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An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards Coffee with the Principal November 12 th & 14 th.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards Coffee with the Principal November 12 th & 14 th."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards Coffee with the Principal November 12 th & 14 th

2 Agenda  Welcome & Introductions  Objectives  Pre-Assessment- KWL  History and Structure of the Common Core  Why the Common Core?  Deep Dive into ILS v. CCSS  Moving Forward  Adjourn

3 Sessions Objectives  By the end of this session I will have…  Knowledge of History and Structure of Common Core State Standards  Knowledge of the Big Ideas behind the Common Core State Standards  Knowledge of the research justifying the movement towards a common core set of standards  Knowledge of the difference between Common Core State Standards and Illinois Learning Standards  Knowledge of how Edgebrook is addressing the move to Common Core State Standards  Reflection on What Will Change and What Support Is Needed

4 Norms  Be present. We are here to learn.  Balance your listening with your speaking.  Seek solutions.  Dirty laundry is for private meetings.  When in doubt, schedule a meeting with your teacher.  We are a collective community: teachers, parents, students.  Politics Aside. This is our reality.

5 Session Pre-Assessment KWL What do you KNOW about the CCSS? What do you WANT to know about the CCSS? What have you LEARNED about the CCSS?

6 History of the State Standards  Movement began through National Governor's Association  College and career readiness standards developed in summer 2009  Based on the college and career readiness standards, K-12 learning progressions developed  Multiple rounds of feedback from states, teachers, researchers, higher education, and the general public  Final Common Core State Standards released on June 2, 2010

7 Why?  Let’s hear from the Common Core  Take Away?  Dig Deeper- Read Page 2-4 of the Common Core Appendix A for Reading  2 Ah-Ha’s, 1 ?.  Think, Pair, Share

8 Structure of the Common Core Common Core State Standards Key Shifts Content Area Anchor Standard English Language Arts Mathematics

9 English Language Arts

10 Key Shifts- English Language Arts Non Fiction Text Content Area Literacy including Content Vocabulary Complexity of Text Argumentative Writing

11 Structure of the Common Core Four strands Reading (including Reading Foundational Skills)  Writing  Speaking and Listening  Language Three main sections  K−5 (cross-disciplinary)  6−12 English Language Arts  6−12 Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Three appendices A: Research and evidence; glossary of key terms B: Reading text exemplars; sample performance tasks C: Annotated student writing samples

12 Mathematics

13 Key Shifts- Mathematics Focus- Depth v. Breath Coherence- K-12 Alignment Rigor- Conceptual, Fluency and Application

14 Structure of the Common Core 11 Standards  Counting and Cardinality  Operations and Algebraic Thinking  Numbers and operations in Base 10  Numbers and operations- Fractions  Measurement and Data  Geometry  Ratios and Proportional Relationships  The Number System  Expressions and Equation  Functions  Statistics and Probability Three main sections  K−5 (cross- disciplinary)  6−8- Middle School  9−12 High School One appendix A: High School Implementation

15 Going Deeper…

16 Common Core or ILS? Common Core CC.8.R.L.4: Craft and Structure Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. Illinois Learning Standards 6-8 IL.6-8.1A.G.5 Identify and interpret idioms, similes, analogies, and metaphors to express implied meanings.

17 Moving Forward Edgebrook  Curriculum Mapping- SS, SCI, Math and ELA utilizing UBD Framework  Instructional Foci of Cognitive Demand Opinion Piece  David Brook’s When the Circus Descends

18 What did you learn?

19 Moving Forward  December- ELA I  January- ELA II  February- Math  March- PARCC Assessment  April- PARCC Assessment  May- Reflections and Progress Updates

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