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WP3 Interoperable datasets for nature conservation María Cabello Tracasa.

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Presentation on theme: "WP3 Interoperable datasets for nature conservation María Cabello Tracasa."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP3 Interoperable datasets for nature conservation María Cabello Tracasa

2 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 2 Make Datasets Interoperable: Aspects “harmonisation” “interoperability” “consistency”

3 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 3 Objective Definition of the metadata profile and the data model as well as the approach to multilingual and multicultural issues Almost all the partners are involved Expected results are the metadata profile, the datamodel and the thesaurus Partners Results

4 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 4 Task Task 3.1 - multicultural and multilingual issues Task 3.2 - metadata profile Task 3.3 - data model Task 3.4 - procedures for metadata profile and data model implementation

5 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 5 Milestones M3.1 – Metadata profile (M16) M3.2 -NATURE-SDIplus Data Model – first version (M16) M3.3 -NATURE-SDIplus Data Model – final version (M19)

6 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 6 Deliverables D3.1 – Report on multilingual and multicultural issues, including a Thesaurus (M13) D3.2 - Nature-SDIplus metadata profile (draft CEN publication) (M16) D3.3 - Nature-SDIplus data model (first version) (M16) D3.4 - Nature-SDIplus data model (final version) (M19) D3.5 - Specifications for data model implementation (M16)

7 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 7 Project Plan WP3 Interoperable datasets for nature conservation WP Leader: Tracasa MM 3.1 Multicultural and multilingual issues Task Leader: CNR-IMATI 3.2 Metadata profile Task Leader: IRD ** 3.3 Data model Task Leader: K.U. Leuven **** 3.4 Procedures for metadata profile and datamodel implementation Task Leader: Tracasa Month Work-package and task 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930

8 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 8 How we could measure? Indicator no. Objective/expected resultIndicator name Expected progress Year 1Year 2Year 3 * 2Data providers enlargement Data providers involved37>50>70 3Data enrichment Collected data sets>100>125>175 4Country scope and data enrichment Countries offering datasets ** 1720>24 5Data sets compliancy with the metadata profile and data model Data sets compliant0%40%90% 6Datasets availability through the NATURE- SDIplus portal Datasets accessible0%20%60% 7Multilingual compliancy Languages for thesaurus01>8 (**) in addition, data of Natura 2000 by the DG ENV are available for all MS

9 TASK 3.1 M ulticultural and Multilingual Issues Monica De Martino IMATI-CNR

10 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 10 NatureSDIplus 10 Overview Objective  To bring an added value to the interoperability of data for Nature Conservation allowing a more efficient searching for data and information Aims  Investigation of language and cultural barriers to the use of geo-information at EU level  State of the art of existing multilingual/multicultural solutions  Identification of a standardizes solutions for Nature Conservation issues through a common nomenclature Result  D3.1- Report on multilingual/multicultural issues and solutions

11 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 11 Approach A multicultural approach  Thesaurus-based to define standard technological and scientific terms of geodata understandable by different user communities operating in the fields of the data themes in NATURE-SDI  Interrelation among the activities on the definition of Thesaurus (T3.1), metadata profile(T3.2) and data model (T3.3) A multilingual approach  Multilingual searching services at Geoportal level

12 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 12 Approach and Application Multicultural/Multilingual aspects of the application  All the official languages of the countries involved in the project will be considered  Multilingual resources like multilingual thesauri (e.g. multilingual thesaurus GEMET, EUROVOC, AGROVOC …) and multilingual gazetteers will be investigated to facilitate the creation of metadata profile and the development of ergonomic search interfaces for data and services catalogue Multilingual access portal to data and services (join activity with WP4)  Analysis of multilingual tools available among the consortium  Investigation of available multilingual services to access the spatial data configured according to the standards (OGC) described in the AST Position Paper in INSPIRE

13 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 13 Main Activities - Results Identification and Definition of Thesauri  Multilingual/multicultural aspects related to the data themes in NATURE-GIS  Identification of representative datasets/metadata related to the INSPIRE data themes on nature conservation in NATURE-SDI which are most used in different application domains  Identification of a set of keywords to describe the representative data in order to define a structured vocabularies  Identification/definition of a common thesaurus to support and harmonize the metadata entry

14 TASK 3.2 Metadata profile Jean Christophe Desconnets IRD - ESPACE

15 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 15 Objectives Task 3.2  To provide a relevant and comprehensive description of NatureSDI+ datasets (INSPIRE compliant)  To allow discovery and use of datasets on multilingual and multicultural context  To provide data providers with recommendations and guidelines to build a NatureSDI+ compliant catalog

