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DMAP: A Scalable and Efficient Integrated Mobility and Service Management Scheme for Mobile IPv6 Systems Ing-Ray Chen, Weiping He, and Baoshan Gu Paper.

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Presentation on theme: "DMAP: A Scalable and Efficient Integrated Mobility and Service Management Scheme for Mobile IPv6 Systems Ing-Ray Chen, Weiping He, and Baoshan Gu Paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 DMAP: A Scalable and Efficient Integrated Mobility and Service Management Scheme for Mobile IPv6 Systems Ing-Ray Chen, Weiping He, and Baoshan Gu Paper Presented by: Vidhya Dass CS 6204 Paper Presentation 10/10/2006

2 Agenda zIntroduction zContribution of the paper zDMAP model zAnalytical Model zNumerical & Graphical Results zApplicability and conclusion

3 Introduction zMIPv6 : Network level protocol which is extension of Mobile IP designed to authenticate MN using IPv6 addresses zMN have permanent IP address on home network zMN roams into subnet acquire CoA (DHCP) from that subnet zBinding update(address mapping CoA with MN’s permanent IP) sent to HA(Special router on home network) zCN -> HA(intercepted and tunneled) -> MN zTriangular routing avoided by MN sending binding update to CN(address obtained from source header)


5 zMN’s discovery of new subnet : Router supporting neighbor discovery operational on each subnet. Send router discovery message periodically. zMIPv6 Goal : yEnable mobility in IPv6 yMaintain roaming connections in IP based networks yReduce overall network signaling cost zApproaches to reduce network signaling cost yMIP-Regional Registration (MIP-RR) yHierarchical MIPv6 (HMIPv6) yIntra - Domain mobility management protocol (IDMP)

6 MIP - RR zHA knows MN by Regional care of address (RCoA) ie. GFA’s routable address zLocal movement: MN’s CoA(Foreign agent address) updated in Gateway Foreign Agent (GFA), RCoA is same zRegional movement : MN’s RCoA (new GFA IP address) change informed to HA and CoA updated in GFA zDrawbacks- Not consider service management induced network cost

7 FA GFA Visited Domain MN Home Network HA IP Network FA

8 HMIPv6 zAR announce MAP(hierarchy of routers) identity by means of router advertisement packets zIntra-regional Movement : CoA change propagated to MAP, RCoA is same zMAP Domain boundary movement : RCoA change propagated to HA and CN, CoA recorded in new MAP zDrawbacks-MAP statically configured and shared by all MN


10 IDMP zDomain Region(HMIPv6,MIP-RR) zMobility agent MAP zFast Handoff - MA multicasts packets to neighboring agents during Handoff transient yPackets buffered at each SA(subnet agent) until MN registers zpaging support yMA initiates paging by multicasting solicitation within the current paging area ypackets buffered at MA until MN updates exact location

11 Drawbacks zNo mechanism to determine MAP domain size per MN to reduce network signaling cost Contribution of the Paper Determine best DMAP domain size per MN dynamically according to its mobility and service characteristics to reduce network and signaling cost

12 DMAP zExtends HMIPv6 zDynamic Mobility Anchor Points(Access routers chosen) for each MN zMN determines dynamically when and where to launch DMAP for minimizing network cost zDMAP domain size depends on MN’s mobility and service characteristics zHA and CN know MN by RCoA zLocation Handoff : MN moves across subnet boundary within DMAP region

13 zLocation + Service Handoff : MN moves across DMAP boundary zImplement DMAP by DMAP table lookup design using binding request messages defined in MIPv6 and HMIPv6 yRCoA - CoA routing function performed by DMAP through simple table lookup zScaleable - All AR’s DMAP enabled zAssumption : yThe AR of the first subnet that MN moves into after DMAP domain change is chosen DMAP

14 zAfter service area is crossed, if MN selects AR of subnet just crossed as DMAP: yMN determines size of new service area yObtains RCoA & CoA from current subnet registers (RCoA,CoA) to current DMAP by binding request message y Inform HA and CN of new RCoA using standard Mipv6 zPacket delivery route: CN->DMAP->MN (tunneling or direct)

15 zMN’s service area - K, IP subnets zGoal : Dynamically determine optimal service area (K) per MN zSpecial case : K is constant for all MN’s ??? z : K is 1 ??? - Degenerates to HMIPv6 - Degenerates to MIPv6

