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1 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Intelligent Transportation Systems Laboratory Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science Portland State University Robert L. Bertini, Christopher Monsere, Michael Wolfe and Mathew Berkow Combined Arterial Performance Status Report February 2006

2 2 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report FY06 ITS Integration Earmark   TransPort Committee proposed 13 project topics   Voting by committee prioritized   Combined Arterial Performance   Task 1.1 City of Gresham Adaptive Signal System Evaluation   Task 1.2 Arterial Travel Time and Performance Measures   Task 1.3 Development of a Methodology and Evaluation of Algorithms for Estimating Travel Speeds on Arterials Using Automatic Vehicle Location Data   Task 2 Combined Regional Data Archive (PORTAL) Enhancement   Task 2.1 Improving Real-Time Travel Time Estimations   Task 2.2 Improving Data Quality in Portland’s Archived Data User Service   Task 2.3 Incorporation of Incident Data into the Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL)   Task 3 OR 140 Ice Detection and Warning System Evaluation   Task 4 Portland State University Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab Hardware Improvements   TransPort Committee proposed 13 project topics   Voting by committee prioritized   Combined Arterial Performance   Task 1.1 City of Gresham Adaptive Signal System Evaluation   Task 1.2 Arterial Travel Time and Performance Measures   Task 1.3 Development of a Methodology and Evaluation of Algorithms for Estimating Travel Speeds on Arterials Using Automatic Vehicle Location Data   Task 2 Combined Regional Data Archive (PORTAL) Enhancement   Task 2.1 Improving Real-Time Travel Time Estimations   Task 2.2 Improving Data Quality in Portland’s Archived Data User Service   Task 2.3 Incorporation of Incident Data into the Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL)   Task 3 OR 140 Ice Detection and Warning System Evaluation   Task 4 Portland State University Intelligent Transportation Systems Lab Hardware Improvements

3 3 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Objective  Develop an automated way to report speeds, travel times and performance measures using:  Existing ITS signal infrastructure  Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) data  Expand PORTAL to include arterial data  Develop an automated way to report speeds, travel times and performance measures using:  Existing ITS signal infrastructure  Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) data  Expand PORTAL to include arterial data

4 4 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Selected Arterial Performance Measures

5 5 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Inspiration – Signal System Data Only

6 6 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Inspiration – Bus AVL System Data Only I-5 I-205 US 26 SR 217 Powell Blvd.

7 7 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report This Project: Combine Signal and Bus AVL

8 8 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Signal System Data

9 9 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Signal Data Literature  Using stop bar detectors to generate an arterial performance map  Hallenbeck, Ishimaru, Davis, Kang  Liang  Performance based on summation of delay components  Liu, Ma  Skabardonis, Geroliminis  Intersection/Signal Performance  Sharma, Bullock, Bonneson  Smaglik, Bullock, Sharma

10 10 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report DD Signal System Data: Portland’s Detection Infrastructure Data Aggregation  System Detector 5 min  Other Detector 15 min  7 Day Sample

11 11 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Case Study: Barbur Blvd. Speed Map Sheridan Hooker Hamilton 3rd Terwilliger Bertha 19th I-5 Off-ramp 30th Park & Ride N

12 12 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Detectors at Barbur and Bertha

13 13 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Flow vs. Occupancy: 5 Minute Data

14 14 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report 5 Minute Speed and Occupancy (at Hamilton)

15 15 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Generate Occupancy Map From Detector Data

16 16 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report AM Peak Speed Map From Detector Data

17 17 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Will It Work? To The Video….

18 18 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Obstacles   Lack of Access to Real Time Data   Limited Detection   Very Limited Aggregation (5 Minute Won’t Work)   Detector Spacing   Is Any Further Work Justified?   Lack of Access to Real Time Data   Limited Detection   Very Limited Aggregation (5 Minute Won’t Work)   Detector Spacing   Is Any Further Work Justified?

