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The Interval Constraint Solver For integer and real variables.

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Presentation on theme: "The Interval Constraint Solver For integer and real variables."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Interval Constraint Solver For integer and real variables

2 Outline  Introduction & general overview  Integer constraint solving  Global constraints  Reified constraints  Real interval arithmetic  Real constraint solving

3 Usage  Load the interval constraint library by using :- lib(ic). at the beginning of your code, or type lib(ic). at the top-level ECLiPSe prompt.

4 Functionality The IC library implements  variables with integer or real domains  basic equality, inequality and disequality constraints over linear and non-linear arithmetic expressions  some “global” constraints for integer variables  reified constraints  search and optimisation facilities

5 Interval variables  IC variables have a domain attached integer intervals : X{1..9} integer intervals with holes: Y{[2,5..7]} real intervals: Z{-0.5..3.5} infinite intervals: W{-0.5..1.0Inf} infinite integer intervals: V{-1.0Inf..3}

6 Interval variables Vars :: Domain e.g. X :: 1..9X #:: 1..9 Y :: [2,5..7]Y #:: [2,5..7] Z :: -0.5..3.5Z $:: -0.5..3.5 W :: -0.5..1.0InfW $:: -0.5..1.0Inf V :: -1.0Inf..3V #:: -1.0Inf..3  Attaches an initial domain to a variable or intersects its old domain with the new one.  Type of bounds gives type of variable for :: ( 1.0Inf is considered type-neutral)  #:: always imposes integrality  $:: never imposes integrality

7 The basic set of constraints  X #>= Y, Y #= = Y, Y $=< Z Non-strict inequalities.  X #> Y, Y # Y, Y $< Z Strict inequalities.  X #= Y, Y #\= Z, X $= Y, Y $\= Z Equality and disequality.  X,Y,Z can be expressions + - * / ^ abs sqr exp ln sin cos min max sum...  “ # ” constraints impose integrality, “ $ ” constraints do not

8 Propagation behaviour  Constraints are active: ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X #>= Y + 1. X = X{2.. 5}, Y = Y{1.. 4} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{2.. 5}) + Y{1.. 4} =< -1) Yes ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X #>= Y + 1, Y #>= 3. X = X{[4, 5]}, Y = Y{[3, 4]} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{[4, 5]}) + Y{[3, 4]} =< -1) Yes ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X #>= Y + 1, Y #>= 4. X = 5, Y = 4 Yes

9 Basic search support  indomain(?Var) Instantiates Var to a value from its domain. Tries values from smallest to largest on backtracking. If X :: 1..3 then indomain(X) is the same as X=1 ; X=2 ; X=3  labeling(+VarList) Invokes indomain/1 on each variable in the list.  More sophisticated search covered in a later session

10 Exploring the search space  Trying values from the domain ?- X :: 1..3. X = X{1.. 3} Yes ?- X :: 1..3, indomain(X). X = 1 More? (;) X = 2 More? (;) X = 3 Yes ?- X :: 1..2, Y :: 1..3, labeling([X,Y]). X = 1, Y = 1 More? (;) X = 1, Y = 2 More? (;) X = 1, Y = 3 More? (;) X = 2, Y = 1 More? (;) X = 2, Y = 2 More? (;) X = 2, Y = 3 Yes

11 Standard example sendmore(Digits) :- Digits = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y], Digits :: 0..9, alldifferent(Digits), S #\= 0, M #\= 0, 1000*S + 100*E + 10*N + D + 1000*M + 100*O + 10*R + E #= 10000*M + 1000*O + 100*N + 10*E + Y, labeling(Digits). SEND + MORE = MONEY

12 SEND + MORE = MONEY Standard example ?- sendmore(Digits). Digits = [9, 5, 6, 7, 1, 0, 8, 2] More? (;) No 9567 + 1085 = 10652

13 Other built-in constraints  alldifferent(+List) All elements of the list are constrained to be pairwise different.  integers(+List) All elements of the list are constrained to be integral.  reals(+List) All elements of the list are constrained to be real. (Note this doesn’t mean they can’t also be integral: this is equivalent to List :: -1.0Inf..1.0Inf.)

