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Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA John R. Fugazzie Founder and President.

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Presentation on theme: "Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA John R. Fugazzie Founder and President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA John R. Fugazzie Founder and President

2 Largest fastest growing job search group in America Founded Jan 2011 1 st location ( River Edge ) was only one for 6 months 401 success stories – for those following program its incredible success 51 of success stories were volunteer leaders of meetings 85% of weekly attendees landed jobs 1600 members – 1200 in NJ and growing nationally 3000 members in LinkedIn Group Web site voted top 100 career site by readers National media attention Asked for advice and participating in key policy meetings in DC, NJ CT Assisting with Ready To Work grant proposal in NJ All accomplished with full volunteerism and zero funding.

3 What We do Weekly meetings of small groups of 10-20 max for personal focus & attention, sharing environment, continuous motivation and intensity and maximum peer feedback and networking value. All volunteer and Peer led, peer feedback, motivation, and support Candidates Pay it Forward |Stay Positive | Own their search You are not alone It is not your fault Search is more difficult process than last time you looked. Networking education and help Accountability Leadership development, cross generational mentoring Pay it Forward culture Zero Funded

4 Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Success Stories VP, Editor at Citi Content manager and editor for Citi's web and mobile platform, Citi Velocity. # 2 Darlene Laid off from Dow Jones Dec 2010 after 20 years there. Took course at Bergen CC to improve Microsoft skills Landed Job after taking test that she had to prove MS skills as screening for offer “When I came to NhN, I was just laid off from a job I'd had for 20-years. It was quite a shock. Coming to NhN introduced me to other people that were in the same boat, most had lost long-term jobs. They were friendly and not intimidating. While I wasn't ready to get going on an elevator speech, they encouraged me and held me accountable each week. They also spoke of skill improvement, and I took advantage of various classes at community school as well as the library. I was able to land a job within three months of my unemployment.”

5 #200 Susan Laid off from top 3 media network in 2009 Consulted for 1 year then decided to enjoy being a full time mom. Re-enter fulltime workforce and discovered NhN in the local town paper Became facilitator leader for weekly meeting group. How was NhN helpful and inspiring? “ The people I met were inspiring for many reasons “, “ John himself who inspired me the most. His enthusiasm and passion for this drove me to want to pay it forward and help” “ Land a full-time job; one that I love and feel very lucky to have.” Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Success Stories

6 Continuously evolving and developing Expanding Nationally Creating more educational formats Smart Job Hunting America program Microsoft Stores - NJ - Boston - Virginia - California University Programs Rutgers – Monclair State Univ. in discussions with Monmouth Univ. and TCNJ Partnering with Ready To Work Alliance in NJ Partnering with other organizations and states who want to work with us. and Other “helping”, meeting models Business, Veterans, Boomers and Millennials Entrepreneurial – Evolving & Developing

7 Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA John R. Fugazzie Founder and President

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