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Constitutional Compromises/Structure of Government

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1 Constitutional Compromises/Structure of Government

2 Virginia Plan (large state plan) “A Big State with lots of people”
Written By James Madison Govt. with 3 separate branches A. J=Judicial Branch - National court B. E=Executive Branch - President C. L=Legislative Branch - Congress (made up of only one “House”) Called on the legislative branch to have one “House” where each state would have a number of representatives based on its population

3 PROBLEM:. Large states had more representation in Congress
PROBLEM: Large states had more representation in Congress. James Madison believed in *proportional representation. Small states (N. J. and Delaware) protested. Explain in your own words what proportional representation is._________________

4 The Virginia Plan

5 New Jersey Plan (small state plan) “A tiny state with a few people”
By James Patterson. 3 branches of govt. also Congress would be only 1 house Members of house are elected by the state legislature not the people Gave central government the power to raise taxes, regulate trade, and enforce national laws States would have equal voice in Congress Executive branch made up of several people

6 Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
by Roger Sherman Settled the small state vs. large state debate

7 Three Branches of Government
J=Judicial Branch Decides whether or not laws are Constitutional L=Legislative Branch Makes Laws E=Executive Branch Commander and Chief, Enforces Laws Supreme Court & Lower Federal Courts Senate House of Reps President & President’s Cabinet Each State has 2 Senators chosen by state legislatures Awarded based on population of state. Elected by popular vote: guaranteed

8 A New Constitution By Professor Pressley Album: History Rocks

9 3/5 Compromise Southern states wanted slaves to count as part population Northerners believed that because slaves couldn’t vote they shouldn't be counted as part of population three-fifths (3/5) of all slaves in any state would be counted in population figures Southerners could count slaves, but also had to pay for them by paying taxes Do you think this is fair from the Southerners perspective? Why or Why not? Do you think this fair from African Americans perspective? Why or Why not?

10 The Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
Problem- South depended on the export of agricultural products for $: North wanted to abolish slavery Congress was not allowed to tax export goods of any state. The slave trade would be abolished after 20 years (abolished in 1808) most thought that the abolition of the slave trade would bring and end to slavery

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