16 DMAP : Integrated Mobility and Service Management in MIPv6

17 zInter-Regional move(1 to 2):(Service+Location Handoff) yAR of subnet B is new DMAP yMN’s service area - K subnets calculated yMN obtains RCoA and CoA from subnet B yEntry (RCoA, CoA) recorded in routing table of AR of subnet B yHA and CN informed of RCoA address change zIntra-regional move(within 2) : (Location Handoff) yMN acquires CoA from subnet yDMAP still in subnet B yDMAP informed of CoA address change

18 zLarge Service area : DMAP not change often yCommunication cost for service data delivery high : CN->DMAP->MN yLocation update cost is low zSmall Service area : DMAP changed often yCommunication cost for service data delivery low yCost of informing HA and CN of DMAP change is high Tradeoff


20 MN lookup in built table : and  as a function of its location, time of the day and day of the week. zF(K) - Number of hops as a function of K(number of subnets) : Determined dynamically by MN zAssumption : zFluid flow model : yAverage number of hops between 2 communicating models separated by K subnets is

21 Analytical Model zFind : Optimal service area using SPN zWhy SPN yDeal with general time distribution of events yDeal with large number of states yExpressiveness to reason about MN’s behavior

22 Stochastic Petri Net Model Intra-regional move MN obtains CoA Register new CoA with DMAP Move makes MN cross service area


24 zToken in the place “moves” in SPN : Subnet crossing event by MN zMark(P) : Number of tokens in Place P zMark(Xs) : Number of subnets crossed by MN since it enters a new service area z  : One hop communication delay per packet in the wired network z  : Ratio of communication delay in wireless to wired network zF(Mark(Xs)+1) :Number of hops between current subnet and DMAP( +1 for initial condition that Mark(Xs)=0)

25 zTransition rate of MN2DMAP y1/Communication time of MN informing DMAP of new CoA Communication delay per packet in the wireless network CoA address change propagated to DMAP in the wired network

26 zTransition rate of NewDMAP y  : Average hop distance between MN and HA y  : Average hop distance between MN and CN yN : Number of CNs, MN concurrently engages yCommunication time for MN to inform N CN’s and HA in the wired network

27 zSemi-Markov state representation( a, b ) ya : Mark(Moves) yb : Mark(Xs) yPi : Steady state probability that Mark(Xs) = i ywhere 1  i  K

28 zC i,service : Network communication overhead to service a data packet when MN in i th subnet in service area Communication delay in the wireless link from the AR to the MN Delay between the DMAP and a CN in the fixed network Delay from DMAP to the AR of the MN’s current subnet in the fixed network

29 zC i,location : Network signaling overhead to service a location handoff when MN in i th subnet in service area zC location : Average communication cost to service a move operation by MN weighted by respective Pi probabilities i < K : MN inform DMAP of CoA change i = K : Location + Service to inform HA and N CNs of RCoA change

30 zTotal communication cost per time unit y : Data packet rate between MN and CNs y  : MN’s mobility rate

31 Numerical Results zBasic MIPv6 - No DMAP Communication delay in wireless link from AR to MN Communication delay from CN to AR in wired network Communication cost for servicing a packet delivery Communication cost for servicing a location handoff Delay in the wireless link from the MN to the AR of the subnet that it just enters into Delay from AR of the subnet MN enters into, to the CNs Delay from that AR to the HA

32 zTotal cost per time unit for servicing data delivery and mobility management operations

33 F(K) =,  =  = 30,  = 10 and normalized with  =1 DMAP stays close to MN to avoid CN- DMAP-MN(service cost reduction) DMAP area large (mobility cost reduction) Degenerates to Basic MIPv6 DMAP degenerates to HMIPv6

34 DMAP degenerates to basic MIPv6 K opt = K h

35 * , ,C HMIPv6 - C DMAP  for low SMR (mobility management cost dominates data delivery cost) * Threshold at which DMAP degenerates to HMIPv6 Conclusion: DMAP incurs less network overhead than HMIPv6

36 Test Assumption zAverage number of hops between DMAP and MN separated by k subnets is F(k) =

37 Cost difference curves are not sensitive to form of F(k) Assumption of F(k) = justified

38 Applicability and conclusion zNovel DMAP for integrated mobility and service management per MN zProcedure to find K opt that minimizes overall communication cost zMN dynamically looks up K opt zDMAP outperforms basic MIPv6 at low SMR & HMIPv6 at low and high SMR zFuture : Test for sensitivity to other time distributions

39 Thank you

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