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CA Review 12 Grade (H)-1 st Tri. Grammar Modifiers What are Comparative / Superlative modifiers? Lower (comparing 2) / Lowest (comparing 3 or more) How.

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Presentation on theme: "CA Review 12 Grade (H)-1 st Tri. Grammar Modifiers What are Comparative / Superlative modifiers? Lower (comparing 2) / Lowest (comparing 3 or more) How."— Presentation transcript:

1 CA Review 12 Grade (H)-1 st Tri

2 Grammar Modifiers What are Comparative / Superlative modifiers? Lower (comparing 2) / Lowest (comparing 3 or more) How to correct dangling / misplaced modifiers Modifier placed as close as possible to what it is modifying (look for any possible way someone could be confused) Modifiers make your writing more specific Combining Sentences How To: Combine ideas into phrases and use connecting words. Effect of Sentence Types: Short sentences create a jerky / choppy feel and can be hard to follow. Long and smoothly written sentences are usually more clear in their meaning

3 Writing Cause / Effect How do you structure a cause/effect essay Lit. Analysis Pieces of an Expository Essay –Minors are quotes –Purpose of lit. analysis is to learn more about the work as a whole by examining one small piece of it in great detail.

4 The Anglo-Saxons Invaders : Romans, Angles, Saxons Social Structure: Communal, Centered on King Ideals: War, Responsibility to king, Loyalty, Gift-Giving Religion: Overtime Christianity replaced animism and provided a set of common morals

5 Beowulf Original Language: Old English Why Important: 1 st British lit., embodies ideals of the time Epic Hero Traits : Journey, superhuman, represents society Themes: Tensions between the Heroic Code and other value systems (Christianity believes true honor comes in afterlife) The value of creating an identity (immortality) How does Beowulf embody ideals: Loyal, Gift- Giver, War-Focused

6 Middle Ages Historical events: Normans: Organization / Central Taxation Feudalism: Class Structure, Pyramid of Power Chivalry: Idealization of woman Crusades: Exposure to advanced science and technology Thomas A Becket: Decreased royal power Black Death: Reduced Population, Permanently Disrupted Feudal System

7 Middle Ages King Arthur (Like Beowulf): Embodies Ideals Traits of a Legend (Green Knight): Supernatural, Chivalry…

8 Canturbury Tales Chaucer Significant: 1 st writer to show that English literature could be as rich/valued/insightful as the more dominate French/Latin Purpose of Prologue: To show a “snapshot” of Britain during the middle ages, and to show the difference between who these members of society are supposed to be, and who they are in the real world. Church / Nobility / Laborers / Professionals (greedy) / Businessmen (dishonest) SATIRE: The use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.

9 Renaissance Theater Subject-Matter was used to connect with all classes: Historical, Supernatural, Personal Conflicts Monarchy: James I did much for Shakespeare and his company: he became their patron (“The King’s Men”), gave them patents to perform anywhere, gave them clothing for state occasions, increased their salaries, appointed chief members to be grooms of the royal chambe

10 Language / Motivation / Symbols / Action = Characters and Theme Music (vocal and instrumental) was used in the plays to set tone, announce a play, show character or mood, or entertain between acts Did not have elaborate props / sets (Dialogue) Costumes / Music / Fight Scenes –Actors often played more than one role Plague frequently closed The Globe theater Women not allowed to perform because of perceived “immorality”

11 Characteristics of Shakespearean Tragedy 1.the story of one person or at the most two. 2.The story leads up to and includes the death of the hero. 3.The story depicts also the troubled part of the hero’s life which precedes and leads up to his death. 4.The hero is a conspicuous person, a person of high degree. He is not evil / cause is noble. His downfall influences/destroys society. 5.The suffering and calamity are exceptional, of a striking kind. They are as a rule unexpected and are a strong contrast to previous happiness or glory. 6.The suffering and calamity extend far beyond the protagonist so as to make the whole scene one of woe.

12 Cont. His/her misfortune is brought about by some error or frailty, which is the tragic flaw: Hubris (excessive pride) –Ironic because flaw is realized too late to change anything Catharsis: Purging of emotion once the hero has been punished (cleanses the audience) Soliloquy: Reveals internal thoughts / Feelings of a character

13 Macbeth Written sometime between 1603-1607 (probably after the Gunpowder plot) Set in approx. 1040 AD in Scotland Macbeth is the Thane (Duke) of Glamis and a captain in King Duncan’s army Slowly, Macbeth’s lust for power overwhelms his sensibilities Theme of "fair is foul, foul is fair" – paradoxes of appearance and reality Blood is mentioned over 100 times in play…the inability to remove blood symbolizes guilt: “blood on your hands” Witches symbolize the combination of sin and ambition that everyone has Conforms to the mold/structure of Renaissance tragedies, which were about real people from history, made to feel like an authentic human being - "psychological truth"

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