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…a mode. They include three basic parts: – 1. the term – 2. it’s class – 3. its distinguishing characteristics Example: Behaviorism (the term) is a theory.

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Presentation on theme: "…a mode. They include three basic parts: – 1. the term – 2. it’s class – 3. its distinguishing characteristics Example: Behaviorism (the term) is a theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 …a mode

2 They include three basic parts: – 1. the term – 2. it’s class – 3. its distinguishing characteristics Example: Behaviorism (the term) is a theory (class) that regards the objective facts of a subject’s actions as the only valid basis for psychological study (distinguishing characteristics). Example: Authority (the term) is a power (class) to command and require obedience (distinguishing characteristics). Example: A cell (the term) is a unit of protoplasm (class) with a nucleus, cytoplasm, and an enclosing membrane (distinguishing characteristics).

3 In one sentence using the structure we just discussed, create an objective definition of either dog, computer, or tree. Do you feel you are accurately able to define these objects? Now, in one sentence using the same structure, create an objective definition of one of the concept you defined in your warmup. Do you feel you are accurately able to define this concept in this way? What does that tell you about the ways in which you can define certain things vs. the ways in which you can define others?

4 Definition is used everywhere in writing; for example, they are used to explain things or to support a thesis. Many exam questions are definition questions. When you are assigned a definition essay in AP Language, though, you should support a thesis. Good definition essays don’t just exist to define something. They are used to make a point. This point may be either stated explicitly or implied.

5 You can use several other modes or patterns of development in your definition essay. Exemplification: Often, examples are the clearest way to explain something unusual, especially when it is unfamiliar to your readers. For example, defining dreams as “the symbolic representation of mental states” might convey little to readers who don’t know much about psychology, but including examples will help.

6  Description: Using effective description techniques (i.e. explaining something sensory details) can help people to understand something’s definition. For example, the concept of a cell is difficult to grasp from just a formal definition, but your readers would better understand the concept if you described what a cell looks like.

7 Comparison and Contrast: You may define something by comparing it to something else, especially if the thing you are defining is unfamiliar to your audience. For example, modernism is one of several major movements in American literature, so its literary aims could be contrasted with those of other literary movements, such as romanticism or realism. Another example: your friend might not have heard of the Chinese dish called sweet-and-sour cabbage, but you can help him imagine it by saying it tastes like cole slaw. Another example: You might explain rugby by contrasting it with football, saying that it is not as violent.

8 Be sure your definitions are clear and that they actually define the terms: – Don’t just provide a descriptive statement, i.e. “Happiness is a four-day weekend.” – Don’t include the term you are defining in your definition. Example: “Abstract art is a school of artist whose works are abstract” is not effective. – Be sure to include the class of the word you are defining. Example: “Mitosis is a process in which a cell divides” is stronger than “Mitosis is when a cell divides.”

9  A definition essay needs an introduction, a thesis (implied or explicit), a body, and a conclusion.  Some definitions require objectivity; however, sometimes you are providing your perspective, so the manner in which you define the term should indicate your stance.

10 1. Determine whether your topic is appropriate for a definition essay. For example, if the topic suggests a response like “The true nature of A is B” or “A means B,” then you are likely to have a definition essay on your hands. However, topics that suggest responses like “The author uses varied diction to make the argument that dogs are man’s best friend,” you should not write a definition essay.

11  2. Decide what kinds of explanations (additional modes) are most suitable for your topic and audience. For example, if you are defining behaviorism to an audience that knows little about psychology, you might compare it to a concept with which they have for familiarity, thus using the compare and contrast mode.

12  See p. 496 of Patterns for an example of an informal outline for a definition essay on behaviorism.

13 Avoid is when and is where by including the term you are defining, the class to which the term belongs, and the characteristics that distinguish the term from other terms in the same class. Make certain that the form of the verb be in your definition is followed by a noun. Weak: As described in the essay “The Untouchable,” prejudice is when someone forms an irrational bias or negative opinion of a person or group. Strong: As described in the essay “The Untouchable,” prejudice is (be verb) an irrational bias (noun) or negative opinion of a person or group. Weak: According to John Kenneth Galbraith, a burden is where certain people object to supporting a governmental social program. Strong: According to John Kenneth Galbraith, a burden is (be verb) a governmental program (be verb) certain people object to supporting a governmental social program.

14  Write one paragraph giving your definition of the concept you defined as your warmup, using an effective thesis (implied or explicitly stated), one or more additional mode, an a conclusion sentence.

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