14 Modelling  Built-in constraints X #> Y  Abstraction before(task(Si,Di), task(Sj,Dj)) :- Si+Di #=< Sj.  Conjunction between(X,Y,Z) :- X #< Y, Y #< Z.  Disjunction (but see later...) neighbour(X,Y) :- ( X #= Y+1 ; Y #= X+1 ).  Iteration not_among(X, L) :- ( foreach(Y,L),param(X) do X #\= Y ).  Recursion not_among(X, []). not_among(X, [Y|Ys]) :- X #\= Y, not_among(X, Ys).

15 An arithmetic puzzle Is there a positive number which  when divided by 3 gives a remainder of 1;  when divided by 4 gives a remainder of 2;  when divided by 5 gives a remainder of 3; and  when divided by 6 gives a remainder of 4? (express the constraints with multiplications rather than divisions) model(X) :- X #> 0, X #= A*3 + 1, X #= B*4 + 2, X #= C*5 + 3, X #= D*6 + 4.

16 An arithmetic puzzle model(X) :- X #> 0, X #= A*3 + 1, X #= B*4 + 2, X #= C*5 + 3, X #= D*6 + 4. ?- model(X). X = X{58.. 1.0Inf} Delayed goals: ic:(-3*A{19..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 1) ic:(-4*B{14..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 2) ic:(-5*C{11..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 3) ic:(X{58..1.0Inf} - 6*D{9..1.0Inf} =:= 4) Yes

17 An arithmetic puzzle ?- model(X). X = X{58.. 1.0Inf} Delayed goals: ic:(-3*A{19..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 1) ic:(-4*B{14..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 2) ic:(-5*C{11..1.0Inf} + X{58..1.0Inf} =:= 3) ic:(X{58..1.0Inf} - 6*D{9..1.0Inf} =:= 4) Yes ?- model(X), labeling([X]). X = 58 More? (;) X = 118 More? (;) X = 178 More? (;)...

18 N-ary constraints in lib(ic)  S #= sum(List) Sum of N variables or sub-expressions.  X #= min(List) Smallest of N variables or sub-expressions.  X #= max(List) Largest of N variables or sub-expressions.  alldifferent(List) All elements of the list are pairwise different.

19 Change to list variable affects maximum: ?- X :: 2..5, Y :: 3..4, Z :: 1..7, M #= max([X, Y, Z]), Y#>3. X = X{[2..5]}, Y = 4, Z = Z{[1..7]}, M = M{[4..7]} There is 1 delayed goal. Behaviour example  Initial setup ?- X :: 2..5, Y :: 3..4, Z :: 1..7, M #= max([X, Y, Z]). X = X{[2..5]}, Y = Y{[3, 4]}, Z = Z{[1..7]}, M = M{[3..7]} There is 1 delayed goal.  Change to maximum affects list variables: ?- X :: 2..5, Y :: 3..4, Z :: 1..7, M #= max([X, Y, Z]), M#<5. X = X{[2..4]}, Y = Y{[3, 4]}, Z = Z{[1..4]}, M = M{[3, 4]} There is 1 delayed goal.

20 Global constraints  Constraints involving many variables  Do more “global” reasoning  Based on IC primitives :- lib(ic).  Available in the libraries :- lib(ic_global). :- lib(ic_cumulative). :- lib(ic_edge_finder). :- lib(ic_edge_finder3).

21 Different constraint behaviours lib(ic) implementation of alldifferent/1 ?- [A,B,C]::1..3, D::1..5, ic:alldifferent([A,B,C,D]). A = A{1.. 3} B = B{1.. 3} C = C{1.. 3} D = D{1.. 5} Delayed goals: outof(A{1.. 3}, [], [B{1.. 3}, C{1.. 3}, D{1.. 5}]) outof(B{1.. 3}, [A{1.. 3}], [C{1.. 3}, D{1.. 5}]) outof(C{1.. 3}, [B{1.. 3}, A{1.. 3}], [D{1.. 5}]) outof(D{1.. 5}, [C{1.. 3}, B{1.. 3}, A{1.. 3}], []) Yes

22 Different constraint behaviours  lib(ic_global) implementation ?- [A,B,C] :: 1..3, D::1..5, ic_global:alldifferent([A,B,C,D]). A = A{1.. 3} B = B{1.. 3} C = C{1.. 3} D = D{[4, 5]} Delayed goals: alldifferent([A{1.. 3}, B{1.. 3}, C{1.. 3}], 1) Yes

23 Why is it better?  Global view enables more reasoning: D C B A 54321 Primitive constraints see only e.g. 54321A 54321D #\= alldifferent

24 More constraints in lib(ic_global) ( I ) alldifferent(+List, ++Capacity) declarative: No value in List occurs more than Capacity times. behaviour: Changes in the list variables affect other list variables. element(?Index, ++List, ?Value) declarative: The Index 'th element of List is equal to Value. behaviour: Changes to either Index or Value may affect the other variable.

