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1 On to Object Design Chapter 14 Applying UML and Patterns.

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1 1 On to Object Design Chapter 14 Applying UML and Patterns

2 2 Agile Modeling and UML Two of the aims of Agile modeling: Reduce drawing overhead Model to understand and communicate In a era of rapid change, documentation tends to have less value Therefore primary purpose of modeling is not to document Tools that read code and reverse engineer it to create diagrams like Rational Rose, Eclipse or Visual Studio.

3 3 Limit time spent drawing A few hours or at most one day of diagramming should do most of the work for a three week iteration. Occasional short sessions of modeling during the iteration can clarify any concepts that still need to be understood. UML is only an ancillary tool to object design. The real skill is the design, not the diagramming.

4 4 Dynamic and Static Models Dynamic models such as interaction diagrams (sequence or communication diagrams) help design logic, code behavior, and method bodies. Static Models such as class diagrams help define packages, class names, attributes, and method signatures. Switch back and forth during sessions.

5 5 Dynamic Models Most of the challenging, interesting, and useful design work is dynamic modeling. Dynamic UML models include sequence, communication, state machine and deployment diagrams Interaction diagrams are where we apply design patterns such as GRASP. If the most important skill in object design is assigning behavior to objects, this is when it usually takes place.

6 6 Static Models Static models, give the overall structure to our software, and allow us to divide the work into manageable and maintainable chunks. Static UML models include class, package, and deployment diagrams.

7 7 CRC Cards Alternative to UML Object Design is Class, Responsibility, Collaboration (CRC) cards popularized by Kent Beck in eXtreme Programming.

8 Interaction Diagram Notation Chapter 15 Applying UML and Patterns Craig Larman

9 9 Introduction Why do objects exist? To perform an activity to help fulfill a system’s purpose Interaction Diagrams are used to model system dynamics How do objects change state? How do objects interact (message passing)?

10 10 Sequence Diagrams An Interaction Diagram is a generalization of two specialized UML diagram types: Sequence and Communication Sequence diagrams illustrate object interactions arranged in time sequence Emphasize the time ordering of messages Object linkages are implied, but not explicitly shown

11 11 Communication Diagrams An Interaction Diagram is a generalization of two specialized UML diagram types Communication diagrams illustrate object interactions organized around the objects and their links to each other Emphasize the structural organization of objects Explicitly show object linkages Communication and Sequence diagrams are semantically equivalent, however, they may not show the same information

12 12 Interaction Diagrams Are Valuable Interaction Diagrams provide a thoughtful, cohesive, common starting point for programs Patterns, principles, and idioms can be applied to improve the quality of the Interaction Diagrams

13 13 Common Interaction Diagram Notation

14 14 Drawing Communication Diagrams Objects are connected with numbered (sequenced) arrows along links to depict information flow Arrows are drawn from the interaction source The object pointed to by the arrow is referred to as the target Arrows are numbered to depict their usage order within the scenario Arrows are labeled with the passed message Chain of Messages to minimize coupling

15 15 Example Communication Diagram

16 16 Example Communication Diagram: makePayment

17 17 Basic Communication Diagram Notation Link - connection path between two objects (an instance of an association) Message - represented with a message expression on an arrowed line between objects Sequence Number - represents the order in which the flows are used The first message (from actor) is not numbered Messages from the object receiving the initial message are numbered 1, 2, etc. Messages from the object receiving message 1 are numbered 1.1, 1.2, ect.

18 Communication Diagram Sequence Numbering

19 19 Basic Communication Diagram Notation Conditional Message Seq. Number [ variable = value ] : message() Message is sent only if clause evaluates to true Iteration (Looping) Seq. Number * [ i := 1..N ]: message() “*” is required; [... ] clause is optional

20 20 Sequence Diagrams Correspond to one scenario within a Use Case Identifies the objects involved with each scenario Identifies the passed messages and actions that occur during a scenario Identifies the required response of each action

21 21 Example Sequence Diagram

22 22 Example Sequence Diagram: makePayment()

23 23 Basic Sequence Diagram Notation Link - Sequence Diagrams do not show links Message - represented with a message expression on arrowed line between objects Object Lifeline - the vertical dashed line underneath an object Objects do not have a lifeline until they are created The end of an object’s life is marked with an “X” at the end of the lifeline Passage of time is from top to bottom of diagram

24 24 Basic Sequence Diagram Notation Activation - the period of time an object is handling a message (box along lifeline) Activation boxes can be overlaid to depict an object invoking another method on itself Conditional Message [ variable = value ] message() Message is sent if clause evaluates to true Iteration (Looping) * [ i := 1..N ]: message() “*” is required; [... ] clause is optional

25 25 Interaction Diagram Strengths Communication Diagram Space Economical - flexibility to add new objects in two dimensions Better to illustrate complex branching, iteration, and concurrent behavior Sequence Diagram Clearly shows sequence or time ordering of messages Simple notation

26 26 Interaction Diagram Weaknesses Communication Diagram Difficult to see sequence of messages More complex notation Sequence Diagram Forced to extend to the right when adding new objects; consumes horizontal space

27 27 Conclusions Interaction Diagrams usually deserve more attention than they receive. There is no rule about which diagram to use. Both are often used to emphasize the flexibility in choice and to reinforce the logic of the operation. Some tools can convert one to the other automatically.

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