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1 Nassau BOCES Regents Test Scoring Meeting Presented by CIT/Student Support Services November 15, 2013 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Nassau BOCES Regents Test Scoring Meeting Presented by CIT/Student Support Services November 15, 2013 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Nassau BOCES Regents Test Scoring Meeting Presented by CIT/Student Support Services November 15, 2013 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

2 2 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Regents Test Dates JANUARY Monday, January 27 through Thursday, January 30 JUNE Tuesday, June 17 Through Wednesday, June 25 JUNE (Common Core) Tuesday, June 3

3 3 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 January Regents Timelines November 27, 2013: –Signed Letters of Intent are due to Nassau BOCES (this includes the approximate number of students who are taking each Regents). December 6, 2013: –Student data loaded and pushed to Level 0/1. December 13, 2013: –A secured student/course file should be emailed to your coordinator or put on the Nassau BOCES secure FTP site. January 22, 2014: –Updated student data loaded and pushed to Level 0/1.

4 4 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 June Regents Timelines March 12, 2014: –Signed Letters of Intent are due to Nassau BOCES (this includes the approximate number of students who are taking each Regents). March 26, 2014: –Student data loaded and pushed to Level 0/1. April 1, 2014: –A secured student/course file should be emailed to your coordinator or put on the Nassau BOCES secure FTP site. May 28, 2014: –Updated student data loaded and pushed to Level 0/1

5 5 By January 22 (January Regents) and May 28 (June Regents) Review the NYSSIS hold queue and make corrections as needed. Without the NYSSIS ID number, data falls out at the state level. That means student scores can be lost. Corrections/additions must be made in student system and pushed to Level 0/1 prior to the return of completed answer sheets. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

6 6 Timeline for Returning Answer Sheets January Regents answer sheets should be returned to Nassau BOCES by February 3. June Regents answer sheets should be returned to Nassau BOCES by June 30. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

7 7 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Regents Scanning Service Letters of Intent Regents Scanning Service In your packet. 7

8 8 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Regents Information The school score is still the “official score”. The numeric score * has to be entered into Level 0/Level 1 via an Assessment Fact record. –*Nassau BOCES only provides an item response file to SED through SIRS. In January, Physics will be a secure, restricted exam. –Printed scoring materials will be provided by the Office of State Assessment. –The answer sheet is provided in the booklet.

9 Student/Course File Training We will be having a “hands on” file training on November 22. Please sign up on My Learning Plan. We will be providing a “test file” to practice with. Please bring a laptop and any information necessary to access your SMS. It is imperative that the person creating the file attend this training. 9 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

10 Student/Course File A sample file is included in your packet. This file will be used for pre-printing and sorting of answer sheets and for IDW reports only. Submit separate files for each Regents exam. 10 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

11 Data ItemMaximum Size of Field Non-Public Schools Sample Data Non-Public Schools DistrictCode880012345 LocationCode4 (use leading zeros if needed)012345 Version102014-06-30 AdminMonth3Jan StudentID9 (use leading zeros if needed)000123456 LastName20Doe FirstName20Jane GradeLevel2 (use leading zeros if needed)09 CourseSection20MA301-2 (Course-Section) TeacherName30 (Used only for sorting and IDW reports ) Jane Smith or Mrs. Smith-H (for honors), Smith/Jones StateCourseCode5 (See Below)03001 DistrictName*30 (use to override school code)XYZ school School*30 (use to override Location code)The Best HS 11 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Student/Course File

12 12 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Student/Course File If a student is taking more than one Regents exam, each exam should be listed separately in a separate file. If a student’s or teacher’s name contains an apostrophe (O’Toole) or a comma (Doe, Jr.), the name has to be in quotes. Example: “O’Toole” If you have co-teachers, both names can be listed in the teacher field (Smith/Jones). Do not exceed 30 characters. Do not use a comma to separate names. 12

13 State Course Codes Course Code Sample Course NamesRegents Exam 01003English/Language Arts IIIComprehensive English 01003CCEng/Lang Arts III Common CoreComp. English Common Core 02052Algebra IIntegrated Algebra 02052CCAlgebra I Common CoreInt. Algebra Common Core 02072Geometry 02106Trigonometry/Algebra IIAlgebra 2/Trigonometry 03051BiologyLiving Environment 03101Chemistry 03001Earth Science 03151PhysicsPhysical Setting/Physics 04101U.S. HistoryU.S. History & Government 04052World HistoryGlobal History & Geography 13 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

