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Poems That Rhyme By Janice Reed.

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Presentation on theme: "Poems That Rhyme By Janice Reed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poems That Rhyme By Janice Reed

2 If we may play in the snow? , Down the hill we could go
Snow Day Mom, we want to know , If we may play in the snow? , Down the hill we could go And make snowballs to throw. J.Reed The last word in each line rhymes with know.

3 Bees in the Trees I wonder if the bumble bees
That buzz around our pepper trees Ever sneeze? Hildred Bach

4 The first 2 lines rhyme and the last 2 lines rhyme.
A Kite I often sit and wish that I Could be a kite up in the sky, And ride upon the breeze and go Whichever way I chanced to blow. Anonymous

5 Someone in the sky last night Had an awful pillow fight,
Snowfall Someone in the sky last night Had an awful pillow fight, And when I woke today I found All the feathers on the ground. Margaret Hillert

6 Let’s Practice wall me I look very tall In the mirror on the ______.
The cat climbed a tree. He sat and looked at _____. wall me

7 Let’s Practice We like to run and play On a hot summer _____.
The boy was laughing at a dog Who was playing with a green _____. day frog

8 Prewriting Brainstorm a list of words that rhyme Think of a topic for your poem Choose the rhyming words you want to use in your poem

9 List Rhyming Words Snake Cake Rake Make Lake Bake Wake Take

10 Topic Snake Rhyming Words Lake

11 First Draft – This is my first try.
The green snake Crawled into the lake.

12 How can I make my poem better?
Revise – How can I make my poem better? The green snake Crawled into the lake. The green, spotted snake Crawled slowly into the lake.

13 Proofread The green, spotted snake Crawled slowly into the lake.
Begin each line with a capital letter. Check your spelling. Use correct end marks. The green, spotted snake Crawled slowly into the lake.

14 Publish – How can we publish our poems?
Use a word processor and add clip art. Make a class book. Display on a bulletin board. Make a class PowerPoint presentation. Read them to the class. Share your poem with someone at home.

15 Works Cited English. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990.
Maxwell, M. Listening Games For Elementary Grades. Washington, D.C.: Acropolis, 1981. Poetry Place Anthology. New York: Scholastic, 1983.

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