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One day when heaven was Filled with His praises One day when sin was as Black as could be.

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Presentation on theme: "One day when heaven was Filled with His praises One day when sin was as Black as could be."— Presentation transcript:

1 One day when heaven was Filled with His praises One day when sin was as Black as could be

2 Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin Dwelt among men my example is He

3 Word became flesh And the light shined among us His glory revealed Word became flesh And the light shined among us His glory revealed

4 Living He loved me, Dying He saved me Buried He carried my sins far away Rising He justified freely forever

5 One day He's coming O glorious day O glorious day

6 One day they led Him Up Calv'ry's mountain One day they nailed Him to die on a tree

7 Suffering anguish despised and rejected Bearing our sins my Redeemer is He

8 Hands that healed nations Stretched out on a tree And took the nails from me

9 Living He loved me, Dying He saved me Buried He carried my sins far away Rising He justified freely forever

10 One day He's coming O glorious day O glorious day

11 One day the grave could conceal Him no longer One day the stone rolled Away from the door

12 Then He arose over death He had conquered Now He’s ascended my Lord evermore

13 Death could not hold Him The grave could not keep Him From rising again (rising again)

14 Living He loved me, Dying He saved me Buried He carried my sins far away Rising He justified freely forever

15 One day He's coming O glorious day O glorious day

16 One day the trumpet will Sound for His coming One day the skies with His Glories will shine

17 Wonderful day, my Beloved One bringing My Savior, Jesus is mine

18 Living He loved me, Dying He saved me Buried He carried my sins far away Rising He justified freely forever

19 One day He's coming O glorious day O glorious day

20 O glorious day

21 © 2009 Word Music, LLC | My Refuge Music | Sony/ATV Tree Publishing (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.) | (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) | (Admin. by Sony/ATV Songs LLC) J. Wilbur Chapman | Mark Hall | Michael Bleecker CCLI License No. 2670267


23 It's falling from the clouds A strange and lovely sound I hear it in the thunder and the rain

24 It's ringing in the skies Like cannons in the night The music of the universe plays

25 Singing You are holy great and mighty The moon and the stars declare Who You are

26 I'm so unworthy but still You love me Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

27 Beautiful and free The song of galaxies It’s reaching far beyond the Milky Way

28 Let's join in with the sound Come on let's sing it out As the music of the universe plays

29 We're singing You are holy great and mighty The moon and the stars declare Who You are

30 I'm so unworthy but still You love me Forever my heart will sing of You

31 All glory honor power is Yours amen All glory honor power is Yours amen All glory honor power is Yours forever amen

32 You are holy great and mighty The moon and the stars declare who You are

33 I'm so unworthy but still You love me Forever my heart will sing of You

34 You are holy great and mighty The moon and the stars declare Who You are

35 I'm so unworthy but still You love me Forever my heart will sing of how great You are

36 Will sing of how great You are

37 © 2007 Seems Like Music | Phil Wickham Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) | (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Phil Wickham CCLI License No. 2670267


39 Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it Jesus is my plea Daily walking close to Thee Let it be dear Lord, let it be

40 I am weak but Thou art strong Jesus keep me from all wrong I'll be satisfied as long As I walk, let me walk close to Thee

41 Take my hand Lord Jesus, Take my hand, Take my hand, Lord Jesus, Take my hand,

42 There’s a race to be run, There’s a victory to be won, Every hour, Give me power, to go on

43 When my feeble life is o'er Time for me will be no more Guide me gently, safely o'er To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore

44 Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it Jesus is my plea Daily walking close to Thee Let it be dear Lord, let it be

45 © 1964 Hope Publishing Company William J. Floyd CCLI License No. 2670267


47 He lowers us to raise us So we can sing His praises Whatever is His way all is well

48 He makes us rich and poor That we might trust Him more Whatever is His way all is well

49 All my changes come from Him He who never changes I’m held firm in the grasp Of the Rock of all the ages

50 All is well with my soul He is God in control I know not all His plans But I know I’m in His hands

51 He clothes us now then strips us Yet with His Word equips us Whatever is His way all is well

52 And though our seasons change We still exalt His name Whatever is His way all is well

53 All my changes come from Him He who never changes I’m held firm in the grasp Of the Rock of all the ages

54 All is well with my soul He is God in control I know not all His plans But I know I’m in His hands

55 All is well with my soul You are God in control I know not all Your plans But I know I’m in Your hands

56 I know not all Your plans But I know I’m in Your hands

57 Robin Mark

58 All the way my Savior leads me What have I to ask beside Can I doubt His tender mercy Who thro' life has been my Guide

59 Heav'nly peace divinest comfort Here by faith in Him to dwell For I know whate'er befall me Jesus doeth all things well

60 For I know whate'er befall me Jesus doeth all things well

61 All the way my Savior leads me Cheers each winding path I tread Gives me grace for ev'ry trial Feeds me with the living bread

62 Tho' my weary steps may falter And my soul athirst may be Gushing from the Rock before me Lo a spring of joy I see

63 Gushing from the Rock before me Lo a spring of joy I see

64 All the way my Savior leads me O the fullness of His love Perfect rest to me is promised In my Father's house above

65 When my spirit clothed immortal Wings its flight to realms of day This my song thro' endless ages Jesus led me all the way

66 This my song thro' endless ages Jesus led me all the way

67 CCLI Song # 85093 Fanny Jane Crosby | Robert S. Lowry Public Domain CCLI License # 2670267


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