14 Student/Course Files This.xls file must be password protected and emailed to your coordinator. When you email the file send the password in a separate email to your coordinator. New Coordinator List is included in the packet. 14 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

15 Student/Course Files Who should be in these files? –Students currently enrolled in a course ending in a Regents exam –Students who need to retake a Regents exam for graduation or for a higher score. How does your school identify these students? Who provides the information for this file and the order for the student answer sheets? –Guidance Counselors? Chairpersons? What processes are in place to confirm the child intends to sit for the exam? Additional charges for excessive “extra” sheets. 15 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

16 Password Protect File > Save As Tools > General Options 16 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

17 Password Protect Enter a password in the Password to open box. Press OK and re-enter password Press OK and Continue to save as usual E-mail coordinator the password. In a separate e-mail attach the file Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 17

18 Common Core Regents In June, 20% of schools in NYS will be contacted by the Office of State Assessment to have their Common Core Regents exams processed by Data Recognition. Common Core impact on January Regents –Index Card Survey –School –Are you anticipating a larger number of students taking the January ELA? Yes or No –Estimation of the number of students. 18 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

19 Common Core Regents ELA: All students first entering Grade 9 in the 2013-14 school year or thereafter must be provided with a high school English course of study aligned to the CCLS and pass Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core), which is designed to be administered at the end of Grade 11, to meet graduation requirements. 19 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

20 Common Core Regents For the June 2014 and August 2014 administrations only, students enrolled in Common Core English courses may, at local discretion, take the Regents Comprehensive Exam in English (2005 Learning Standards) in addition to the Regents Exam in ELA (Common Core). math/transitioncc.pdf math/transitioncc.pdf 20 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

21 Common Core Regents 21 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

22 Common Core Regents Math: Any student who in the 2013-14 school year or thereafter, regardless of grade of enrollment, begins his or her first commencement-level math course culminating in a Regents Exam in June 2014 or later must take the New York State CCLS Regents Exam in mathematics that corresponds to that course, as available, and be provided with Common Core instruction. Most typically, this first course will be Algebra I (Common Core). 22 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

23 Common Core Regents For the June 2014, August 2014, and January 2015 administrations only, students receiving Algebra I (Common Core) instruction may, at local discretion, take the Regents Examination in Integrated Algebra (2005 Revised) in addition to the Regents Examination in Algebra I (Common Core). sitioncc.pdf sitioncc.pdf 23 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

24 Common Core Regents 24 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

25 25 Regents Test Booklet Orders Make sure that all test booklet orders have been properly placed with OSA – The Office of State Assessment. Online requests for January exam materials were to be submitted no later than November 8. Check the confirmation notice for accuracy. When tests are received, review the packing slip enclosed in each box. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

26 26 COPYING I need additional copies of an examination. Can I make a copy? Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

27 27 After November 8 th ? If you need additional test booklets, call OSA – Office of State Assessment immediately at (518) 474-8220 and follow their directions. They will assist you to obtain the additional examination materials that your school requires. “Administrators determining the need for additional exam materials after that date (November 8) will likely have to obtain them from a nearby regional center on the day of the exam.” Nassau BOCES is a Regional Distribution Center! Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

28 28 Emergency Exam Materials Call (518) 474-8220 to request the materials. Fax (518) 474-2021 a letter on school letter head to include: The BEDS Code of the school. The exact material and quantities needed. Pick up will be Nassau BOCES. Fax the same letter to Nassau BOCES at 516 608-6616 – When the materials arrive, we will hold them and prepare them for you. Otherwise? Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

29 29 Emergency Exam Materials Pick up of additional materials is on the day of the exam. In June 2013, it was 8:00 am for morning exams and 11:00 am for afternoon exams. The person picking up the exam 1.Must present picture ID. 2.Submit a letter on school letterhead which states the name of the person picking up materials. a)The exact materials including quantity must be stated in the letter. b)It must be signed by the principal. 3.The letter must be countersigned and the log must be signed by the pick-up person. The log and letters are submitted to the NYSED. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

30 30 When to Use an Extra Answer Sheet A pre-printed sheet is not available for the student.* The pre-printed sheet was damaged or destroyed prior to test administration. The student’s ID is incorrect. * If you extracted your Student/Course File from your Student Management System and the student was missing, go back to your student system and Level 0 and check that the student has been added. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

