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Professional Learning Communities Focus on Learning Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Learning Communities Focus on Learning Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Learning Communities Focus on Learning Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

2 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain Standards provide the focus. Assessment provides the evidence. Curriculum and Instruction provide the actions taken that impact (positively or negatively) student learning. Curriculum Resources Instruction Effective Instructional Strategies Assessment Standards

3 Instructional Effectiveness Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

4 “ Next Generation Learner ” Topic: LiteracyData Domain

5 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

6 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

7 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

8 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

9 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

10 Instructional Effectiveness Defined The effective integration of literacy and learning strategies. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

11 Instructional Effectiveness The effective integration of literacy and learning strategies. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

12 Elbow Partner Activity What is Literacy? Use any resource available to develop your teams understanding of literacy. Explore the question, “ What is literacy? ” Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

13 Literacy Defined Literacy has always been a collection of communication practices. As society and technology change, so does literacy. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

14 Twenty-first century readers and writers need to: Develop proficiency with the tools of technology Build relationships with others to pose and solve problems Design and share information Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

15 Twenty-first century readers and writers need to: Manage, analyze and synthesize multiple streams of information Create, critique, analyze, and evaluate multi-media texts Attend to the ethical responsibilities required in these complex environments Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain Adopted by the NCTE Executive Committee, February 15, 2009

16 "The illiterate of the future are not those that cannot read or write. They are those that can not learn, unlearn, relearn." Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain -Alvin Toffler (Futurist/Author)

17 Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

18 Effective Literacy, the practice of reading, writing, spelling, listening and speaking, is embedded in ALL content areas as an explicit learning objective. Displays basic recognition of the importance of literacy as the “ bonding agent ” for literacy. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

19 Highly Effective …and its definition is expanded to include visual representations, expressions of ideas, making decisions, and solving problems. Leverages as the “ bonding agent ” for all learning. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

20 What is Learning Strategies Instruction? Strategy instruction is a powerful student-centered approach to teaching that is backed by years of quality research. In fact, strategic approaches to learning new concepts and skills are often what separate good learners from poor ones. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

21 Literacy Strategies for Every Content Area Building Academic Vocabulary Before-During-After Reading Guides Graphic Organizers Note-taking Formal and Informal Writing Assignments Cooperative Learning Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

22 Elbow Partner Activity Explore the Instructional Effectiveness - Literacy and Learning Strategies Which strategies are you comfortable using in your classroom? Which strategies are you not comfortable using in your classroom? Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain Handout —

23 Effective Instructional Strategies Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain Brainstorm Cooperative Learning Demonstration Discourse Guided Practice Inquiry Instructional Technology Lecture Memorization Note-taking / Graphic Organizers Presentations / Exhibition Problem-based Learning Project Design Research Simulation / Role-playing Socratic Seminar Teacher Questioning Work-based Learning

24 Effective Instructional Strategies Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain Building Academic Vocabulary Before-During-After Reading Guides Brainstorm Cooperative Learning Demonstration Discourse Guided Practice Inquiry Instructional Technology Lecture Memorization Note-taking / Graphic Organizers Formal and Informal Writing Presentations / Exhibition Problem-based Learning Project Design Research Simulation / Role-playing Socratic Seminar Teacher Questioning Work-based Learning

25 Socratic Seminars The Socratic seminar is a formal discussion, based on a text, in which the leader asks open-ended questions. Within the context of the discussion, students listen closely to the comments of others, thinking critically for themselves, and articulate their own thoughts and their responses to the thoughts of others. They learn to work cooperatively and to question intelligently and civilly. Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain - Israel, Elfie. (2002)

26 Learner Responsibility Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

27 Fidelity of Implementation Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

28 Elbow Partner Activity Why did you decide to be a teacher? What did you want to see as a result of your teaching? Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

29 It has become increasingly difficult to make a difference on your own. However, working together we can make a difference. One step at a time…we can make a difference! Topic: LiteracyStrategies Domain

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