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Mentoring Workshop. Workshop aims Aim To introduce participants to the role of the mentor and help them prepare for mentoring as a part of the Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring Workshop. Workshop aims Aim To introduce participants to the role of the mentor and help them prepare for mentoring as a part of the Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring Workshop


3 Workshop aims Aim To introduce participants to the role of the mentor and help them prepare for mentoring as a part of the Leadership Development Programme for Professional & Managerial Staff Objectives By the end of the workshop participants will able to: Describe the role of the mentor Outline the process of mentoring Describe how to structure an effective mentoring session

4 Leadership Development Programme 7 month programme to develop leadership and management skills and confidence Six workshops Action learning sets Mentoring 6 workshops Work based project VLE resources

5 What is mentoring? What, if any, has been your personal experience of mentoring? How would you describe mentoring? In what ways is it similar to/different to coaching? What do you think your mentee wants from you?

6 Your role Talk through professional issues with your mentee and, as appropriate, challenge and support them in identifying actions to assist their development as a leader. Help the individual to formulate learning objectives and review progress against these during the life of the programme. Help your mentee to reflect on discussions and models presented in the workshops, to identify how they could be applied to his/her own situation and personal development needs. Give guidance and support on the project element including discussing ideas and helping to formulate a project plan.


8 What do I require from a mentor? Someone who would be a role model Someone who I would I trust to help resolve a difficult situation Someone who would challenge and support me Someone who would give me their time and attention


10 What is mentoring? Mentors help others achieve life goals Mentors promote change in the Mentee and therefore act as a facilitator of change focusing on what is possible Mentors use coaching skills to identify the issues, the choices and the actions open to mentees ‘Off-line help by one person to another in making significant transitions in knowledge, work or thinking’. European Mentoring Centre

11 What skills will a mentor need? A genuine interest in the other person Active listening Questioning Challenge, debate and support Neutral on what actions need to be done

12 1.Waiting for our turn to speak 2.Giving our own experience 3.Giving advice 4.Listening and asking for more 5.Intuitive listening Source: Wilson, C (2007 p21) The 5 levels of listening:

13 Before you begin – things to consider: Procedures Meetings management Setting purpose and goals Monitoring and review Professional Issues Boundaries Confidentiality Relationships with others Psychological Issues Expectations Degree of trust, openness, honesty Handling relationship issues

14 What should be covered in the first meeting? Getting to know each other Development goals How will mentoring support this What are your priorities? Expectations of each other – any limitations of the partnership? Nature, frequency, length and pattern of communication Expected length of the partnership Agenda for the next meeting

15 The Role of the Mentor Mentor in Control Mentee in Control

16 The mentoring framework Relationship development Agenda setting Exploring issues Sharing experience Inspiring change Making things happen

17 Structuring a Session Using the GROW Technique Establish the GOAL Examine the REALITY Consider all OPTIONS Confirm the WILL to act

18 Zones of Learning Boredom Comfort Stretch Stress Change

19 Maintaining the partnership Review on a regular basis What do you have in common? What are your differences? How important is it to you? How much trust is there? Provide guidance and support Ask questions Review the learning Get feedback on yourself!

20 7 Top Tips for Success 1. Agree the rules and boundaries at the outset 2. Make sure you meet 3. Be open and honest with each other 4. Define goals and review these regularly 5. Develop the “ask, not tell” habit 6. You’re not expected to have all the answers, just to help find them. 7. Remember, it’s all about learning, expect to gain yourself. For further information see SDDU’s mentoring webpage For additional training in mentoring & coaching skills see

21 Any Questions?

22 The Development Cycle What is the development need? How should it be met? Agree Development objectives Development takes place Review progress & impact

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