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The Quilt’s Regional Optical Network Workshops Joint Techs Albuquerque, NM 6 February 2006.

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1 The Quilt’s Regional Optical Network Workshops Joint Techs Albuquerque, NM 6 February 2006

2 The Quilt’s Fiber Initiative In striving to serve The Quilt’s member and community needs, The Quilt has offered a series of optical workshops for members of the research and education community. –There have been four workshops to date along with a Technical Summit –The workshops have focused on issues associated with building and managing metro or regional optical networking infrastructure with case studies and lessons-learned based presentations from other members of the community. –The workshops provide a forum for community members to gather and share optical networking experiences and best practices. –These workshops have helped Quilt Participants, their members and other Research and Education Institutions lay forth issues, challenges, opportunities and to share experiences and models associated with deploying optical infrastructure.

3 Quilt Optical Workshops –1 st Optical Workshop – Summer 2004: “So You Want to Buy Some Fiber…” Focused on providing detailed information on building, managing and connecting to Metro or Regional Optical Networking infrastructure. The Workshop concentrated on three main areas: strategy and procurement, fiber acquisition; and technical implementation. –2 nd Optical Workshop – December 2004: “So You Got Some Fiber, Now What?” Focused on issues associated building and managing metro or regional optical networking infrastructure. A true example topology was used as a case study, including presentations by vendors on how their equipment would be deployed over this topology. Presentations covered fiber types, optical testing, optical network equipment and RON’s and Backbones –3 rd Optical Workshop – Summer 2005: “So You Have Lit Your Fiber, Now What?” Focused on the activities and issues associated optical network testing; test equipment and testing services, optical network management tools, current trends in metro and regional networks and connecting to other optical networks. –Technical Summit - Fall 2005: Established key technical and business issues for U.S. Inter-RON connections and other topics associated with connecting to other regional optical networks and international cross-border connectivity. –4 th Optical Workshop - January 2006: “So You and Your Neighbor Both Have Lit Fiber, Now What? Dedicated to discussing key issues and developing technical, operational and economic guidelines for Regional Optical Network inter-connects

4 Highlights of 1 st Fiber Workshop

5 The Inaugural Workshop June 2004 at Level 3’s Facility in Broomfield, CO Focus was on learning more about the issues surrounding the acquisition and operational concerns of an optical network. A “Who’s Who of RON Experts from the R&E Community” Not Bad for Beginners!

6 Inaugural Workshop Agenda Topics –Strategy and Procurement Finding the Fiber Components and Costs of Ownership Experience with Fiber Vendors (panel discussion) –Fiber Acquisition Elements of a good RFP Contractual Issues Operations and Maintenance Issues Lessons Learned (panel discussion) –Technical Implementation Technical design Lateral Builds - Getting to the Fiber Acceptance Testing Lighting Strategies Experience with Equipment Vendors (panel discussion)

7 Assertion –Setting the stage and delivering Regional Optical Networks Assertion that the development of the RON’s is the most critical and persistent activity in which the higher education advanced networking community is currently engaged –RON’s are an important condition for further progress in the advanced R&E network development –Carriers are not incented to innovate now Why? –Lack of availability of cost-effective optical capabilities outside Tier 1/2 cities –RONs as the bridge/tech transfer agent between national and campus capabilities –Regional scale is the right scale for innovation –Notably, a key NLR impetus is the motivation for RON buildout

8 Starting a RON … In Stages Convene enthusiastic/visionary regional partners Develop governance & capital approaches and preliminary business plan Study availability and procure dark fiber Select and procure optronics kit Refine business plan (i.e., λpricing/cost-recovery model) Focus on means to extend new capabilities to the researchers on campuses Learn how to operate and maintain the system Install and commission plant At last, provision λ’s and other services!