25 The element/3 constraint  Defines a mapping from one variable to another: ?- element(I, [1,3,6,3,2], V). I = I{1.. 5} V = V{[1.. 3, 6]} Delayed goals: element(I{1..5}, [1, 3, 6, 3, 2], V{[1..3, 6]}) Yes ?- element(I, [1,3,6,3,2], V), V #\= 3. I = I{[1, 3, 5]} V = V{[1, 2, 6]} Delayed goals: element(I{[1, 3, 5]}, [1, 3, 6, 3, 2], V{[1, 2, 6]}) Yes

26 More constraints in lib(ic_global) ( II ) ordered(++Rel, +List) declarative: List is an ordered list. behaviour: Changes in the list variables affect other list variables. ordered_sum(+List, ?Sum) declarative: List is an ordered list and the sum of its elements is Sum. behaviour: Changes in the list variables affect Sum and other list variables, and vice-versa. sorted(?List, ?SortedList) declarative: SortedList is a sorted permutation of List. behaviour: Change of bounds in one list may affect the other. sorted(?List, ?SortedList, ?Positions) declarative: SortedList is a sorted permutation of List, and Positions describes how the elements are permuted. behaviour: Change of bounds in any list may affect others.

27 Benefits of “global view” again  Separate constraints for order and sum: ?- length(L, 3), L :: 0..20, ordered(=<, L), sum(L)#=10. L = [_1709{[0..10]}, _1722{[0..10]}, _1735{[0..10]}]  Combined constraint: ?- length(L, 3), L :: 0..20, ordered_sum(L, 10). L = [_1694{[0..3]}, _1707{[0..5]}, _1720{[4..10]}]  More inferences are possible! Remember that constraints operate locally

28 More constraints in lib(ic_global) ( III ) atmost(++N, +List, ++Value) declarative: At most N elements of List have value Value. behaviour: Changes in the list variables affect other list variables. occurrences(++Value, +List, ?N) declarative: Value occurs N times in List. behaviour: Changes in the list variables affect N and vice versa. lexico_le(+List1, +List2) declarative: List1 is lexicographically less than or equal to List2. behaviour: Change of bounds in one list may affect the other.

29 Scheduling constraints cumulative(+Starts, +Durations, +ResourceUsages, ++ResourceLimit) 2 1 3 4 1 2 3 4 123456... disjunctive(+Starts, +Durations) Same as cumulative(Starts, Durations, [1,...,1], 1) cumulative([S1,S2,S3,S4], [1,4,2,2], [1,1,3,2], 4)

30 Scheduling constraints - implementations  The declarative constraints cumulative(+Starts, +Durations, +ResourceUsages, ++ResourceLimit) disjunctive(+Starts, +Durations)  Three implementation variants lib(ic_cumulative) - linear algorithm on each change lib(ic_edge_finder) - quadratic algorithm lib(ic_edge_finder3) - cubic algorithm  More work, more propagation Edge-finder detects failures earlier Edge-finder gives more bound propagation

31 Reified constraints

32 Basic IC constraints revisited  X #= Y  X #>= Y  X #< Y  X #\= Y  etc. #=(X, Y) #>=(X, Y) #<(X, Y) #\=(X, Y) etc. #=(X, Y, B) #>=(X, Y, B) #<(X, Y, B) #\=(X, Y, B) etc. Boolean variables B indicate truth of constraint

33 Reified constraints X #> Y#>(X, Y, B) X #= Y#=(X, Y, B)  B=1 if the constraint is satisfied (entailed)  B=0 if the constraint is false (disentailed)  B{0..1} while unknown B can be set to  1 to enforce the constraint  0 to enforce its negation

34 Disjunctive constraints via reified constraints no_overlap(S1, D1, S2, D2) :- #>=(S2, S1+D1, B), #<(S1, S2+D2, B). 1 1 2 2 B=1 B=0 2 Fail (B=0/\B=1) 1 1 2 B{0..1}

35 Constraint connectives  neg C Negation of constraint C  C1 and C2 C1 and C2  C1 or C2 C1 or C2  C1 => C2 C1 implies C2 E.g. X #= 0 => Y #> 0

