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Kristy Wiese Lobbyist Capitol Advocacy LLC. Wrapped Up 2013-2014 Session Legislature adjourned on August 31, 2014 Governor Brown finished acting upon.

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1 Kristy Wiese Lobbyist Capitol Advocacy LLC

2 Wrapped Up 2013-2014 Session Legislature adjourned on August 31, 2014 Governor Brown finished acting upon all bills September 30, 2014 Legislature returns to officially begin 2015-16 session December 1, 2014 Regular floor sessions resume January 5, 2015 Most bills that passed and were signed by the Governor in 2014 will go into effect January 1, 2105 2

3 2015 Legislative Process Next year will be the first year of a two-year session. This means the focus in January and February will be on bill introductions. The bill introduction deadline will likely be February 20, 2015. Policy Committee hearings will take place in full force in April and May. The Legislature will likely adjourn mid-September, 2015. 3

4 November General Election The General Election is November 4, 2014. This is a gubernatorial election year, so the Governor and all statewide offices are up for election in addition to most legislative offices. At least 23 Assembly seats and 10 Senate seats will turn over, with the potential for more turnover in the Assembly if Democrats lose their seats in two contested races. Democrat Sharon Quirk-Silva is battling to keep her Orange County seat from Republican Young Kim, and Democrat Steve Fox is fighting to defend his North Los Angeles County/Kern County seat against Republican Tom Lackey. 4

5 November General Election 5 In the Assembly, Democrats currently hold 55 seats, one above the 54 necessary to maintain their supermajority. If Republicans defeat Quirk-Silva and Fox, the Assembly Democrat supermajority will be eliminated In the Senate, Democrats currently hold 27 seats, the bare minimum to keep their supermajority. If Republican Janet Nguyen bests Democrat and former Assemblyman Jose Solorio for Democrat Senator Lou Correa’s seat, the supermajority could be eliminated, assuming Democrats do not gain any Republican seats.

6 6 New Northern CA Legislators Sonoma County Supervisor Mike McGuire is the incoming Senator to succeed Noreen Evans, representing the North Coast, which includes Santa Rosa, Sonoma and Marin. Napa County Supervisor Bill Dodd will replace Mariko Yamada to represent the counties of Lake, Sonoma, Napa, Solano and Yolo. Healdsburg City Councilman Jim Wood will succeed Wes Chesbro to represent Del Norte, Humboldt, Trinity, and Mendocino Counties, as well as northern and coastal Sonoma County. CANP will work to build relationships with these members, including grassroots engagement on the part of CANP members and allies

7 Proposition 46 - MICRA Prop 46, which asks voters to raise the cap on non-economic damages in medical malpractice cases, is on the November General Election Ballot. Sponsored by the trial attorneys, Prop 46 more than quadruples the pain and suffering cap, which will substantially increase lawyer’s legal fees in healthcare lawsuits, which in turn will increase health care costs and reduce access to care. Both proponents (trial attorneys and consumer groups) and opponents (healthcare providers and business groups) of Prop 46 are spending millions in support and opposition of the initiative. 7

8 CMA Political Spending CMA continues to spend heavily to promote its political agenda in California: CMA physician issues committee: $5,313,184 in expenditures January 1 – September 30, 2014 CMA Independent Expenditure Committee: $615,620 in expenditures January 1 – September 30, 2014 CMA Political Action Committee (CALPAC): $952,920 in expenditures January 1 – September 30, 2014 CMA Small Contributor Committee: $175,007 in expenditures January 1 – September 30, 2014 8

9 Going Forward….. CANP is ramping up its grassroots advocacy program. Each Chapter is being charged with expanding their relationship with local legislators. Opportunities to invite legislators to chapter meetings, NP participation at community events, meetings in district offices. Resources on CANP website. Grassroots Advocacy coordinator, Stephanie Nied Tseu, to support chapter efforts.

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