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Welcome Parents of GE Students Fox Chase GE Teacher: Michele Lintner Assistant Director for Gifted Education: Susan McDougall Think the Box Outside Think.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents of GE Students Fox Chase GE Teacher: Michele Lintner Assistant Director for Gifted Education: Susan McDougall Think the Box Outside Think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents of GE Students Fox Chase GE Teacher: Michele Lintner Assistant Director for Gifted Education: Susan McDougall Think the Box Outside Think the Box Outside

2 GE Classroom Expectations Arrive on time and ready to think. (Bring all supplies; take out completed homework; complete warm up activity.) Ask questions. (Present questions as soon as all directions have been given. Begin by saying, “I understand _____, but I’m confused by ______,” so we know your thinking process.) Listen thoughtfully and respect all ideas. (Diversity of opinions is not only accepted, but encouraged. A discussion’s focus is on helping each person reach a deeper understanding.) Take notes. (Copy and date board notes and examples so you have a reference to review at home. Take notes at home when completing the current reading assignment) Practice, Practice, Practice math facts at home. (Knowing facts fluently is critical.) Expect to be challenged! Persevere and think outside the box!

3 What supplies should my child have in order to be prepared for each class ?  Folder or pocket in expandable folder (1 per subject) folder (1 per subject)  Planner  Spiral notebook (1 per subject)  Donations taken: post-its, pencils, and wide-ruled loose leaf paper Suggestions: 1. Students should take GE folders home each night and return them to school each day, so as not to forget papers at school or home. 2. Students should get in the habit of checking my website to make sure they don’t miss homework assignments. 2. Students should get in the habit of checking my website to make sure they don’t miss homework assignments.

4 What is your homework policy?  DO IT!!!  DO IT!!!  Effort grade is affected by late work  Email/phone call to notify parent of late homework if two consecutive assignments are missed or chronic late assignments  If homework is late, your child will bring home an “OOPS” sheet for you to sign

5 Gifted Education Services for English Language Arts Students who have been identified to receive Gifted Education services in ELA will be receiving services in one of two models:  Cluster Grouping for English Language Arts  Pull-out Enrichment for English Language Arts In both models, the core curriculum will be taught in the general education classroom. Gifted Education services will enrich and extend the themes and concepts taught through the core curriculum.

6 GE Reading GE Reading Students will…  Receive pull-out enrichment services for 90 minutes each week  Work on activities that will enrich and extend the themes and concepts covered in the core ELA curriculum in the ReadyGen series, which is CCSS aligned.  Experience varied genres  Discuss in-depth a shared text  Construct meaning by practicing “close” reading  Focus on questioning to lead to a deeper understanding of the author’s ideas  Defend a viewpoint by using text evidence

7 Gifted Education Services for Mathematics Students who have been identified to receive Gifted Education services in mathematics will be receiving services in one of two models:  Cluster Grouping for Mathematics  Daily Replacement Mathematics

8 Daily Replacement Mathematics  Daily replacement instruction in mathematics is delivered by a gifted education specialist.  This service replaces the mathematics instruction that students would normally receive in their regular classroom.  The gifted education teacher will compact, accelerate, and extend grade level core curriculum and will provide a classroom environment and resources that meet the needs of gifted learners.  Daily Replacement Instruction in Mathematics will meet for 75 minutes per day during the same time frame that mathematics is being taught in the general education classroom.

9 Daily Replacement Mathematics Curriculum and Resources  Curriculum is built on the Common Core State Standards and meets the demands of the state’s new expectations for elementary school math.  Through Gifted Education services, curriculum will be compacted, accelerated, and extended to meet the needs of advanced learners.

10 Planet Turtle McGraw-Hill  Students will receive log-ins to Planet Turtle. Planet Turtle is a motivating math skill based game for students.  They play independently, but if classmates are logged in at the same time, they can interact and challenge one another to games.

11 Project M³: Mentoring Mathematical Minds  Project M³: Mentoring Mathematical Minds is a series of curriculum units developed to motivate and challenge mathematically talented students in grades 3-6.  M³ introduces advanced math content and focuses on critical thinking and creative problem solving and reasoning.  Students are exposed to standards- based concepts through a variety of engaging investigations, projects, and simulations.

12 Eight Mathematical Practices   1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.   2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.   3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.   4. Model with mathematics.   5. Use appropriate tools strategically.   6. Attend to precision.   7. Look for and make use of structure.   8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

13 District #308 Math Curriculum Units  3 rd Grade: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Concepts, Multiplication and Division Fluency and Application, Fractions, Measurement, and Geometry  4 th Grade: Numbers and Operations, Multiplication and Division Concepts, Multiplication and Division Application, Fractions and Decimals, Computation Applications, Geometry  5 th Grade: Number Sense, Whole Number Computation, Decimal Computation, Fractions, Dimensional Geometry, Volume and Measurement, Coordinate Geometry

14 Math and ELA Report Card Grades  The gifted education specialist will issue the student’s report card grade for math.  English Language Arts grade will be issued by the general education classroom teacher.

15 What can I do at home to help my child? Math  Encourage risk-taking  Encourage independence  Ask guiding questions rather than giving answers  IF, after 30-40 min. return incomplete work with parent note Reading  Encourage debate  Discuss the assigned reading  Ask questions… higher order  Help proofread written responses

16 Will my child stay in the program throughout elementary school?  During this school year new gifted policies, procedures, and programming will be established in accordance with recommendations from the Gifted Services Program Audit Report.  We are always monitoring students’ progress in the program to make adjustments to services as needed.  Gifted Education teachers will stay in communication with classroom teachers and parents when a student is struggling.


18 5 th Grade GE Challenger Learning Center 5 th Grade GE Challenger Learning Center RENDEZVOUS WITH A COMET: February 2016  In the not too distant future, a team of scientists and engineers (SB 5 th graders) are on a daring mission to take an up-close look at a comet as it streaks its way across the galaxy.  Their goal is to plot a successful course to rendezvous with the comet, launch a probe to collect scientific data of the object and keep the astronauts safe.  They must construct the space probe while plotting the correct intercept course and completing station activities.  What seems at first to be a routine exploration is filled with challenges and emergencies. Each obstacle that stands in the way of a successful mission requires students to work together as a team and problem solve the solution.  Located in Woodstock, IL  

19 District Web Page My Web Page

20 How can I contact you? Michele Lintner (630) 636-3024 Please leave your phone number and best time to reach you.

21 Thank You For Coming!!

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