19 19 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Next Steps: Gresham Burnside Corridor   Good detector density   Highly granular data (cycle-by- cycle)   Probe data available   No direct measurement of occupancy   16’ detectors   No bus data   Good detector density   Highly granular data (cycle-by- cycle)   Probe data available   No direct measurement of occupancy   16’ detectors   No bus data

20 20 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Next Steps: Vancouver Mill Plain Blvd.   Detailed Data Available   Do Not Have Sample Data Yet   Possible Future Project   Detailed Data Available   Do Not Have Sample Data Yet   Possible Future Project

21 21 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Bus AVL System Data

22 22 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Bus AVL Data Literature Review  Buses as probes  Bertini & Tantiyanugulchai (2003)  Vandehey, Parks, Koonce & Bonneson (2006 working paper)  Chakroborty and Kikuchi (2004)  Measuring & reporting congestion  Hall and Vyas (2000)  Measuring network LOS  Uno, Tamura, Iida, Nagahiro and Yamawaki (2007)

23 23 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report TriMet Archived AVL Data  Route Number  Vehicle Number  Service Date  Actual Leave Time  Scheduled Stop Time  Actual Arrive Time  Operator ID  Direction  Trip Number  Bus Stop Location  Dwell Time  Door Opened  Lift Usage  Ons & Offs (APCs)  Passenger Load  Maximum Speed on Previous Link  Distance  Longitude  Latitude

24 24 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Powell Blvd. Corridor Study

25 25 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Tantiyanugulchai Results   Possible to explain actual arterial traffic conditions using transit vehicle AVL information.   Bus trajectory created from maximum instantaneous speed achieved between each stop pair (Pseudo Bus) most reliably depicted traffic movement of non-transit vehicles.   Test vehicle travel times were between 1.24 and 1.29 times the pseudo bus travel times.   In reverse, test vehicle speeds were between 0.78 and 0.81 times the pseudo bus speeds.   Time-space diagrams and 3D visualizations were helpful for exploring the data before beginning detailed analysis.   Possible to explain actual arterial traffic conditions using transit vehicle AVL information.   Bus trajectory created from maximum instantaneous speed achieved between each stop pair (Pseudo Bus) most reliably depicted traffic movement of non-transit vehicles.   Test vehicle travel times were between 1.24 and 1.29 times the pseudo bus travel times.   In reverse, test vehicle speeds were between 0.78 and 0.81 times the pseudo bus speeds.   Time-space diagrams and 3D visualizations were helpful for exploring the data before beginning detailed analysis.

26 26 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Will It Work? To The Video….

27 27 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Building on Powell Blvd. Study  Begin with limited signal system data.  Gather archived TriMet AVL data.  Merge two data sources to examine synergies due to data fusion.  Use AVL data to calibrate influence areas from loops.

28 28 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Midpoint Method Using 5-Minute Data

29 29 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Adjust Influence Areas Manually

30 30 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Include Bus Speed Measurements

31 31 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Reveals Gaps in Detection

32 32 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report New Occupancy Map From Combined Sources

33 33 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Confirmation of Congested Regime at Bertha

34 34 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Obstacles and Next Steps   TriMet Buses Can Be Probes   Detailed AVL Data (Stop Level) Not Available in Real Time (?)   No Access to Real Time Data (Transit Tracker)   Is Any Further Work Justified?   TriMet Buses Can Be Probes   Detailed AVL Data (Stop Level) Not Available in Real Time (?)   No Access to Real Time Data (Transit Tracker)   Is Any Further Work Justified?

35 35 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Products So Far…  Presentations  Oregon ITE Monthly Meeting (2/27/07)  CTS Transportation Seminar (3/16/07)  ITE District 6 Annual Meeting (7/18/07)  ITSC (9/30/07)  Posters  TransNow Student Conference (11/16/07)  TRB 87th Annual Meeting (1/13/08)  Papers  TRB: Using Signal System Data and Buses as Probe Vehicles to Define the Congested Regime on Arterials  IEEE: Improving Arterial Performance Measurement Using Traffic Signal System Data  IEEE: Arterial Travel Time Estimation and Transit Performance Measurement Using Archived AVL Transit Data  ITE D6: Improving Arterial Performance Measurement Using Traffic Signal System Data

36 36 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Acknowledgements   TransPort Members   FHWA: Nathaniel Price   ODOT: Galen McGill   PSU & OTREC (Local Matching Funds)   City of Portland: Bill Kloos, Willie Rotich   TriMet: David Crout, Steve Callas   JPACT and Oregon Congressional Delegation   ITS Lab: John Chee, Rafael Fernandez   TransPort Members   FHWA: Nathaniel Price   ODOT: Galen McGill   PSU & OTREC (Local Matching Funds)   City of Portland: Bill Kloos, Willie Rotich   TriMet: David Crout, Steve Callas   JPACT and Oregon Congressional Delegation   ITS Lab: John Chee, Rafael Fernandez

37 37 Combined Arterial Performance Status Report Thank You!

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