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1418-1620.  Motives for Exploration   Only one religion in Europe: Christianity (Catholicism)  European leaders were very religious and believed.

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Presentation on theme: "1418-1620.  Motives for Exploration   Only one religion in Europe: Christianity (Catholicism)  European leaders were very religious and believed."— Presentation transcript:

1 1418-1620

2  Motives for Exploration

3   Only one religion in Europe: Christianity (Catholicism)  European leaders were very religious and believed it to be their duty to spread Christianity to others  Explorers read aloud (in Spanish) “The Requirement”. It offered native people the opportunity to convert to Christianity or suffer the consequences. Spread Christianity

4   A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.  Kings of Spain and Portugal wanted to claim as much land as they could.  Natural resources of the land  Native people as slaves  Larger empire=more power Imperialism

5   SPICES!!!  Preserve food during winter (salt)  Cover up the taste of food that had gone bad  Only accessible in the Indies (China, Japan, and India)  Very difficult, very expensive, very dangerous  Muslim traders brought goods to the East Coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Italian merchants brought them into Europe  Each group raised the price  Bandits and pirates New Trade Routes


7   Knew very little about the world beyond Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East  Few people believed the world was flat  Map included Europe, Asia, and top of Africa  Knew of only one ocean which they called the Ocean Sea New Knowledge

8   Europe was involved with many wars  Fought each other and fought others  War is EXPENSIVE!  Needed gold, silver, and gems to pay for the wars  Believed Asia was loaded riches.  New ideology: Getting rich and dominating other people was viewed as positive  Europe had recent success in taking over and exploiting island societies (Malta, Sardinia, Canary Islands Glory, Fame and Wealth

9   Spread Christianity  Imperialism  New Trade Routes  New Knowledge  Glory, Honor, and Wealth Review

10   People around the world had been traveling by sea for a long time  Prince Henry the Navigator began a school for navigation. His ideas were based on ideas known to ancient Phoenicians and Egyptians  Evidence of earlier journeys between Europe and the Americas  Two Native Americans shipwrecked in Holland around 60 B.C. became major curiosities in Europe  Vikings to Newfoundland in the year 1000 A.D. Advances Allowing for Exploration

11   Cartography is the science and art of making maps.  Prior to the 1400s, only portolan charts existed.  Used by pilots to lay courses from one harbor to another  Gerardus Mercator created a map projection that he designed to help with navigation. The lines of latitude and longitude are straight, and land masses are distorted near the poles Cartography

12   A knarr was a Viking ship that routinely crossed the Atlantic Ocean Improved Ship Design

13  Ship Design Cont.  Portugal and Spain began building new and improved ships known as caravels (from the Egyptian caravos)  Small, fast, easy to maneuver  Specials bottoms made it easier to travel along coast lines where the water was shallow.  Lateen Sails

14   Compass helped sailors know what direction they were going (N, S, E, W)  Magnetic needles.  Astrolabe allowed sailors to determine their latitude (how far north or south of the equator they were). New Navigational Tools

15   Spanish brought horses.  Sailors could fire their cannons onto shore without leaving their ship. Improved Weaponry

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