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Literary TermsLiterary Terms  Mood: the effect of literature on the reader: it is usually controlled by imagery  Imagery: the use of language to represent.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary TermsLiterary Terms  Mood: the effect of literature on the reader: it is usually controlled by imagery  Imagery: the use of language to represent."— Presentation transcript:


2 Literary TermsLiterary Terms  Mood: the effect of literature on the reader: it is usually controlled by imagery  Imagery: the use of language to represent actions, persons, objects, and ideas descriptively  Tone: the author’s attitude toward the material and/or readers (e.g., playful, formal, depressed, ironic)  Theme: the central and dominating idea in a literary work

3 Modes v. Media of ExpressionModes v. Media of Expression  Mode:  A form or manner of expression  Genre  Examples: poems, fiction, nonfiction, essays, opinion pieces  Medium:  A means of conveying something  A channel or system of communication, information, or entertainment  A form of artistic expression or communication  Examples: novels, graphic novels, films, television shows, pieces of art, songs

4 What is the mode of Persepolis?  Do the graphic novel and film have the same mode?

5 Persepolis FilmGraphic Novel Mood Tone Under- standing of Theme

6 Persepolis Graphic Novel v. Film  How did the graphic novel medium affect the mood of Persepolis? The film?  How did the graphic novel medium affect the tone of Persepolis? The film?  How did the graphic novel medium affect your understanding of the theme of Persepolis ? The film?


8 Traditions Like many different faiths and religions, Islam has a strong artistic and creative tradition. Sculpture Calligraphy Handicrafts (Rugs, cushions, etc.) Paintings Persian Art also has a strong tradition, particularly in painting. Bottle, Greater Iran (Afghanistan), 9th - 10th century. Available at

9 Be sure to see…Be sure to see…  Common depictions:  Glorification of God’s word  Transformation of everyday objects into things of “transcendent beauty”  Everyday life  Lives of the rich and/or powerful Tughra of Sultan Sulaiman the Magnificent, 16th century; Ottoman period (ca. 1280–1924). Attributed to Istanbul, Turkey (Available at:

10 Common motifsCommon motifs Nature – plants, animals, water, or wind Calligraphy Geometric patterns Verses from sacred or popular texts People – depends on regional cultural trends Mihrab, A.H. 755/ A.D. 1354–55. From Isfahan, Iran (Available at

11 Islamic Art and Persepolis Iranian frieze of a Phoenix Panel from “The Bicycle”

12 Compare/Contrast Panel from “The Water Cell” “Bahram Gur with the Dragon” “Bahram Gur with the Dragon; Page from a Manuscript of the Khamsa of Nizami.” Iran, Qazvin, circa 1560. Available at

13 Islamic Tile DesignIslamic Tile Design

14 Color & Symbolism For Muslim artists, colors symbolized cultural values, states of mind or emotion, and elements. Red = Fire Yellow = Air Green = Water (also, green is thought to be the prophet Muhammad’s favorite color, and therefore a favorite among Muslims) Blue = Earth Zahhak Enthroned with the Two Daughters of Jamshid, Page from a Manuscript of the Shahnama (Book of Kings) Greater Iran, Bukhara, Circa 1615. Available at

15 Project!  Using one of the tile patterns, create your own piece of a mosaic mural.  Think carefully about which tile you would like to use and what colors you will include.  As each person completes his or her tile, we will combine them to create a class mosaic.  These mosaic panels will be arranged to create an entryway for this classroom and our continuing study of Persepolis.

16 Islamic Color SymbologyIslamic Color Symbology Red : immoral; the color of the life principle, blood, passion, emotion, danger, or daring;often associated with fire Black : seen as a cold and negative aspect suggesting passivity, death, ignorance, or evil; black hens are used in witchcraft as are black cats White : innocence, life, light, purity, or enlightenment Green : inexperience, hope; new life, immaturity; a combination of blue and yellow, itmediates between heat and cold and high and low; it is a comforting, refreshing humancolor; it is the color of plant life Yellow : rotting, heat, decay, violence, decrepitude, old age, and the approach of death Blue : cool, calm, peaceful; an insubstantial color in the real world except as translucency,the void of heavens Pink : innocence, femininity Purple : royalty, bruising or pain Brown : a color somewhere between russet and black; it is the color of earth and ploughed land and soil, it represents humility and poverty Orange : symbolizes the point of balance between the spirit and the libido; it may be the emblem of divine love or extreme lust Violet : composed of red and blue, it is the color of temperance, clarity of mind

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