36 Embedding reified constraints  Constraints can appear in other expressions Evaluate to their reified boolean Sometimes the easiest way to reify a constraint  B #= (X #>= Y + 2)  1 #= (X1 #< Y1 + (X2 #=< Y2))  This is how the constraint connectives ( and, or, etc.) are actually implemented

37 Disjunctive constraints via reified constraints ( II ) Note that the following are all equivalent:  #>=(S2, S1+D1, B), #<(S1, S2+D2, B)  (S2 #>= S1+D1) #= (S1 #< S2+D2)  S2 #>= S1+D1 or S1 #>= S2+D2

38 Interval Arithmetic and Constraints

39 Interval Arithmetic  Real values often can’t be represented exactly by floating point numbers  Calculations introduce rounding errors Problems:  Is the result really a solution?  Were solutions missed?

40 Interval Arithmetic Solution:  Represent each real value by a pair of floating point bounds  Arithmetic performed on intervals, with appropriate rounding  A ground interval expresses that the exact real value lies somewhere between its bounds

41 Two kinds of intervals:  “Ground” interval Approximates a single (ground) real value Bounds never change  “Variable” interval Approximates the domain of a real variable Bounds can be updated Interval Arithmetic

42 Problem:  Arithmetic comparison now only partial  E.g. is 0.12__0.16 = 0.13__0.15? > ? < ? Solution:  Leave incomparable comparisons as delayed goals  Presence of delayed goals indicates that the solution is a “candidate” only  User decides if delayed goals indicate a problem

43 The bounded real data type  Written lwb__upb, where lwb and upb are the lower and upper floating point bounds, respectively (e.g. 0.12__0.16)  Not usually entered directly: normally occur as result of computation  breal/1 tests whether a term is a bounded real  breal/2 converts other numeric types to bounded reals  breal_min/2, breal_max/2 and breal_bounds/3 can be used to obtain the floating point bounds of a bounded real

44 The bounded real data type ?- X is sqrt(breal(2)). X = 1.4142135623730949__1.4142135623730954 Yes ?- Y is float(1) / 10, X is Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y. X = 0.99999999999999989 Y = 0.1 Yes ?- Y is breal(1) / 10, X is Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y + Y. X = 0.99999999999999911__1.0000000000000009 Y = 0.099999999999999992__0.10000000000000002 Yes

45 Working with Bounded Reals  Take care with arithmetic comparisons if arguments might be bounded reals E.g. X > 0, X =:= 0, etc. will leave delayed goals behind if X spans 0  Decide what should happen and design tests appropriately E.g. X > 0, not X = 0 are equivalent for most numeric types, but do different things for bounded reals

46 IC for real variables  IC’s general constraints ( $=/2, $=</2, etc.) work for: real variables integer variables a mix of both  Propagation is performed using safe arithmetic  Integrality preserved where possible

47 Propagation behaviour ( I )  For integers, just like integer constraints: ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X $>= Y + 1. X = X{2.. 5}, Y = Y{1.. 4} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{2.. 5}) + Y{1.. 4} =< -1) Yes ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X $>= Y + 1, Y $>= 3. X = X{[4, 5]}, Y = Y{[3, 4]} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{[4, 5]}) + Y{[3, 4]} =< -1) Yes ?- [X, Y] :: 1..5, X $>= Y + 1, Y $>= 4. X = 5, Y = 4 Yes

48 Propagation behaviour ( II )  For reals, uses safe arithmetic: ?- [X, Y] :: 1.0..5.0, X $>= Y + 1. X = X{1.9999999999999998.. 5.0} Y = Y{1.0.. 4.0000000000000009} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{1.9999999999999998.. 5.0}) + Y{1.0.. 4.0000000000000009} =< -1) Yes ?- [X, Y] :: 1.0..5.0, X $>= Y + 1, Y $>= 3. X = X{3.9999999999999996.. 5.0} Y = Y{3.0.. 4.0000000000000009} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{3.9999999999999996.. 5.0}) + Y{3.0.. 4.0000000000000009} =< -1) Yes

49 Propagation behaviour ( III )  Variables don’t usually end up ground: ?- [X, Y] :: 1.0..5.0, X $>= Y + 1, Y $>= 4. X = X{4.9999999999999991.. 5.0} Y = Y{4.0.. 4.0000000000000009} Delayed goals: ic : (-(X{4.9999999999999991.. 5.0}) + Y{4.0.. 4.0000000000000009} =< -1 Yes

