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NEXT Allied soldiers climbing over trenches on first day of the costly Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916). Unit 7 - The Great War, 1914–1918 Several factors.

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Presentation on theme: "NEXT Allied soldiers climbing over trenches on first day of the costly Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916). Unit 7 - The Great War, 1914–1918 Several factors."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEXT Allied soldiers climbing over trenches on first day of the costly Battle of the Somme (July 1, 1916). Unit 7 - The Great War, 1914–1918 Several factors lead to World War I, a conflict that devastates Europe and has a major impact on the world.

2 NEXT I. Causes of World War I Marching Toward War A. The Rise of Nationalism 1. Growing nationalism leads to competition among nations. SECTION 1 2. The rise of imperialism and militarism. 3. The creation of alliances throughout Europe. a. Triple Alliance & Triple Entente

3 NEXT B. Germany Creates Alliance 1. Franco-Prussian War takes place (1870) 2. Germany views France as a threat. 3. Germany forms Triple Alliance made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary & Italy in 1882. C. An Opposing Alliance Forms 1. Russia forms and alliance with France in 1892. 2. Great Britain forms Triple Entente with France and Russia in 1907. D. Europeans Get Help 1. Troops are recruited from European colonies.


5 E. The Balkan Peninsula AKA - The Powder Keg 1. Ethnic groups in Balkans win independence during early 1900s. (Greece & Serbia) 2. Serbia is made up largely of Slavic people 3. Austria-Hungary adds Slavic region of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908. 4. Serbians desire an empire made up of Slavic people.


7 F. The Prelude to War 1. Serbian rebel Gavrillo Princep kills Austro- Hungarian heir Frans Ferdinand in June 1914. 2. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia; Russia comes to the aid of Serbia.



10 A. Fighting Along the Western Front 1. Germanys Schlieffen Plan – Defeat France to the west, then focus on Russia to the east. II. World War I begins

11 NEXT Portrayal of the Germans

12 NEXT A. Fighting Along the Western Front 2. German army is stopped outside ofParis in the First Battle of the Marne. 3. Schlieffen Plan fails; Germany has to fight a two-front war. II. World War I begins

13 NEXT 4. Trench Warfare is fought on the Western Front.

14 NEXT 5. The Eastern Front between Russia and Germany is known as the Frozen Front.

15 NEXT 6. By 1916, Russias war effort was near collapse. a. The late move to industrialize left Russia unprepared for war. b. Russian soldiers were continually short on food, guns, ammunition, clothes, boots, etc. c. As a result of Russia suffering 5.5 million causalities, Czar Nicholas is forced to step down in March Revolution of 1917.

16 NEXT d. Russian Revolution of 1917 leads to the withdrawal of Russia from World War I.

17 NEXT A. United States Involvement 1. Sinking of Lusitania in 1915 angers US. III. World War I – nearing its end 2. Feb. 1917 – Germans send Zimmerman telegram to Mexican government. 3. US declares war on Germany in April 1917.

18 NEXT B. The Central Powers Collapse 1. Austria-Hungary experiences revolution. 2. German leader Kaiser Wilhelm steps down. 3. On November 11, World War I ends. III. World War I – nearing its end

19 NEXT A. The Paris Peace Conference 1. Treaty of Versailles is signed. 2. Germany is forced to sign Article 231 – The War Guilt Clause 3. German colonies are no longer under their control. IV. A Flawed Peace Agreement

20 NEXT B. The Disagreement 1. US President Woodrow Wilson outlines his 14 Points for achieving peace. 2. Self-determination – the right of the people to govern their own nation - is the guiding principle of Wilsons plan. 3. France & Great Britain want to punish Germany. a. reparations and a reduced military

21 NEXT C. The Result of a Flawed Peace 1. The United States does not sign the Treaty of Versailles or become a member of the League of Nations. 2. New nations are created throughout Europe. 3. France & Great Britain are left to enforce the Treaty of Versailles.

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