables) 297 Attributes 8 categories Data Originator, Collection, Granule, Spatial, Temporal, Contact, Algorithm, Document Product Specific Attributes: PSA

12 12 ECHO Operational Roles Database administrator Scheduler Metadata knowledge-base expert Valids coder

13 13 ECHO Operation Activities Account setup support Data ingest support Catalog maintenance Order brokering support Database table/oracle maintenance System operations

14 14 Account Set Up Support Provider registration Provider policy establishment & update Access control management Client initialization User registration Account status check

15 15 Data Ingest Support Metadata mapping Provider testing Metadata ingest Metadata update

16 16 Catalog Maintenance Catalog service maintenance Subscription service maintenance

17 17 System Operations System monitoring System backups Disaster recovery

18 18 CINTEX/ECHO Link Link through INFEO/EDG Valids mapping for MissionId vs. SOURCE (84/52%; 166 vs. 415) ProcessingLevelId vs PROCESSING_LEVEL (8/62%; 13 vs. 9) SensorId vs. SENSOR (140/47%; 294 vs. 672) ThemeKeyword vs. PARAMETER (100% ?; 1135)

19 19 CINTEX/ECHO Link (Cont.) INFEO as ECHO Client? Data centers join as ECHO data providers Data centers’ client connects to ECHO Link trough other regional metadata clearing-houses (e.g., CNES’ Metadata Office)

20 20 Enhance Interoperability Implement GCMD fourth level (Variable) science keywords in INFEO Map existing valids regularly Adapt each other’s un-matched valids Reconcile valids naming guideline

21 21 Conclusions ECHO, a next generation framework for interoperability Metadata quality is still the key to its success Efforts like CIP is essential to bridge systems down the road

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