31 31 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Extra Answer Sheet DO NOT MAKE COPIES OF A BLANK ANSWER SHEET

32 32 Extra Answer Sheet When using an extra answer sheet, all information in the heading should be filled out. –Use the official 9 digit local student ID number on the answer sheet, including leading zeros. –If the student is not from your school, make sure that his or her home school’s name and BEDS code is on the answer sheet. –Do not assign a “pretend” ID. Only use a blank answer sheet provided by Nassau BOCES. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

33 33 Extra Answer Sheet DO NOT USE ANOTHER STUDENT’S ANSWER SHEET! The bar code is the ID of that student. You will create multiple or incorrect records for a different student. A child’s record could be lost. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

34 34 Administering The Exam Follow test administration directions as they are printed in the School Administrators Manual (SAM) for each test as directions vary slightly. Proctoring: Teachers should be walking around the room during the administration of the test. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

35 35 Administering The Exam If applicable, bubble the alternate language bubble on the answer sheet. Bubble any testing accommodations for IEP, 504 or LEP students at time of testing. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

36 36 Cheating? Students can be said to have committed fraud only when there is evidence that they attempted either to obtain or give aid while taking an exam. When an exam is canceled, no score may be entered on the student’s permanent record. The principal must report the following misconduct by students and testing irregularities in writing on school letterhead to OSA via fax to 518 474-1989 or by email to Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

37 37 Administering The Exam BLUE OR BLACK INK must be used for bubbling – no markers! NO RED ink or pencil may be used. To change an answer, “X” out the first choice and fill in the new choice. ○ ● If a student changes his/her mind, the student should circle the correct answer if the answer had already been “x’d” out. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

38 38 Scoring –Where can I write on the student’s answer sheet? –What color ink can I use to score and fill in constructed response questions? –Who can score these assessments? Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

39 39 Scoring Where can you write on the student’s answer sheet (MC)? You cannot! This includes “X’ing” out the bubbles and marking the question numbers. “If the students’ responses for the multiple-choice questions are being hand scored prior to being scanned, the scorer must be careful not to make any marks on the front of the answer sheet except to record the scores in the designated score boxes.” Information Booklet for Scoring … January, June and August 2013 Regents. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

40 40 Scoring What color ink can I use to score and fill in constructed response questions? To fill in constructed response scores use blue or black ink. Who can score these assessments? –Effective January 2013, teachers are no longer permitted to score their own students’ answer papers. This means that teachers currently instructing students in the coursework associated with a particular Regents Exam or RCT may not score those students’ answer papers for that exam. This prohibition includes special education and academic intervention services (AIS) teachers.. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

41 41 Scoring Quality control is needed to make sure that ALL constructed response bubbles have been filled in correctly. NOTE: If the score is “zero,” this MUST also be bubbled in. Make sure you have added scores correctly. You are no longer allowed to go back to the constructed responses and look for additional points, but you can and must fix an addition error or bubble in missing bubbles. Remove all answer sheets from booklets after constructed responses have been scored. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

42 42 After Testing, cont’d Confirm that the number of answer sheets is the same as the number of booklets. Record student scores for report cards. Return answer sheets on or before the due date – Feb. 3. We have to process tests within the time frame set for BOCES by NYSED. DO NOT RETURN BLANK ANSWER SHEETS. DO NOT RETURN BOOKLETS TO Nassau BOCES. No post-it notes, paper clips, staples or stray marks should be left on the answer sheet. Please use the box(es) and pre-paid shipping label(s) provided for you. If box is lost or damaged, please notify us. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

43 43 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 After Testing, cont’d Fill out the check list cover sheet that came with your answer sheets. Make sure you go down the list to avoid missing a step. The cover sheet also has an answer sheet count. –The first count is under the heading “School Count” and is filled out by the school. –The “BOCES Count” is completed by BOCES during scanning process. If there is a discrepancy you will be contacted. – Place the cover sheet on top of the answer sheets in the Test Scoring box.

