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GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 GBAYHA MANAGER MEETING October 13, 2015 Carolyn Jazgar 920-265-7152.

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Presentation on theme: "GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 GBAYHA MANAGER MEETING October 13, 2015 Carolyn Jazgar 920-265-7152."— Presentation transcript:

1 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 GBAYHA MANAGER MEETING October 13, 2015 Carolyn Jazgar 920-265-7152

2 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Welcome Why are we here tonight? To inform you about your role, duties and obligations as the team manager and to answer any questions you may have concerning the team manager’s duties and responsibilities. Introductions- Name, Team, Family Names, Experience PLEASE SIGIN IN WITH CONTACT INFORMATION

3 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 What does the Manager Do? The Team Manager is a parent volunteer in charge of the team's administration. You work in close cooperation with the team's coach, with team parents, GBAYHA members, referees, tournament directors, opposing teams' managers, arena managers, manager coordinator. The manager is the most important link between the GBAYHA Board of Directors and your team. For more details, see WAHA Manager Handbook (on GBAYHA website/Team Managers)

4 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Team Documentation Requirements Get a large 3 ring binder! All forms must be kept in team binder & at every practice and game. Make sure the binder is passed along to a parent/coach if unable to be at game. 1. USA Hockey Team Roster Must keep an official roster in your binder. Skater must be on your official USA Hockey Roster to skate with your team. Registrar will provide your team roster once the following is completed: - all your coaches USA Hockey bar code registration are provided (not the coaching card number. - your USA Hockey manager registration bar code (must go on website to register) is provided Registrar’s Email: gbayharegistrar@gmailcom

5 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Team Documentation Requirements 2. Consent to treat form- need to collect from each skater 3. Birthday verification form- from team members new to WAHA, will be noted on roster as required 4. Concussion form- need to collect from each skater 5. Code of Conduct form- need to collect from each skater 6. Jersey forms- collect and kept until jerseys are returned 7. Jersey form deposits- received from Registrar, kept by manager, returned at end of season to skater

6 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Background Checks WAHA requires background checks be done (every 2 yrs) on any coach or manager working in our GBAHYA organization. Failure to comply results in forfeiture of State Tournament play. Complete this on line from WAHA website (click on background check link). Pay the $8.95 fee and once results are received by GBAHYA president (sent automatically and confidentially) you will be reimbursed. Remit receipt to Treasurer, GBAYHA office.

7 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Communication Expectations You are the primary point of contact for your team Team Meeting During First Few Weeks of Practice Parent contact info- phone and email. Suggest laminated cards for each family with contact info. Make sure you have one parent point of contact. Collect missing documentation/forms Review dib requirements Coach to review expectations for the season, practice schedule, willingness to “pick up” games, B-9 sessions Review volunteer requirements for each game, sign up Utilizing the website for practice and game schedule changes ( was recommended to use on site for game volunteers) Posting pictures on the website only with parent permission Discuss away tournament scheduling- number of tournaments Discuss home tournament and volunteer requirements Calendar raffle information Team picture dates Use ical for your skater and/or the NGIN app

8 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Communication- use ical

9 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Communication- use ical

10 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Communication Expectations Email Team Information  Parents Team Newsletters are great sources of information for the parents, players and coaches. Recommended to send these out weekly on Sunday. You can also include notable performances on the ice over the last week! GBAYHA  Coaches and Managers Managers  GBAYHA Website GBAYHA news and updates posted regularly – check it often! Every team has a series of pages. Work with Coach to decide format of your team page, specifically if and how statistics are updated and displayed on website GBAYHA Board Meetings – 2 nd Tuesday of Month @ 7pm

11 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Manager Resources on Website- Newly formatted page

12 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Credits Each skater’s family required to complete 4 credits (2 for Mites) Cost for 1 credit is $100.00 Many Credit Opportunities Available! Concession Stand Shift (4 hrs) = 1 Credit Gambler 50/50 Raffle = ½ Credit Credited Positions- notify DIBS coordinator of coaches and manager positions DIBS – sign up early! Send your families periodic reminders, include in weekly newsletter

13 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Calendar Raffle Managers must collect calendar money and give to Beth Ribar Calendars distributed- date TBD Raffle proceeds collected- date TBD

14 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Team Pictures Scheduled for TBD. Teams should be dressed and ready 10 minutes prior to scheduled time. Black team jerseys, black socks  Order forms

15 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Scheduling Current practice & game schedule on website Changes may/will occur, look often (ical tool ) Practice times vary, days will be the same IMMEDIATELY check for any conflicts. Team managers will work with the rink scheduler for game additions and deletions after coach’s approval. Team managers and coaches are not allowed to call and cancel home games; this must be done through the rink scheduler (Don Chilson). All game confirmations are the manager's responsibility. Call the team that you are scheduled to play or check their web site at least three weeks prior to a game (home or away). Reconfirm each game again 48 hours before play. If there is a problem with a game, call the rink scheduler immediately and they will work with you to get the problem resolved. Check for home referees : Request a login for access to your team’s game schedule. Scheduled two weeks in

16 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Locker Room Supervision Per WAHA policy an adult must be in the locker room before and after practice to chaperone Chaperones must be of the same gender as players Typically these are parent volunteers No chaperone should EVER be in the locker alone with only 1 player unless it is their son/daughter Rotating volunteers do not require a background check. One volunteer for the season requires a background check. Add to your weekly list of game volunteers, required for practices and games.

17 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Game Day Activities Score Sheets- volunteer required (experience preferred) You will receive 15 (for all your home games). The score sheet must be completely filled out. Give a copy to the opposing team’s manager. Keep other copies. Referee may take a copy. A white 2”x4” label (Avery 8163) works well for showing the team’s roster, coaching info (number & level), and managers telephone number (template found on website). Put roster on all 4 pages of score sheet.

