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System Integrated for Security Management Activities.

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1 System Integrated for Security Management Activities

2 Communitarian Program INTERREG IIIB CADSES Involved Territories : Central Europe Adriatic- Danubian Area Greece

3 Priority 1promotion of approaches concerning the territorial development and of actions concerning the social economic cohesion Priority 2Efficient and sustainable system of transport and access to the information society Priority 3Promotion and management of landscape and of the natural and cultural heritage Priority 4environmental protection, resources management and risk prevention Measure 4.2:promotion of the integrated risk management and prevention of calamities Priorities and INTERREG III B Measures

4 Protecting and safeguarding human life and cultural goods Seismic Event Prevention integrated actions Evaluation and reduction Of the vulnerability level of The “Historical Centre System” Training and population information with the aim to create the “citizen as first self rescuer”, Project aims

5 LP 1 Umbria Region PP 2 Emilia Romagna Region PP 3 Marche Region PP 4 Abruzzo Region PP 5 Athens Prefecture PP 6 Peloponnese Region PP 7 Homeroupolis Municipality PP 8 Slovene Republic (observer) PP 9 Slovak Republic PP 10 Civil Protection National Department Project Partner

6 Lead Partner: Umbria Region Steering Committee: People in charge representing each partner Experts Group: National and international experts prepared on the same themes of the project Project Management

7 WORK PACKAGE – 1 Umbria Region Know-how testing about the experienced knowledge on the project themes Studies and exchanges about know-how experience Laws and regulation5 Studies about the vulnerability 4 Information about the populated centre 3 Information about the urban centres 2 Territory information1 Training and information11 Procedures with the aim to draft plans about Civil Protection Coordination 10 Seismic microzonation9 Seismology8 Geology7 Instruments about the urban planning 6

8 Comparison between systems and methodologies of evaluation of historical centers vulnerability Execution of provisional applications in test areas of historical centers in the Partner Countries Umbria:Montone Emilia Romagna: Bagno di Romagna, Santa Sofia, Forlì Abruzzo: Sulmona Marche: Offida Grecia: Nauplio – Atene – Chios Slovacchia: Banska Stiavnica WORK PACKAGE – 2 Umbria Region Development of a methodological scale or degree to the vulnerability evaluation

9 Application of instruments of urban planning for the reduction of seismic risk in the historical centers WORK PACKAGE – 3 Marche Region Analysis and classification of the urban laws and of the enforced laws in order to define guide projects concerning the block of houses

10 Coordinated action models for the seismic emergency Analysis of the criteria to define the damage scenario Of seismic event of historical centre system. Analysis and control of intervention procedures of ordinary structures of Civil Protection for the first rescue after seismic event. Research of information method and population information in order to create “citizen as first self rescuer”. Realization of a civil protection exercise with the intervention of the“citizen as first self rescuer” (September 2006) WORK PACKAGE – 4 Emilia Romagna Region

11 Training, dissemination of project results Organisation of training course for trainers about vulnerability themes Sulmona e Atene – Ottobre 2006 WORK PACKAGE – 5 Athens Prefecture

12 Civil Protection Agency: coordination Geological, Seismic and Territorial Service Technical Service Romagna Rivers Institute for Cultural Environmental and Natural Goods External cooperationsProvided by: Comunità Montana Appennino Cesenate, Comuni di Bagno di Romagna, Forlì e Santa Sofia Participation of Emilia Romagna Region

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