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Results Frameworks Somalia Joint Needs Assessment November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Results Frameworks Somalia Joint Needs Assessment November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results Frameworks Somalia Joint Needs Assessment November 2005

2 Overview Motivation and objectives Background Purpose and objectives Benefits Getting started Contents Operational principles Keys to success Next steps

3 Motivation and Objectives - Background Problems in early reconstruction planning Lack of prioritization Unrealistic expectations (population, donors) Capacity limitations and institutional gaps Loss of momentum  Results Matrix

4 Motivation and Objectives: - Benefits Place key actions, outputs, results for political, security, economic and social spheres on a simple calendar frame Help clarify expectations (donors, leadership, population) by increasing realism on timing and forcing prioritization Identify periods of overload and sectoral linkages Identify actions which are lagging behind (e.g. major infrastructure before the rainy season, voter registration before elections) or ahead of schedule

5 Motivation and Objectives: - Variety of Purposes National planning exercise Budget formulation process Consensus-building process National ↔ National National ↔ Donor Donor ↔ Donor Identify capacity-building needs Resource mobilization strategy Monitoring and evaluation

6 Motivation and Objectives: - Uses Cabinet meetings Government/donor meetings Sectoral coordination meetings Government/civil society meetings Etc…

7 Getting Started: - Content Outcomes For example, safe passage/no incidents of violence on major roads X-X; school enrolment > X%; malaria death rate X%. Outputs Physical: # of schools or clinics rehabilitated, km of road constructed or rehabilitated Services: # of children or animals vaccinated; # of ex-combatants demobilised, % caseload refugees returned; legal cases processed within X days; wait time at port or for business registration Events: election completed; a reform completed Budget expenditure or revenue collection % of plan

8 Getting Started: - Content (Cont’d) Intermediate actions Legislation Major contracts such as trunk roads Major data collection exercises such as voter registration or household surveys Capacity and institutional needs Donor actions Funds transfer Major technical assistance and capacity-building initiatives Major bilateral or multilateral-executed projects

9 Getting Started: - Step-by-step Manual Identify major results first (e.g. school enrolment) and work backwards (e.g. school rehabilitation, textbook distribution, teacher training, contracts for school rehabilitation, recruitment of teachers, school mapping) Include time for: Decision-making (cabinet, parliament, donors, other) Design and contracting investigation of policy options, consultation on policy, and implementation, for legislation Some results need a household survey or complex administration to measure: may only be specified when capacity will be available  Keep it simple!

10 Result Matrix - Sample

11 Key to Success Comprehensive and inclusive – i.e. service delivery, capacity building needs, implementation constraints Simple – focus on prioritization Link to national priorities Focus on indicators that are monitorable

12 Issues to Keep in Mind… Coverage of political and security issues are not necessarily explicitly linked to one or more clusters, but preconditions for moving the work forward Selectivity is vital – prioritizing means that by definition all priorities cannot be included Simplicity is vital, too – keep in mind the need for consultations, and plan for it as you develop the draft matrix  But, comprehensiveness key to success

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