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DLM: The uPortal Pushmi-Pullyu JA-SIG with Altitude, Denver 2007 Susan Bramhall,Yale University Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "DLM: The uPortal Pushmi-Pullyu JA-SIG with Altitude, Denver 2007 Susan Bramhall,Yale University Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLM: The uPortal Pushmi-Pullyu JA-SIG with Altitude, Denver 2007 Susan Bramhall,Yale University Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 DLM: The uPortal Pushmi-Pullyu History and Features of DLM A Description of DLM Concepts A Quick Walk Through of DLM Set Up DLM@Yale DLM@UW-Madison

3 History and Features of DLM

4 A Brief History of DLM uPortal w/ SLM Campus Pipeline develops DLM 1.0 AL developed as option Sungard contributes DLM uPortal 2.6 w/DLM as default uPortal 2.5 w/ DLM 1.0 as option 2001200220032005200620042007 Luminus w/ DLM 1.0 Luminus w/ DLM 2.0 Sungard develops DLM 2.0

5 Features A users layout is a unified view of all applicable roles StudentEmployeeStudent Employee

6 Features XML based configuration but easy to modify fragments Layout ownerTab fragment

7 Features A user’s layout is updated each time they log in

8 Features New channel

9 Features Variable restrictions Completely locked down Completely flexible

10 DLM 2.0 Features Graceful fragment degradation (uPortal 2.6) Processor pipeline (uPortal 2.6) Subscribe Fragments Fragment Manager channel/DB based configuration

11 A Description of DLM Concepts

12 My Layout in YaleInfo

13 What is a layout? tab column channels

14 A fragment is a piece of a tree tab column channels tab column channels A predefined fragment including 2 tabs, 3 columns, several channels

15 How is the “tree of content” created? Some content is pushed to the user Some is subscribed to by the user Some is allowed to go anywhere on the tree Some must remain is a certain place

16 That is the layout manager’s job

17 DLM: Distributed Layout Manager Default in just released uPortal 2.6 Combines the functions of previous layout managers DLM allows: users make changes + administrators to make changes = merged layout with both changes

18 Cool but how does it work?

19 Your Layout As Your Personal Library tab column channels

20 uPortal Channel Registry like a Library

21 Layout vs. Channel Registry Registry has all the channels you can use Channels all contain permission attributes determining which users can see and interact with them A layout contains channels the user gets at login time. Some may not be visible. User can add or use any channel in the registry that they have permission to view

22 The Portal Can Be Your Library tab column channels Fragment

23 How is my layout created?

24 As a user you can select a book, check it out, and bring it home.

25 Adding Content In YaleInfo

26 Required reading Students should see : –Books out of the library –Homework assignments due –Recent email –College Events

27 Suggested reading Staff should see : –Workflow approvals awaiting attention –Status of back up for machine –Recent email –Upcoming meetings –Messages to staff

28 The Layout Manager as Librarian An administrator maintains the collection adding and removing items The layout manager helps users check items out of the library or receive any changes to a collection

29 Push vs. pull User adds new channels, columns, or tabs User removes an element from her layout Portal administrators determine which channels, tabs, fragments to push into user’s layout Some can be moved or removed by the user Some come with restrictions

30 Audience

31 Priority Priority of the fragment tells DLM where to put it in relationship to other content in the user’s layout

32 My Layout in YaleInfo A tab I created “Home” fragment pushed to me

33 A Quick Walk Through of DLM Set Up

34 1.Define fragment w/ layout owner, precedence and audiences in dlm.xml Academics Owner Academics TabStudents, Instructors owned by published to

35 2.Log in as layout owner and create layout from a blank slate

36 3.Restrict tab/column/channel actions as desired

37 DLM@Yale

38 Yale Use Multiple fragments for the same tab Less content by default Easy to add additional content Easy to find and use what you need when you need it

39 Sample Student layout

40 Fragments defined at Yale Home – different for Students, Faculty and Staff Academics –Pushed to Students and Faculty but not Staff News –Pushed to everyone Extras –Pushed to everyone

41 Multiple Fragments Named Home Prior version had –Student Tab for students, Staff tab for Staff and Faculty Tab for Faculty New version renamed the tab in each of the three fragments as “Home” –Allowed user modifications to be carried forward –Allows for different content for each group

42 Irremovable Tabs Home and Academics cannot be removed Extras and News can

43 DLM@UW-Madison

44 My UW-Madison Replaced existing portal Pages authorized for certain groups Portlets assigned a category Categories allowed on pages Default view configured by admin

45 Well defined organization, limited customization Fixed set of tabs with content restricted to particular tabs Allowed remove and rearrange content Organization developed using card sort exercise Ease of support and marketing Users don’t seem to customize much

46 My UW-Madison

47 Separating content selection from content rearrangement

48 DLM: The uPortal Pushmi-Pullyu Susan Bramhall,Yale University Jim Helwig, University of Wisconsin-Madison Questions?

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