16 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 16 Approach and Main activities Starting point  INSPIRE metadata profile defined in Implementation Rules for Metadata, based on ISO 19115/119 metadata standard Complete metadata profle on semantic aspects (strong links with WP2 & T3.1, T3.3)  Speficy other metadata elements identified by NatureSDI+ providers to complete INSPIRE profile  Define the core elements and elements level (basic, full)  Define the integration of common vocabularies for metadata entry and it storage

17 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 17 Approach and Main activities Complete metadata profle on technical aspects (join activity with WP4) How metadata should be formated to provide homogenous and multilingual search on NatureSDI geoportal ?  Specify the exchange of metadata with XML ISO 19139  Technical specifications for discovery service (ie : search criteria and data type of criteria)

18 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 18 Expected Results Results  A metadata profile for NatureSDI+ datasets, compliant with INSPIRE metadata IR (IR = Implementation Rules) Deliverable  M16 : Guidelines and recommandations for implementation of NatureSDI+ Metadata profile

19 TASK 3.3 Data Model Danny Vandenbroucke Diederik Tirry K.U.Leuven (SADL)

20 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 20 NatureSDIplus 20 Overview Objective  To contribute to the development of the data specifications regarding the 4 themes covered by NaturaSDI+ and development of a data model on nature conservation Aims  Development of a common data model for the data on nature conservation (4 themes) based on an analysis of the user needs, on what exists and INSPIRE data specs  Contribute to the testing of data specifications for the theme nature protection (theme 9, annex 1)  Contribute to the development and testing of the data specifications for the themes biogeographical region, habitats & biotopes, species distribution (themes 17-18-19, annex 3) Result  D3.3 - Nature-SDIplus data model (first version) (M16)  D3.4 - Nature-SDIplus data model (final version) (M19)

21 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 21 Approach Development of specifications based on the approach proposed by INSPIRE DT DS as the basis for the development of an extended data model – Annex III Based on the “Definition of the annex themes and scope” (D2.3) Based on the “Generic Conceptual Model” (D2.5) Based on the “Methodology for the Development of Data Specifications” (D2.6) Based on the “Guidelines for the Encoding Spatial Data” (D2.7)  How to collaborate with the future TWG – Membership of the TWG (?) – Joint work sessions (?) – Own work sessions (?)  Involvement of the nature protection community (additional cases)

22 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 22 Approach Testing of the status of existing data sets of the project against data specifications proposed by the TWG – (jointly with T5.1 and closely working with CEN/NEN) Based on the testing framework proposed by the INSPIRE DT DS Based on a workplan of the consortium to achieve the results within due time  How to organise the testing – each partner involved in the testing performs his/her own tests, then bring the results together (?) – joint work sessions (?) Developing a common data model (UML) – putting the pieces together (including relationships between themes)

23 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 23 Main Activities - Results Identification and development  Testing of the data specifications developed by the TWG according to the proposed methodology; extensive reporting  Analysing the results of the user needs analysis and the available data sets/metadata (WP2 and T3.2)  Analysing existing data models of data sets of the partners (or parts thereof)  Elaboration of a new data model (UML); discussion with the thematic community; propose a ‘final’ version  Coordination/specific activities with the TWG (Annex 3 themes)

24 TASK 3.4 Procedures for metadata profile and data model implementation María Cabello Tracasa

25 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 25 NatureSDIplus 25 Overview Objective  Properly deals with the procedures for the translation of available datasets into the Nature-SDIplus metadata profile and data model. Activities  Analyze of technical specifications for the data integration and harmonization work-flows and testing of outcomes on the existing spatial datasets available from different sources  Identification of the data quality control procedures/protocols and testing on GIS data transformed according to the NATURE- SDIplus specification (Data Model) Result  Set of recommendations to facilitate the data harmonization and onteroperability

26 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 26 Approach Interrelation with WP2  Analysing the state of the art for Nature conservation themes Interrelation with WP3  definition of metadata profile(T3.2) and data model (T3.3) Interrelation with WP4  Providing a guide how to proceed (work flow) for data been harmonised

27 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 27 Approach and Application Aspects of the application  All the information of the data providers involved in the project will be considered  We will base on the state of art of the different data providers and the metadata profile and data model proposed Data harmonization for the geoportal (join activity with WP4)

28 NATURE SDI plus kick-off meeting Genova 6-7 November 2008 28 Main Activities - Results Identification of work-flow  How to implement Nature SDIplus metadata profile  Set of recommendations for implementing Nature SDIplus data model  Guide to provide harmonised data sets for the Geoportal

29 Thank you WP 3 Leader & T3.4 Leader T3.1 Leader T3.2 Leader T3.3 Leader

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