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Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Vision Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen 30-31 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Vision Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen 30-31 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Capacity and Service to Road Users Task O1 Vision Paul van der Kroon, Copenhagen 30-31 March 2006

2 2 TASK O1 Goal: The objective of the work shall be to investigate what can be defined as Network Operations, and to produce and exchange new ideas for network operations with a view to incorporating these ideas into the way NRAs work. The emphasis shall be put on customers

3 3 Definitions Traffic management (TM) –The control of traffic by means of measures at local level (junction/corridor) Network management –The management of traffic flows over the network (make better use of..) by means of TM and small infrastructural improvements Network Operations –The provision of consistent services to road users by all actors involved to ensure an efficient, sustainable, safe and environment friendly transport over the existing (road) network.

4 4 Input definition O1 from Questionnaire A clear and customer-oriented target image, The appropriate assignment of traffic to all network categories Shared/coordinated tasks, responsibilities and competences A comprehensive consideration of all factors influencing traffic within road networks Planning of proactive and reactive measures Overall political aims transformed into coherent network strategies beyond authorities and geography. see the entire road network as one coherent net. Concepts, systems, initiatives to ensure an efficient, sustainable, safe and environmentally transport on the road network

5 5 Network Operations definition Strategy Organisation Processes Programmes Capabilities Technologies Network Operations is the combination of: to provide consistent services to road users by all actors involved to ensure an efficient, sustainable, safe and environment friendly transport over the existing (road) network.

6 6 Levels in Operations Strategic level –Coherent Network Strategy (framework) Tactic level ( architecture ) –Organisations –Responsibilities –Roles (infraprovider, traffic manager, network manager) –Processes –Programmes –Capabilities Operational level –Systems & Services Task O1 Task O2, O5,O6,O9

7 7 Definitions (1) Consistent Net work Strategy –strategic plans translated into targets for the transport network performance including hierarchy in functionality on the network. Roles –Infra-provider responsible for quality of roads and functioning of technical equipment; Traffic manager for the use of roads and equipment; Network manager for both infra-providing and traffic management. Processes –Are flows of actions/activities to achieve certain objectives for which tasks, cooperation, roles, responsibilities are defined and organisational structures required

8 8 Definitions (2) Programmes –the strategic/tactic combination of projects and actions to achieve overall objectives Capabilities –The expertise/know-how/experience required by persons and/or organisations to achieve certain objectives Systems & services –A service is the combination of organisation and systems to provide the required level of quality to the user –A system is the combination of sub- systems,tools and technologies

9 9 Approach for “Capacity and services to road users” Network wide management and Operation O9: VMS harmonisationO6: Electronic Fee CollectionO2: e-SafetyO5: Optimise use of capacityO1: New ideas for “Operation” O10: Improve users expectations Take tasks 02, O5, O6, O9 and O10 to create new ideas as input for O1 and vv

10 10 What is in the scope i.r.t. O2 e-Safety infrastructure related Systems/Services eCall (precise coordinates of location) Extended environmental information (extended FCD provides adequate on the spot weather/road conditions info.) Real-time Traffic and Travel Information (info. for route choices) (Link to) Dynamic traffic management Local danger warning Speed Alert O1: Network Operations  Consistent network strategy  Roles/responsibilities  Data management and organisation  Programmes to organise NRA’s  Programmes to organise with other actors  Programmes for pilots (test/verify)  Capabilities

11 11 What is in the scope i.r.t. O5 Optimise the use of the capacity of the road network Measures that influence the capacity of the road network Impact of a combination of measures Constraints to measures (legal, traffic, organisation,..) ‘Generic’ approach to measures for network management scenario’s; O1: Network Operations Consistent Network Strategies Organisations Programmes Roles

12 12 What is in the scope i.r.t. O6 Harmonise electronic fee collection (EFC) Interoperability aspects of EFC Lessons learned about implementation of EFC (technical and organisational) O1: Network Operations Consistent network strategy Role and position of NRA’s Processes Programmes

13 13 What is in the scope i.r.t. O9 VMS harmonisation & interoperability VMS harmonisation and interoperability Formal strategy and the type of strategy Strategic proposals for implementation O1: Network Operations Consistent network Strategies Processes Organisation Capabilities

14 14 What is in for me / us? Discussion on the methods, experiences and interesting cases in an European perspective Sharing best practice and innovative techniques in network operations. Profit from different states of development within CEDR countries –Role and position of different NRA’s –Network responsibility –Emphasis of NRA (congestion, safety, environment) Development and creation of new ideas that can be taken into use national.

15 15 Discussion

16 16 Plan of action to create new ideas and achieve integration Define “working definition for NO” for cases Use cases from partners to derive ideas for NO in accordance with definition Derive elements from tasks O2..O9 crucial for NO in accordance with definition Check/improve “working definition for NO” Draft report Feedback to/from tasks O2..O9 Final report to EB/GB

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