9 Business Plan Principles Key consideration: 5-year total cost of ownership –fiber, optronics, installation, operations –Mix of capital & recurring costs –Support model (use of carrier services) –Strategy for/costs of off-net access Service models –What are the services? λ’s, GigE channels, IP, dark fiber?, MPLS LSPs??, SONET??? –Challenge of providing incremental-cost, p2p services against the need for stimulating usage Depreciation strategy –Do you account/charge for this at all? NLR: ‘Sunk cost, five-year experiment’ Reserve for system rebuild –Time frame (5-10 years?) Failure is an option –Carrier competition Scenario of ‘success thru failure’? –Dissolution strategy (tied to governance) Disposition of fiber & optronics

10 Where’s the Fiber? Important Questions to Ask if Leasing or Purchasing: –What kind of fiber is it? –Where does it go? –Who owns it? –Do they have any extra? –Do they have the right to sell it; if so will they sell it? –Can you afford it, including the cost of the: IRU @ $500 to $2500/fiber/mile Collocation @ $500 to $1,200/rack/month + power O&M @ $100 to $300/route mile/year Optronics to light it Staff to operate and maintain it –Will the owner allow you reasonable access to it? –Do you really want him as a partner for 20 years?

11 Quilt 2 nd RON Workshop November/December in Raleigh, NC hosted by MCNC. Focus was on learning more about the equipment available to Light Up the network. New Approach -RFI served as a tool for discussion Selected Equipment Vendors Presented

12 2 nd Workshop Agenda Topics –Fiber Types Types of Fiber and What Bandwidths They Can Support Fiber Plant Management How to Plan for 40G and Beyond –Optical Testing Test Plans Test Equipment Quilt Services in Support of Optical Testing –Optical Networking Equipment Vendor Presentations User Panel RON’s and Backbone –RONs and Backbones NLR Update RON Responsibilities for Connecting to Backbones RONs and NOC services


14 Quilt 3rd RON Workshop May 31-June 3, 2005 in Newport, RI hosted by OSHEAN. Focus was on learning more about the implementation, operation, management and use of optical networking infrastructure Selected Equipment Vendors Presented

15 3rd Workshop Agenda Topics –Optical Network Testing –Transition from Layer 3 to Layer 1 –Optical Network Management Tools –Regional Network Progress

16 Training What to Train –Fiber handling –Laser safety –Operational training for equipment –Installation training Where to Train –Internal –Vendor –Third party Training Alternatives –Develop a relationship with the vendor or integrator that will allow you to be a partner, a primary on some or all of the installation –Get functional block diagrams (at least) for the equipment –Supplement with reading

17 What do we (RONs and near- RONs) need to do? Build common service definitions Identify interconnect points –Take control of this selection process Define compatible SLAs and demand compatible SLAs from suppliers

18 Quilt Technical Summit Philadelphia – I2 Fall Meeting September 18, 2006 in Philadelphia in conjunction with the fall Internet2 Member Meeting The Summit offered a forum for representatives of our community to consult on the possibilities, issues and challenges for national and international inter-RON connections. Participants actively contributed their ideas and experience as we explored business, operational and technical issues associated with inter-ron connections

19 Factors Influencing Inter-RON Connections Technical –Coordinate network planning –Establish common service definitions –Identify standards/conventions –Establish Model – O-E-O Economic –Define common “currency” to facilitate inter-connects –Cost Structure Cost recovery Cost of operations and maintenance –Demonstrate cost savings Operational –Design organizational structure –Set forth guiding principles for inter-connect agreements –Relationship with national backbone

20 Quilt 4th RON Workshop January 19-20, 2006 in Fort Lauderdale hosted by FLR Focus was on exploring business, operational and technical issues associated with inter-ron connections International RON representatives participated to share their experiences with inter-ron and cross-border connections

21 4th Workshop Agenda Topics –RON to Campus Connections Services Business Models On-Campus Issues –Optical Network Testbed Update –RON to RON Connections International Cross-Border experiences Technical Issues US Ron Experiences –Alien Waves

22 Alien Waves Quilt Optical Workshop Jerry Sobieski MAX

23 Future Workshops –The “Value Proposition” Useful? Future topics Continue? –Coordination Work with other technical groups International experiences/perspectives –Repeat Series? New RON build outs

24 Contacts Hud Croasdale Mark Johnson

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