44 44 ASAP Reports Assessment Scoring and Analysis Progran Go to http://asap.nasboces.org Sign in using your schools Level 0 User ID and Password. ASAP Reports are available once answer sheets are scanned and processed. –Check routinely for student data and contact your test coordinator if students are missing or incorrect information is uncovered. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

45 45 User ID: Password Assessment Scoring and Analysis Program Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

46 46 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

47 47 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

48 48 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Using ASAP Reports Before you submit load “Assessment Fact” to Level 0 compare hand-scored results to ASAP. Is ASAP ever wrong? Duplicate ID’s – second scan over-rides the first. Check for missing scores. (Two students with the same ID.)

49 49 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Why is this important? Errors in scoring can determine whether or not the student passed or failed the exam. Students may be re-taking a course or the exam because they thought they failed. Students may have been told they passed, when they did not.

50 50 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Common Errors Addition Errors – This one was pretty typical This was Earth Science: 41 65

51 51 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Common Errors Counting Errors This was Global History and Geography: 23

52 52 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Common Errors Counting Errors This was U.S. History and Government: 21

53 53 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Common Errors Data Entry Error This was done perfectly – but was entered incorrectly. This student received the same scale score as the student following him or her. It was a “23”. Ouch!

54 54 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 To be placed on your desktop… Office of State Assessment NYSED Business Portal L2RPT Verification Reports NYSED Information and Reporting Service 54

55 55 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 To be placed on your desktop… National Center for Education Statistics Search for Public School schools NYSED News & Notes page - Important announcements are posted here. Nassau BOCES Test Scoring Web Page 55

56 56 Regents Fast Score Service Goals Quick turn around time Ease of use for schools Cost effective Minimize handling of answer sheets Minimize score discrepancies 56 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

57 57 What’s Included? Pre-printed answer sheets In-school scanning via web-based interface that controls scanner Vendor verification of spurious marks NB Test Scoring Service scores tests Post-scan/score reports and files produced by Test Scoring. Follow-up detailed analysis reports produced by the IDW (if you subscribe to service). 57 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

58 Regents Fast Score Service We can provide a 24 hour turn around time for Regents results if you subscribe to our Fast Score Service. –Four hour turn around time for answer sheet verification (approximate time – based on the time when the assessments are submitted). The verification process will catch blank constructed responses, missing student IDs, missing student names, or bad image. The clock starts at the time the scanned file is sent to the vendor (during regular business hours). –24 hour turn around time starts once Nassau BOCES receives the verified file from the vendor. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 58

59 59 Epson WorkForce® Pro GT-S80 Document Image Scanner 59 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 Nassau BOCES needs to know as soon as possible if your school is interested in Fast Score. Scanners must be order. Installation and training must be scheduled.

60 Regents Fast Score Service school will purchase Epson WorkForce® Pro GT-S80 scanner and scanner service. The scanner becomes the responsibility of the school. Nassau BOCES will provide –EASE web-based software from Optimum Solutions Corporation (OSC). –onsite scanner setup (the school technician should be present in case school settings need to be changed). –software training. –student score reports. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 60

61 Login prompt Each school, where Regents scanning will take place, will be given its own unique login and password. Entering this information ensures that the scanned tests will be correctly tracked and saved in the proper locations. EASE (Educational Assessment Scoring Environment) 61 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

62 62 The scan operator in the school will select the exam to be scanned from the drop-down list. Scanned images are saved on the local computer and then transmitted for processing. 62 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

63 63 EASE Scanning Interface displays a test as it’s scanned. 63 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

64 Before you exit the scanning process you must confirm: Upon ending the scanning process you are asked if you want to transfer the images to the central server. During file transfer, you are presented with a status window showing you the progress of the transfer. 64 Upon completion of the transfer, an email is sent notifying everyone of the presence of a new batch. 64 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

65 After Sending the File OSC will send an email to designated school test scoring scan operators that the batch has been received. It will also include the number of scanned documents. Each batch will generate a separate email. At this point, four hour (approximate) processing begins depending on the time that the batch is submitted. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 65

66 Verification Process, cont’d If any missing constructed responses, missing ID’s or bad images are detected the school will be notified via email. The scan operator will correct the errors and rescan the sheets. When there are no errors, the designated scan operator will receive an email that the batch has been completed. Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616 66

67 67 Post Verification OSC will provide to Nassau BOCES –Assessment data file for NB to score. –File of scanned images. (OSC will NOT retain images.) –Audit log of selections made during verification process. These are item changes that needed verification. 67 Robert E. Lupinskie Center for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology Student Support Services One Merrick Avenue, Westbury, NY 11590 (516) 608-6612 Fax: (516) 608-6616

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