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BRIAN WYKA.  Web-based project manager  Ideal for small company  Portal for employees to interact with each other  A way for administrators to monitor.

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Presentation on theme: "BRIAN WYKA.  Web-based project manager  Ideal for small company  Portal for employees to interact with each other  A way for administrators to monitor."— Presentation transcript:


2  Web-based project manager  Ideal for small company  Portal for employees to interact with each other  A way for administrators to monitor their subordinates and keep them up to speed on every day tasks  Designed to update dynamically and maintain itself

3  NotiTask  Noti: stands for notification  Task: self-explanatory  Put these two terms together to form a system where tasks are assigned and notifications are sent automatically by the system to keep all parties updated

4  I worked for a start-up company  Very disorganized and hard to coordinate with others when working remotely in different locations  I am an organized person and like to have important things in my life structured  So I decided to develop a project manager that would not only benefit myself, but the people I was working with as well

5  Static Pages  Home: first page you see when you log in  Projects: all projects assigned to user logged in  Calendar: events and tasks in time format  Mailbox: messages between users  Account: custom user settings  Admin: reserved for administrators on the system

6  Dynamic Pages  The content will be unique to the individual logged into the system  The users registered with the system control the content that appears on the pages

7  The home page will be designed so that all important updates will be available to the user immediately upon login, including:  Project/task notifications  New messages  Annoncements

8  This page will have all the projects assigned to the user logged in or to the team that the user is a member of…  Project: collection of tasks  Assigned to individual user or team of users  Project assigned to team has tasks available to users on that team  Project assigned to user has tasks only available to that respective user

9  Project and Task Attributes  Date: created, due, completed, approved  Assigner (Administrator)  Assignee (User or Team)  Title and Description  Status: assigned, in progress, completed, approved  Optional file attachments

10  When a task status is updated by a user, the project containing the task is updated by system in the back-end of the program  Example Scenarios:  Project Assigned: no tasks have been started  Project In Progress: at least one task in progress  Project Complete: all tasks are complete  Project Approved: all tasks have been approved by administrator

11  A timeline reserved for the user to keep track of personal events as well as a service to put project and task due dates in perspective  Composed of three separate views:  Today: events for the current day  Week: events for current calendar week  Month: events for the current calendar month

12  Substitute for office mail such as outlook or web-based email  Mailbox will contain incoming and outgoing messages between users as well as some messages from the system  Inbox: all messages received from users  Outbox: all messages sent to users  Compose: send message to user(s)

13  The account page is where the user can change and update custom settings such as:  Personal information  Authentication credentials  Notification Settings  Add To do items  Add Calendar events

14  The administrators within the system will only have access to this page  From this page they control the flow of the entire environment essentially  The admin page is broken down into 6 sections:  Projects, Tasks, Files,  Teams, Users, and Announcements

15  Where the admin creates, edits, manages, and removes projects and tasks  Managing consists of monitoring the projects’ and tasks’ statuses as well as approving them when completed

16  The files section will allow for uploading, deleting, and downloading files  The files will be stored in a database table so each file will also be able to be associated with a specific project and/or task

17  This section will allow the admin to create, edit, and remove teams and users  Each user must be associated with a team

18  This will be an area for the admin to post announcements as well as remove them  The announcements will show up on the home page so they are one of the first things noticed by the user logging into the system

19  Each page will have its own respective sub menu to navigate within itself  Also each page will have a to do list pane and a user list pane  The only exception is the projects page where instead of the to do list and sub menu, there will be a list of projects and tasks, which allows easy navigation between them

20  To do List: pane where users can add personal items “to do”  These individual items can be created, edited, and removed  The user list tracks users online as well as shows you the offline  Provides quick access to message a specific user or start a chat

21  Nice and design, nothing fancy, but still appealing to the eye  A layout which allows for easy navigation and transitions between pages  User-friendly environment

22  Authentication  User has user name and password to log in to system  Security  Handles sessions to expire if user inactive for specified period of time, prompt user security questions if logging in from different IP address, etc…

23  Notifications: sent for project and task assignment, project and task status update, project and task update, etc…  Email  SMS  Mailbox Message  Purpose: keep user updated when not logged into system, if important update, user will be notified by SMS (text message)

24  The navigation menu contains all page links as well as sub page links  The projects tab is updated dynamically and has a list of the assigned projects as the sub menu items and for each project has its tasks as further sub menu items


26  The database stores all the information that makes each page’s content custom and unique to the user logged in  Database tables:  Activity Log: logs site activity when users log in successfully or in failure  Comment: to do item, mailbox message, chat message, announcement  Event: events to show up on calendar  File: stores files in a BLOB field as well as other information to describe file  Notification: populated by the system to show notifications  Project: project information  Task: task information and associated project  User: personal information, authentication credentials  User Settings: custom settings enforced by user  User Team: list of teams that administrator has added, in which users must be a part of

27  Browser Compatibility  Big issue with all the browsers out there today, more specifically the earlier versions of Internet Explorer  List of browsers to be tested: Chrome, Firefox, IE versions 5.5-8, Safari, Opera…  Most issues lie within the Javascript being executed client-side as well as the CSS or the look and layout of the page

28  Structure  Have a designated blue-print for the system that stays in-tact throughout development  Organization  Have the underlying structure of the page be organized for the developer or team of developers  All files will have a system and a specified folder where they belong  All interactions between files and scripts will be coordinated and executed in similar manners

29  Web based programming languages:  PHP - Hypertext Preprocessor  JavaScript – almost like a web version of java  Markup  HTML/XHTML – Hyper Text Markup language  CSS – Cascading Style Sheets  Database Manipulation  SQL – Structured Query Language  phpMyAdmin: portal to manage database(s) and tables within databases

30  Worked on project over winter break so have a flexible remaining timeline for rest of project  Hope to accomplish the rest of the remaining tasks within the next month and a half  The rest of the time will be to optimize compatibility as well as perform exhaustive testing and to receive user feedback

31  Hopefully I can answer your questions…  Any suggestions for my project??

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