18 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Game Day Activities Off-Ice Officials At every home game, the home team must provide three - four people to staff the off-ice officials’ positions: scorekeeper, timer, penalty boxes and sound (optional). The off-ice officials must remain neutral (i.e. no coaching or cheering from the individuals who staff these positions). Each manager will determine who works where and when- try not to schedule coaches families if possible. Must be at least 16 years old and wearing a helmet if 18 & under. Clean up after ourselves! Locker rooms and arena seating Player & Parent Conduct Teach & lead by example good sportsmanship in good conduct. Monitor locker rooms, know who can be on the ice with the kids, appropriate conduct in the stands or anywhere around the rink & be a good representative of GBAYHA.

19 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Game Day Activities Sound System Each manager will receive a key to the sound system and be responsible for the use and training of parents to use the equipment for their team. See sound system handout for rules. You can bring your own ipod/playlist or music will be available. Keep key and handout with your binder. HINT: Use the Website/Google Docs or Sign Up Genius- For a sign up sheet.

20 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 First Aid Kits GBAYHA provides one kit per team. Kit should be at all practices, home and away games. Coaches take the kits. Check the kits if first aid is used to replace supplies. Return kit to equipment manager at end of season. Information on concussions has been given to coaches and will be in the first aid kit.

21 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Jerseys Jersey distribution to be scheduled by equipment mangers. Equipment managers will size each skater. Jersey numbers cannot be promised. Each manager will receive an extra set of jerseys for game day for skaters that may forget the jerseys. Each skater is responsible for the care of jerseys. Managers keep jersey condition forms. Managers will receive jersey deposit checks to return at end of season if jersey is returned in good condition.

22 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Home Tournaments Squirt, PeeWee, Bantam ADec 4 – 6 PeeWee CJan 29 – 31 Squirt C, Girls U10, 12U, 14UFeb 5 – 7 Squirt, PeeWee, Bantam BFeb 19 - 21

23 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Home Tournaments Tournaments are a fundraiser for GBAYHA. We have a solid reputation for providing a positive player/parent/coach experience thanks to all of our volunteers. All parents must work 6+ hour shift during their tournament weekends – manager may be asked to work with tournament coordinator to schedule of workers. $100 fine for no volunteer participation. Raffle baskets can provide additional income. Be creative!

24 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Away Tournaments Work with Coaches to identify and schedule has list of sanctioned tournamentssanctioned tournaments Managers are responsible for any arrangements that need to be made for an away tournament Sending deposits (usually paid up front) and player rosters Negotiating hotel rooms and rates for the entire team (some hotels will not take hockey teams) Meeting room for team, potluck meals Collecting tournament fees from players Try to schedule on open weekends – difficult to reschedule HOME games Reminder: You and your team represent GBAYHA. Behavior (good and bad) at tournaments (including hotels) may affect future opportunities for other GBAYHA teams.

25 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Play downs and State Tournament All teams will have some type of play down – no guaranteed trip to State Regional play downs scheduled: Feb. 12-14 weekend in Appleton State Tournaments: second or third weekend in March – check WAHA website and notify parents of date early. March 5 – 6: Bantams, Squirts, U10 & U14 March 12 – 13: PeeWee, U12

26 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 End of Season Activities Order Patches & Distribute- Hat Tricks, Playmaker, Shutouts Team Party- Decide with coach and families. Parent Scrimmage Pizza Party at Rink Restaurant Slide Show Gifts for Coaches- OPTIONAL, decide with families. Awards for Players- OPTIONAL, decide with coach and families.

27 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Other Interesting Information Scrip Program Scrip is a great way to lower your fees. Help promote & guide parents were information is located to get them started Puck Program Help reinforce the Puck Program. Any person returning a puck to the concession stand will receive a sucker or other piece of candy as available. This simple gesture helps save the association in equipment cost. Name Plates Always in Stiches- follow link on website

28 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 What’s Next? Get your Binder! Meet with Coach to discuss website ideas, tournament opportunities, and expectations for each other. Meetings with your teams. Get your team website up and going. There is a link on the Team Manager page to request access.

29 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 TO DO LIST Documentation Register at USA hockey as a manager Go to WAHA website and do background check unless done last year Send coaches and manager bar codes to registrar; she will then send you your official team roster Suggested- Laminated cards for parents with team roster, parents names and contact info Collect/complete forms to be kept in binder.

30 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 TO DO LIST Website Obtain access to your team web site from the web master (there is a link and instructions on the team manger page). Talk to your head coach and decide on web site format and what stats are to be posted. Set up a system for organizing game day volunteers. Fundraising Distribute calendars to parents and then collect money and give to Calendar coordinator (Beth Ribar). Notify DIBS coordinator (Dawn Jenquin) how your team credits will be divided and who are your assistant coaches.

31 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 TO DO LIST Game Scheduling Confirm all away games with opposing team managers Confirm referees for all home games Assign parent workers for home games and tournaments Bring first aid kit, team binder and extra jerseys to all games Make white team labels for score sheets

32 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 TO DO LIST Tournaments Discuss tournaments with head coach and book hotel blocks early. Name tags or fun away tournament goodies, OPTIONAL Coordinate home tournament volunteers. Coordinate team tournament basket. Notify parents early of Play down and State tournament dates. State tournament hotel blocks, if applicable.

33 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 TO DO LIST Weekly Team newsletters Confirm practice and game schedules Confirm game day volunteers and referees Distribute score sheets Keep track of hat tricks, playmakers, shut outs for patches End of Season Activities Order patches Distribute patches Return jersey deposit checks with equipment manager approval Optional end of season activities

34 GBAYHA Manager Meeting Oct. 2011 Questions? Concerns?

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