50 Solving real constraints  IC provides two methods for solving real constraints  locate/2,3 good when there are a finite number of discrete solutions Works by splitting domains  squash/3 good for refining bounds on a continuous feasible region Works by trying to prove parts of domains infeasible

51 Using locate  Find the intersection of two circles ?- 4 $= X^2 + Y^2, 4 $= (X - 1)^2 + (Y - 1)^2). X = X{-1.000000000000002.. 2.0000000000000013} Y = Y{-1.000000000000002.. 2.0000000000000013} There are 12 delayed goals. Yes

52 Using locate ?- 4 $= X^2 + Y^2, 4 $= (X - 1)^2 + (Y – 1)^2, locate([X, Y], 1e-5). X = X{-0.82287566035527082.. -0.822875644848199} Y = Y{1.8228756448481993.. 1.8228756603552705} There are 12 delayed goals. More ? ; X = X{1.8228756448481993.. 1.8228756603552705} Y = Y{-0.82287566035527082.. -0.822875644848199} There are 12 delayed goals. Yes

53 Using squash  Find the intersection of two discs and a half-plane ?- 4 $>= X^2 + Y^2, 4 $>= (X - 1)^2 + (Y – 1)^2, Y $>= X. Y = Y{-1.000000000000002.. 2.0000000000000013} X = X{-1.000000000000002.. 2.0000000000000013} There are 13 delayed goals. Yes

54 Using squash ?- 4 $>= X^2 + Y^2, 4 $>= (X - 1)^2 + (Y – 1)^2, Y $>= X, squash([X, Y], 1e-5, lin). X = X{-1.000000000000002.. 1.4142135999632603} Y = Y{-0.41421359996326107.. 2.0000000000000013} There are 13 delayed goals. Yes

55 IC Example (modelling, abstraction) A C B 7 George is contemplating buying a farm which is a very strange shape, comprising a large triangular lake with a square field on each side.  The area of the lake is exactly seven acres.  The area of each field is an exact whole number of acres. What is the smallest possible total area of the three fields?

56 IC Example - Model farm(F, A, B, C) :- [A, B, C] :: 0.0..1.0Inf, % The 3 sides of the lake triangle_area(A, B, C, 7), % The lake area is 7 [F, FA, FB, FC] :: 1..1.0Inf, % The square areas are integral square_area(A, FA), square_area(B, FB), square_area(C, FC), F #= FA+FB+FC, % Avoid symmetric solutions FA $>= FB, FB $>= FC. A C B 7

57 IC Example - Abstraction triangle_area(A, B, C, Area) :- S $>= 0, S $= (A+B+C)/2, Area $= sqrt(S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C)). square_area(A, Area) :- Area $= sqr(A). A C B 7

58 IC Example - Search solve(F, A, B, C) :- farm(F, A, B, C), % the model indomain(F), % ensure that solution is minimal locate([A, B, C], 0.01). ?- solve(F, A, B, C). F = 50 A = A{4.4721359549995787.. 4.4721359549995805} B = B{4.12310562561766.. 4.1231056256176615} C = C{3.6055512754639887.. 3.6055512754639896} There are 23 delayed goals. More? A C B 7

59 A PERT problem (1)  Schedule a project in minimal time respect precedence constraints (some jobs can only start after certain others are finished)  Data NameDurAfter Amasonry7- Bcarpentry3A Croof1B Dinstallations8A E front2D,C Fwindows1D,C Ggarden1D,C Hceiling2F Jpainting1H Kmoving in1E,G,J

60 A PERT problem (2) Get the file Tutorial/Exercises/  understand the data structure given  write the model / constraint setup code  run the setup code and observe propagation  add code to make a simple list of start times  add code to label the start times  use min_max/2 to prove optimality  print a table of task names and start times

61 More search support  Refer to later session  deleteff(-Var, +List, -RestList) pick element with smallest domain from List.  deleteffc(-Var, +List, -RestList) pick element with smallest domain which is involved in the largest number of constraints.  deletemin(-Var, +List, -RestList) pick element with lowest value in its domain.

62 Exercises  Try the SEND+MORE=MONEY problem for yourself  Try the exercises from “Getting Started with Interval Constraints” in the tutorial manual (section 8.9 in my copy, on page 84 (+10))  Try the first search exercise  Look at “Working with Real Numbers and Variables” (chapter 9) in the tutorial manual

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